In our previous articles, it has been said that the human during their life, from birth to death, carries out the energo-informational exchange (EIE) with the Universe and their surrounding world. To participate in this process a human has the right to use the 2-way communication in all directions and with all Levels of the Creation. Each of us carries out this exchange differently, but certainly, everyone is capable of doing so. By expanding our consciousness, we obtain new opportunities to contact with the Supreme Mind and the Highest echelons of the Cosmos.<br>
When the Soul is coming to the Earth, it has the energo-informational support of the planets (hence, there is the certain connection between the organs of the human body and planets, constellations and luminaries). Also, each Soul has its spiritual Mentor, or in the modern words, - Determinant, which provides a person with the necessary energy and information on their life path. Moreover, the Soul on the Earth has its own spiritual Helpers, Teachers, etc. The meaning of the human life is being implemented through EIE. It is necessary, every day and every hour to strive for consonance (harmony) and understanding of the world around us (both living and non-living). <br>
Almost at all levels of development a human has, but does not always use, abilities to gain access to the higher spheres, and even more so, to manage them. It is necessary to put in order your "small economy" or the physical body. For this, we have 41 frequencies (channels) under the level of the Master in Cosmoenergy. The frequencies of the next level (level of the Magister) can give you (your developed consciousness) a possibility of entering into other levels of the Universe/Creation and contacting with other Worlds.<br>
The body – is the form of the existence of the Soul on the Earth. Each body is different because it is "built" according to the "program of life" of a person, i.e., the certain proportions of the human body depend on certain criteria such as karmic debts, goals of the ‘life program’, etc. Therefore, the organism - is a huge "economy". This “economy” exists and operates under strict cosmic laws, demonstrating the necessity to comply with them during the human’s life on the Earth. These are the laws of: growth, development, self-organization, self-control, and, if needed, self-destruction (deadly disease) or self-healing, if there is the demand. Each organ is involved in the EIE, spiritual work and supports human life. Nerve fibers are – strings, conductors of thoughts.<br>
Any painful sensation or appeared symptom of a disease – a sign indicating that the person has the distorted vision of the world, wrong reaction and/or behavior. All diseases – is a consequence of your simple ignorance on this subject.<br>
Official medicine has always sought methods of qualitative prevention of various diseases, but has not yet found them, and so, the modern medicine is satisfied with surface recommendations: fighting germs, strengthening the immune system, leading a healthy lifestyle, do not drink, smoke, etc. Also, medicine is engaged in synthesizing vast amounts of drugs (chemicals), while poisoning and destroying the human body, and strongly advising to intake these drugs for term of life. The senselessness of this is obvious to any reasonable person. "What is the way out?" - You ask. The solution can be found in the early detection of a disease through the energy diagnostics, which is offered at our center, through the examination/analysis of the field structure, which can be seen on the photo of aura, as well as through a visual landmark diagnostics, because certain signs-symbols allow us to understand the causes of a disease.<br>
With the help of the body, the Soul can realize the goals of the incarnation, and also, through the body the Soul can signal (by very different signs/signals) about its ‘overload’ (accumulations). Therefore, the Soul, with the help of that very signs, gives us an opportunity to analyze and track the paths of our development. Signs/signals of the body are – the book of knowledge/cognition of the Soul. According to the Greek myth, Zeus made evil and diseases silent, so he deprived them of speech in order to teach people to independently recognize diseases in the body and causes of their occurrence.<br>
There are a lot of signs and symbols in this regard: they can be obvious or not so, deep or superficial, sharp, painful, ‘silent’ and so on. Signs can duplicate each other (so as not to get lost), especially when it comes to important issues. In this case, the conscious awareness/recognition of these issues and their elimination will take time, as it is the gradual process. Warning signs that appear before the disease, or signs that stay for life as a silent reproach – are signs that recall the deep sin.<br>
