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Question from the Internet

Valentina P.
Margaret, hello! I'm from Russia and I was diagnosed with Chorea but no one treats Chorea, what do I do?
The School of Cosmic Knowledge
Chorea is usually a hereditary disease transmitted via the genomic code of DNA. It cannot be treated by anyone because of the impossibility of changing the genocode of a single person. For you the main deterrence of progression is to some extent possible with our methods, but the main task in solving this problem lies in changing the automatic commands in the functions of the brain. These commands are given by the human subconscious.
This is a very difficult task for any specialist. Including for us. You can try and always should, but you should note that this is not a medical procedure as described by doctors. We need to incorporate completely different approaches here, and this is achieved via something called ‘field mirrors’. It is unlikely that someone will really take this task up, because the access to it is prohibited by our consciousness. Theoretically, I understand, you can practically ask through our channels, but nobody will know what will happen exactly. The reason why is described above.
The access to the subconscious for genocode programs at the present stage of our knowledge is impossible. You can ask to understand the problem better during energetic therapy, but no one, absolutely none that enters the work associated with field mirrors can truly describe it to somebody that may be lacking in knowledge.
You can always try and even need to try and understand as this is only one of the stages of work you must undertake. You need to also urgently progress through your development, change your diet, and clean your lymph system. All the issues can be considered only after an initial diagnosis to later proceed in deterring and solving your problem further.
General information from sources on the topic of the disease:
Official medicine claims that preventive measures do not exist, as this is a genetic disease. Prevention of this disease today, alas, is impossible.
We do however say that it is always possible and even necessary to try and find ways or solutions to problems.
Contact for questions through our Email:
Head of the School of Cosmic Knowledge – M. Bezan

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