

We are starting a series of articles about viruses that infect our minds, blocking the ability to hear our heart. It leads to a closure of the heart’s ‘gates’, and, consequently, to the loss of meaning of life. We will try to explain to our readers how it all starts, progresses and leads a person to a dead end in life.

A loss of the sense of life – is the loss of a personal program, according to which we are coming to our planet Earth. It happens when a person gets bored and tired of all and has lost interest in anything in life, even in entertainments. That is when a human begins gradually and imperceptibly for him/herself slip into a state of a semi-animal existence, which includes only - household, food and reproduction. It indicates a deep process of destruction of a human consciousness.

How it all begins?

It begins quietly for our consciousness, or rather, completely unnoticed, so a person does not monitor this process. Not many sources are available for people to deliver information on the impact, which a special form of life – virus of a consciousness, has on a human mind. This concept implies the following: psychical, mental and informational viruses, memory viruses, viruses affecting collective consciousness (they are also called Egregors). In our school, these viruses have the name – the negative energy matrix. They are present in the field of each person and parasitize at different levels of the field structure of a person. The similarity of viruses of consciousness with biological viruses is almost identical, but the impact on the human is very different here in terms of its quality. All viruses of consciousness have the purpose – changing people's behavior.

Detailed analysis and comparison of the activity of biological viruses and informational viruses and their impact on the human consciousness will be given at the seminar on February 9th 2014. (Sunday). Now, in this article, we will examine some aspects of exposure and programming of the human mind by viruses of consciousness.

Our readers must realize that infected by a virus consciousness changes the program of a human behavior, perception, as well as changes the mindset of a person and deprives of harmony, joy and conscious existence. Penetrating into a person, these viruses can change the behavior of a person without his/her knowledge, and the impact of psychological virus goes to the depths of the unconscious. Viruses of consciousness, as well as biological viruses can copy themselves, creating a kind of software of their ability to live. Then they begin to distort almost all bio-programs recorded at the level of our sub-consciousness, with which a person comes to Earth. This applies to the program of a human evolution. Getting into the human genome, they distort the genetic code, appearing on the ancestral line. Seers of the old times called this – the family curse. Today it is called - the karmic program.

 Let’s consider what is a virus. This is a form of life that parasitizes on other forms of life, and the consciousness viruses are the most dangerous of their species. The virus of a consciousness is an informational program, which restructures the human brain. It has ability to self-replicate while penetrating deeper into the consciousness. When this happens, the person has the impression of narrowing consciousness. The process of increasing the number of virus matrixes (multiplication) is identical to the biological virus. Viruses of consciousness are internal parasites of the field, which during their introduction into the consciousness of a human, bring a great amount of new destructive information. In a form of negative pulses records, this information has been constantly recorded in the DNA cells. This process changes not only the cell structure, but also, redirects the life program of a person to a different route. All of this gradually plunges a consciousness of a person into the chaos of thoughts, feelings, and further, on a social and physical plane, leads to destruction.

Today, it has become a part of our lives – a new science – MEMETICS, which explores the impact of various informational viruses on our society. Unfortunately, this science and its technology are used not for the benefit of society, but for the targeted manipulation of the mass consciousness. Our School brings this information to the wide range of readers (and students) for the following purpose: to teach you how to resist these viruses, practically rather than theoretically, and to give you the mechanisms of protection. We can not only diagnose such viruses, but also, can give you specific techniques of dealing with viruses that have being introduced in the human brain, and that interfere with its normal activity.

How these viruses appear and operate in the human consciousness?

Our clients often ask the same question, ‘Who did this to me?’ or ‘Why I have a dead end, or continuous failure in life?’. It turns out that it is not necessary that someone is doing something negative towards you. It is enough to be ‘infected’ by a virus of consciousness, and you begin to, slowly and surely, go away from the main path of your program of life, gradually worsening your financial, social or marital status.

Few people know that viruses, which possess the minds of people, spread not only through negative media programs or the Internet, but also, through ordinary people. People are constantly ‘infecting’ each other via vocabulary, songs and manners of behavior. Moreover, ‘infection’ occurs through negative energies of people, when there is irritation from contact with some person. If during the communication between you and another person appear irritation, anger, guilt or aggression, then it means that you are dealing with an infected consciousness. It is also contagious (energetically) as a biological virus. With such contact, viruses make person to act inappropriately, sometimes to his/her own surprise. Moreover, if the formation of an attunement wave takes place, then there is a channel is formed, through which the transfer of the negative energy virus carries out.

As we have mention earlier, a human consciousness can be negatively affected not only through an emotional attunement, but also, when entering into contact with the media sphere. Whenever the mind of man in contact with the modern systems of communication (television, Internet, magazines, video games, recording CDs, radio advertising, etc.,) a certain unit of the negative energo-information has being transferred into a person’s consciousness. Thus, many people today refuse to watch TV, but they cannot escape from the infection, because one way or another contact is inevitable in today's world, and it goes through other channels.

The spread of viruses of consciousness is similar to the spread of usual viruses in the crowd. Only instead of travelling through cells of the body, it travels through the channels of the brain. Once in the brain, they produce the encoding of memory and distort perception of reality. An example of this affected consciousness can be people who do not understand you, distorting the meaning of your information on their own way. In our school we do diagnose consciousness for viruses at different levels of consciousness, and then we carry out cleansing/treatment of any kind of energy lesions and blockings.

Unlike biological virus that devours the cellular structure, the virus of the mental plane devours the human consciousness, blocking its development. In parallel, goes the process of weakening of the mind and will power. For ordinary people it will be enough to understand that there are viruses infecting even conscience.

Mental infection, which embedded in the information in the form of obscene jokes, rumors and gossip, gradually affects not only the morality of the person, but also, human physiological processes. Who and where are talking about it? Once penetrated into you, negative (-) energo-informational matrixes cause a malfunction of the body, redirecting and ‘spraying out’ energy flows. Where your thoughts are going, energy follows, because the human brain – is a very powerful regulator/controller of the energy flows in the body. The scientists have observed that the emotions are accompanied by the closure of certain brain nerve fibers (med. terminology – neurotransmitters). Basically it says that any strong emotional shock – is an evidence of infection of a consciousness by dangerous viral matrix. Many visionaries have repeatedly noted in their spiritual writings and urged to cultivate emotional insensitivity, and for their disciples they recommended to stay calm and imperturbable in all situations. Thus, there is a blockage of energy channel of distribution and transmission of viruses.

Viruses of consciousness infect people and set up destructive program of life for them. However, people who do not understand these processes and contribute to the spread of these viruses, expanding the scope of their habitat.

Fortunately, there are means of detecting and controling such viruses. This work can be successfully carried out with the help of the Frequencies, which we employ in our School of Cosmo Knowledge. These frequencies are able to simultaneously purify all plans of the human consciousness and the human energy system as a whole. In our next article we will explain how this can be done.

We conduct consultations, energy diagnostics, therapy sessions and training courses. We also work on-line, so we are able to connect with people worldwide. In order to make an appointment, please call us by

Tel.: 07706970347, office: 02083641419 (9.00 am -19.00 pm) or visit our website: www.cosmotherapy.org

The author of the article: M.Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmo Knowledge, Psychologist, Member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League, Progressor of Cosmoenergy.

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