Chronic diseases are – the result of unconscious actions, thoughts and emotions. Deep problems in the body: numbness, burning, pain, etc. – the result of a significant error of the Soul. Various signs of ugliness are – the result of illegal, sinful actions (in terms of the Cosmic Laws).<br>
Not one sign (the smallest or short-term) cannot be ignored, and even more, eliminated. Signs – the help of the Supreme Mind, so do not hurry to get rid of them without understanding of the cause of their occurrence, otherwise you will ‘jibe’ this program into the next life.<br>
Visual signs are – birthmarks, moles, spots, warts, various rashes, abscesses, boils, visible vascular network, discoloration of the skin, papilloma, calluses, corns, itchy blisters after being bitten by insects (mosquitoes bite in a stagnant places, where the energy channel is ‘closed’/blocked).<br>
For a long time a person may not pay attention to the various signs, symptoms, which appear on their physical body, but then, desperately and without results and with the use of drugs, tries to cure it – the long-term lack of spirituality. In this article I want to describe some of the symptoms and signs that can appear on the physical body. Based on this information you can perform the diagnostics more successfully, while predicting and advising a person-patient on what he/she needs to do in order to eliminate a disease as soon as possible.<br>
Let's start with the heart.<br>
The era of Pisces – the era of sufferings and redemptions is ended. We have entered into the era of Aquarius – the time of creative development. The energies, which awake/motivate the heart chakra – chakra of the Soul, dominate in this era. According to the laws of the development - the 4th chakra – the heart should be opened first; it carries out a communication with the Cosmos and the Higher Cosmic Levels. If this chakra is opened, then a person can experience the inspired creativity, aspiration for the personal development and learning, and his/her life is full of love and hope. Such a human has a sense of satisfaction at this stage of his/her understanding of the world.<br>
This chakra is correlated with the physical organ – the heart, and can carry a mortal sin – pride. Pride – is a significant sin, as it takes 1st place in the list of sins. If a person has this quality, it means that he/she has the energy block in the heart.<br>
Now we are going to talk about the main diseases of the cardiovascular system, their spiritual causes and methods of elimination.<br>
<b>Disorders of the Cardiovascular System</b><br>
The heart – is diviner, which has the so-called sense-knowledge, and therefore, heart never lies. Each disease of the heart has its spiritual reasons. Heavy, low vibrations are able to find similar (consonant) vibrations in your heart, as subtle attracts subtle. Hardness of the heart, cruelty, heartlessness, "a stone in the bosom", "stone in heart," "he/she has no heart" – all of that are descriptions of relationships: energy exchange between people.<br>
The most common pathology of the heart is the atherosclerosis of cardiac (coronary) vessels. The reason for that is the stagnation of emotions (mostly negative), "an emotional marsh," the lack of joy in the life. Gradually, arteries become closed, and so, the ‘feeding’ of the heart muscles is disrupted (myocardium). In this situation a person is looking for solution, but not in changing his/her attitude to life, but in getting compassion/sympathy from others through "spiritual vampirism", which exacerbates his/her lack of spirituality and selfishness.<br>
<b>Atherosclerotic cardio-sclerosis</b><br>
Atherosclerotic cardio-sclerosis is – the repeated organic changes in the myocardium that can occur after certain extremely emotional situations, which a person perceives ‘close to the heart’, accumulates and ‘bears them in the heart" like a heavy load. The culmination of the accumulation of such feelings/emotions and overloading of the heart by them is - the myocardial infarction.<br>
However, sometimes it goes in a different way. For example, after myocardial infarction (heart attack) the <b><br>
 takes place. This is the result of a lack of vital stability and strength in relationships, when no one (neither one nor the other side) is willing to change.<br>
Who has never experienced a pain of the heart in the left side of the chest? There are many types of pains: stabs, shoots, crushes, aches, etc. This is due to the fact that a person is worrying about some mistake that he/she has made, for example, or he/she has showed the heartlessness towards a friend or loved one. Although a person might be did not notice it, but their Soul did; or maybe noticed, but does not want to admit it because their pride does not allow to do so. Therefore such a person carries in the heart the feeling of dissatisfaction, refusing to bow his/her head in repentance.<br>
