Distance learning

We at the School developed remote learning option, which allows anyone to energy-knowledge, or extend existing knowledge.

On-Line Training (on-line courses) - a convenient way of learning

On the first level of training come people who want to get an initial, basic energy-education. What is included in this education?

It is above all the concept of our energy system, our subtle bodies the way they are designed, is responsible for what each of the energy bodies, how it works and carries through the chakra system with the physical body. Basic training course introduces the functional activity of the energy centers of the human relationship with the levels of consciousness of the planetary complex. Education gives an idea of the cosmic laws of the Universe, which operates the human body, the earth and all the universe.

At a basic training course a person begins to get acquainted with the hierarchical system of the universe, which is operated and managed according to certain laws. When this knowledge comes from student understanding of how the whole mechanics of the cosmos acting on us affects our evolutionary development and forms our personality Crystal. Gradually, as the study of materials, human consciousness is moving to another level of conscious existence, comes the knowledge - how to handle the energies of the subtle planes. New knowledge derive our concepts beyond the only material interactions in the world.

At the initial stage of training a person familiar with the techniques of astral energy protection level that allows him to get rid of the negative influence of society, energy vampirism as the closest people, and the working collectives. Man learns to change his mind towards positive thinking, understanding the processes of the human mind and thought forms.

Seminar program for online (Level 1 - Beginner)

1. Energy-exchange. A person's energy.

2. Cosmic Laws of the Universe.

3. Hierarchical Systems subtle worlds.

4. Cosmoenergetics as a method energoterapii.

5. Energy diagnostics and energy-destruction of the aura.

6. Training Development of psychic abilities - (Video Training Course)


7. Techniques astral protection (training seminar).

8. Money and spiritual development.

9. DNA - the creation of man. DNA of modern man.

10. Changing the DNA of the person.

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Seminar program for online (Level 2 - Advanced)

1. Spirituality. Duhovedenie. Stepwise formation of the human soul. The power structure of the Human Soul.

2. "Egregors. Egregor and human consciousness. Human dependence on energy-Egregors ". (Video Course)

3. The impact of negative energy on the human system. Partial and full biorobotizatsiya person.

4. "Minus energy. Work with Field parasites. " Methods of protection against the negative effects of the system.

5. Energy-information exchange with the universe. Contacts and kontakterstvo. Types of contacts.

6. Techniques and practices that contribute to the development of human psychic abilities (training seminar).

7. Space man hours, the software of human life.

8. Hosts of the earth and man.

9. Spiritual - from theory - to practice. Formation of the person and her mind.

10. Mistakes Spiritual path of development.

11. Programs and antispyware in one's life.

Theme seminars both basic and advanced courses can vary and be selected individually, depending on the level of student knowledge.

A full list of workshops held Cosmo School of Knowledge can be found Here

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Distance learning with certificates.

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