Human lifestyle iconic system.

Human lifestyle iconic system.


            Why people can’t see their problems in advance? Why do they come to us when there is already a clear breakdown in relations, with health, in the social and material state of things?

            The answer is quite banal - Because they don’t understand the sign system of their subconscious, which throughout a person's life gives him clues in various forms of manifestation both external and internal. Bad mood is an unresolved problem unwillingness and inability to overcome stress.

            So how can a person understand these issues?

            Conscious development of sensibility and sensitivity (or intuition) is the main task to get the ability to read signs both from your body and from the surrounding space.

            The modern way of life not only dulls this feeling of inner inspiration, but sometimes completely destroys this ability. Over the years a person, as a rule, loses the ability of intuitive perception, with following observation and reflection on the signal given to him. For people seeking to understand "why?" the answer is already, perhaps, clear. The life drags into its own survival funnel or the global development of mankind in the direction of consumer desires. However, everything is rather deeper and more serious. A person in the modern world is weaned from thinking independently and generally thinking about complex things. How this happens we explain in our hours-long seminars and the essence lies in planting in the human brain the inability and unwillingness to think and comprehend anything. This is a subtle psycho-energetic game of certain structures for the degradation of the human brain for the subsequent management of such a society of unreasonable people.

            But who is talking about this loudly? Where are these topics pondered or discussed? Perhaps only in narrow circles of specialists on these issues. And society for the most part does not understand at all how it functions from day to day and rolls along the inclined line of the involutionary process. Unwillingness to think, and then laziness to think, are the first signs of degradation of the human brain and it begins already in childhood.

            Everything always begins with the education of a person, with the transfer of incorrect knowledge about life, the planet, relationships in society and among themselves. This knowledge should be in tune and not in opposition to your inner voice coming from within each person. This inner voice can speak in different ways and with each person through one communication channel that he understands. If a person does not know how it works if he does not know how to listen to the voice of intuition and prompts that are present in his life until the end of his life program then he certainly makes mistakes. He becomes further and further from the normal psychological, physiological norm, from the harmony of family relationships. Further, social life collapses. A person due to lack of understanding does not have time to notice how this is happening. He was not taught to read any symbolic messages from his leading life programs.

            “So what to do? Everyone lives this way and what can we do ... ”. I often hear this in my online conversations and consultations at energy diagnostics or during seminars. But this process of understanding one's gradually fading intuition or clues from the subconscious can not only be restored, but also developed. Yes, you can restore the lost ability to understand intuition, understand the signaling system not only of your body when something starts to get sick, but also significantly expand your capabilities. This concerns, first of all, the ability to read sign information from the space around you, from social interactions, and also in the circle of family relationships. We not only teach this, we also transfer technologies to correct various areas of life. But this is possible only through teaching this process, which explains many of the subtleties of working out existing blocks and programs on the energy system.

            And what to do for a person who is not ready to training? Most people through searches on the Internet want to read something then use the information obtained on their own without much analysis. And what did he read there? Does he have a systematic analysis of what he has read? This is where the trap lies for any seeker. In the Internet you will find not only crumbs of true information which, unfortunately, you cannot systematize yourself but also viruses of consciousness from which it is then rather difficult to clear the human brain.

            The desire to see individual parts compare their significance and connect them into a whole develops a systematic thinking, improves the quality of life and begins to slowly bring the brain to a different level of functioning. It is hard work and is available to very few people today. And again the concept of why this is so lies in the system of education of human consciousness. It all starts from childhood we remind you once again. Today system knowledge is not taught anywhere but on the contrary a person is invited to study a highly specialized aspect of some knowledge. Already from this is the inability of the mind to combine and isolate a single semantic meaning in a large amount of received information. And this should be learned just in childhood. But parents not understanding this issue are trying to occupy their child with participation in various circles and classes, not understanding how to add up the rationality of their child, how not to overload his psyche with unnecessary loads, which just do not develop but block the very opportunities about which we said above. In this short article this topic cannot be sanctified since these are the topics of separate seminars for parents who want to understand how to raise a normal child, psychologically, physically and energetically healthy.

            You need to learn, and then teach your children, to ask yourself the question "Why?" more often. The secret is that the subconscious gives us an answer instantly, it answers us almost without delay. If a person does not immediately understand, then the answer comes in the form of signs from your environment, and many situations. But we do not always know this mechanism of prompts that our subconscious mind gives us. When an intuitive signal immediately comes out to the surface of the brain analyzer, a person, as a rule, turns on his mind. And when the mind turns on, this hint fades into the background, and then disappears into the wilds of our doubts and internal mental rushes. The ability to master intuitive prompts is a kind of science, knowledge that also needs to be learned. But, probably, not through an Internet resource, that's for sure.

            A person who owns a system of knowledge, which has become the way of his existence, his life principle and law, can see the signs and realize the reasons for their appearance. If he understands them, he will outline ways to change the current process (illness, troubles, family troubles) and begin to act, thereby confirming his rationality in solving any issue. This process cannot be instantaneous, but requires from a person conscious and constant regular actions associated with discipline and will.

            This applies to absolutely all areas of your life. Therefore, learning to see the sign system is the main task for every person, so that his life becomes more successful and filled with new meaning. Only when there is an interest in something new, the brain and soul come out of the created impasse in life. At the same time it is necessary to understand where to move, and for this you need to first know what was the sign how this sign worked in your life and what it wanted to tell you.

            The opportunity to understand what to do next, how to act, what next task to solve, we can explain to you on our energy diagnostics.

            Any efforts of a person aimed at comprehending new knowledge do not remain unpaid by your leaders on the subtle planes. Your programs begin to work differently, providing you with additional opportunities to exit not only from situations and problems but also bring you to new higher frontiers of your destiny.

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