<b>Cardioalgia </b>– pain in the heart that occurs when a person is experiencing strong emotions in relationships with parents, children, spouses, loved ones, etc., and when a person overstrains his/her heart for years.<br>
<b>Cardiac arrhythmias</b> – it occurs when a person’s attitude to people depends on the mood.<br>
<b>Fibrillation and atrial flutter</b> – it indicates duplicity in dealing with people.<br>
<b>Tachycardia </b>– a sign of unevenness and roughness.<br>
<b>Ekstrasistoliyah</b> – amorphous character, fear of conflicts, but in the heart a person is experiencing ‘storm’ and ‘boiling lava’.<br>
<b>Sick sinus syndrome</b> – a sign of cowardice, a lack of love and extinct heart.<br>
<b>Myocarditis </b>- poisoning of the heart by a person’s own evil, indigestion and intolerance to others.<br>
<b>Heart defects </b>- a defect that is fixed/fasten in the karma of a person (from his/her past lives), and the selfishness that has been developed by a person during his/her present life. <br>
<b>Stroke</b> – it indicates that a person is orientated on the material values in the modern world. This is an extreme worrying/anxiety about inability to achieve the desired wealth. When it reaches the level of a strong nervous stress, which is associated with attempts to resolve the problems in this regard, it leads to a local cessation of cerebral circulation – bleeding in the brain. That is when nothing is needed, if only to survive.<br>
<b>Blood clots and pulmonary embolism </b>– unwillingness to accept the reality and the constant stiffness because of waiting (expectation) for troubles.<br>
Heart blocks</b> – it occurs in case of insensitivity towards cordiality, when the heart has been ‘slammed’ from the world and a person lives like in a ‘cage’, and so, the movement of the vital force through the channels is terminated.<br>
<b>The next group of cardiovascular diseases is – Blood Pressure.<br>
Hypertension</b> – it indicates that a person suppresses another person intellectually/morally. <br>
<b>Hypotension</b> – it takes place if a person is not capable of willful exposure due to his/her low energy resources. However, an inner world of such a person requires elevation/development, and so, he/she tends to suppress their loved ones physically, for example: he/she can yell at the spouse, and then can cry of impotence, or can hit a child, releasing on kid his/her umbrage.<br>
<b>Anemia</b> – it occurs then a person humiliates his/her family members, relatives and/or close people.<br>
<b>Reduction of the white blood cells </b>– a person’s rejection of blood relatives.<br>
<b>Urticaria</b>l – it indicates an overload of ‘moral dirt’ in some aspects of life, and also, the fear that someone will get into the soul.<br>
<b>Dermatomyositis</b> – the deep lesions of the skin. It shows an overloading of a person by life, and also, the loss of spiritual connection with relatives.<br>
<b>Lupus erythematous</b> – an incurable disease – the result of significant and prolonged violations in the spiritual life. This is the loss of Spiritual connection with the World, due to the backwardness of a person and his/her refusal of self-development due to the loss of vitality.<br>
<b>Rheumatism</b> - lack of flexibility, and the heartlessness in dealing with people.<br>
<b>Reiter's disease</b> – manifestation of the rudeness and violence on a daily basis. This disease affects the joints, eyes, and organs of the urogenital system.<br>
<b>Cervical degenerative disc disease</b> – it occurs when a person bears their problems on "the neck", and he/she refuses to get rid of them for many years.<br>
<b>Osteochondrosis of the thoracic</b> - fear of having a ‘stab/blow’ in the back, expectation/waiting for betrayal.<br>
<b>Lumbar osteochondrosis </b> – it shows that a person loads him/herself excessively; sometimes he/she ‘bends their back’ too much. <br>
<b>Coccyx and sacrum osteoarthritis</b> – it indicates that the cause of osteoarthritis and its painful manifestations is tied to financial problems. It hurts there, when a human is a financial simpleton, so he/she is unfortunate and imprudent in financial affairs.<br>
Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) <br>
</b> The spiritual causes of gastrointestinal diseases are associated with the processes of digestion. We often say, "I'm sick of my job," "he poisoned my life," "I detest this human", etc., but we do not suspect how close it is to the Great Truth.<br>
</b><b>Gastritis</b> - it develops when a person cannot "digest" the World around him/her, as well as, due to the circumstances, in which a person has placed him/herself, while putting oneself above others, because of his/her spiritual disgust.<br>
<b>Disorders of gastrointestinal function: dyskinesia, indigestion, and constipations </b>– it occurs when a person cannot or stubbornly refuse (even in contrary to the common sense and the "inner voice") to get rid of something or someone, and chose to ‘obey’ the external influences.<br>
Inflammation of the esophagus – can occur if people love thrill/acute sensations (spicy food, scenes, edgy relationships, etc.) too much. <br>
<b>Ulcer of 12-duodenal and gastric ulcer</b> – it is the result of caustic/acid attitude towards others, or a person is worrying (caring) too much about the actions and words of those, who live around him/her.<br>
<b>Liver</b> – this is the laboratory of the body, which conducts 26 chemical reactions per second, and all the toxins of the body run through it. In the human bio-field the liver accumulates anger and hatred and the gallbladder accumulates irritation.<br>
<b>Gallbladder dyskinesia</b> - irritability in everyday life<br>
<b>Holitsestit</b> - irritability in the interactions with people.<br>
<b>Cholelithiasis</b> – it indicates excessive irritability.<br>
<b>Acute hepatitis (Botkin's disease)</b> – this is the result of malice in general, and also, evil incredulity to the specific problem in life.<br>
<b>Liver cysts</b> – is always formed unnoticed for a person, and then he/she cannot understand why it has happened. It occurs if a person has betrayed a friendship because of his/her malice or envy, but such a person oneself has left with a feeling of resentment/grievance.<br>
<b>Pancreatitis</b> – pathology of the pancreas – the result of the development of the certain personal character traits that flatter selfishness and egoism (I/me). A person is not satisfied by the attitude towards him/her of people around:  how others perceive him/her and overlook his/her merits, virtues and material assets, and so such a person assumes that he/she is not really loved by others.<br>
<b>Nephrolithiasis</b> - the same grievances, their resistance, durability (stubbornness) and sustainability. And any new grievance/resentment and their accumulation will have an effect of renal colic.<br>
Genital Diseases<br>
<b>Beli (Trush</b>) – it indicates an yearning/longing (i.e. extreme level of desire) for a Friend - a man, who always will be there for you, always ... Do you deserve it?!<br>
<b>Endometriosis </b>– a sign of an inner arguments/reasoning about having a child (whether need to have a child or not), and so, to burden oneself or continue to live for pleasure, and then... <br>
Inflammation of the ovaries - the constant fear of getting pregnant. Sometimes this fear can be the cause of the "blackouts" of fertility.<br>
<b>Uterine fibroids </b>– resentment at close man (for whatever reason).<br>
<b>Uterine fibroids</b> – the point when resentment at sexual partner develops into a constant irritability.<br>
<b>Ovarian Cysts</b> – a sign of physical, or even mental, infidelity.<br>
Infertility - punishment for abortions in this and previous lives. It can be transferred through the karma of a woman.<br>
<b>Cervical erosion </b>- the result of a grumpy character. This disease can be fastened/fixed genetically.<br>
<b>Prostate -</b> the reason for this disease is a sexual arousal response towards a woman, but without further physical implementation. Sometimes it is a hidden and hardly noticed process, but later it can develop into a prostate gland adenoma.<br>
In this way Nature protects us against the sin of Adultery…<br>
In this article we described the basic, common diseases. Of course, there are other diseases with their spiritual roots. We explain to our patients the spiritual root causes of their diseases during energy diagnostics, and during cleansing and therapeutic sessions with the use of the method of Cosmoenergy and/or various esoteric techniques and practices. Our Center is working hard in order to identify these reasons and explain them to the patients, and also, to provide guidance to rectify and/or eliminate the existing energy blockages, which are hidden in the subconscious.<br>
The author of this article carries out the professional work with karmic programs and energy codes of DNA, which will be discussed in other articles.<br>
This article was written using the materials from the book of V. Mukhina, "Harmony and Health", Moscow, 2002.<br>
If you want to make an appointment for a consultation, diagnosis and therapy or you want to attend our training, please do not hesitate to contact us <br>
Tel.: 020-83641419 (office 9:00 am – 19:00 pm), 07706970347 or visit our website: <a href="http://www.cosmotherapy.org">www.cosmotherapy.org</a><br>
<b>The author of the article is - Margarita Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmic Knowledge, Psychologist, A member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League (IPPL), Progressor of Cosmoenergy.</b><br>

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