In the previous articles we looked at the scientific substantiation of the method of Cosmo Therapy, and now we will return to this question in terms of medicine. How can space frequencies influence someone’s health? The modern outlook of the majority is not in a condition to explain this, even if they made assumptions. The consciousness of any individual is focused only on materiality, without having certain knowledge on it; it is difficult enough to understand processes that are already occurring. In this article we will try to explain the process of recovery from various ‘power’ concepts which are accessible today to anyone.

Today esoterics, but also scientists, physicians, and even politicians know that individuals possess multidimensional energy informational structures that are connected with external information of the world. Each person does not only have a physical anatomy, but also a power anatomy (we also name this the space anatomy). Individuals have 6 power bodies connected between their self by the power centers – or charkas.

The body that carries out its interactions with the external world is guided by their consciousness. The consciousness of the person is connected with the consciousness of planet the Earth and this is supervised by an evolutionary program of development. We are not a vacuum in this energetic information of the world as we all possess a Consciousness. 

Furthermore it is necessary to know, that the consciousness of the person is calculated on their work on certain modes, and their overall interaction with the Consciousness of the Planet. When the consciousness is working in every mode and structure, then the individual is steady, self-regulated, and minimally suffers from any diseases in general.

However if this is out of balance with the program of development then there is an overall imbalance and functions begin to be inharmonious, leading to various formations of diseases. Doctors have been noticing this for a long time now, 80 % of today's diseases have a psychosomatic character (negative thoughts and feelings being constantly formed and accumulated).

The information given today in medical and higher educational institutions matches a modern picture of the world that is already given to us by scientists. But even their knowledge is imperfect and only recognizes the existence of a Creator - a beginning that is standing up for all that is visible and invisible in the world of energy. The future of medicine will be compelled to recognize sooner or later this energy information that is approaching to be useful when it comes to diseases, however it is difficult to cope all with the increasing quantity of mutated viruses and bacteria. The reason of any disease being formed is located in the thin energy system of the person. This happens through accumulation of negative energy in the system and it eventually reaches a critical weight of negative information. If the consciousness of the person is in a mode of minus potential (through behavior, emotions or thoughts) the energy system of the person starts to accumulate minus energy on the corresponding system, that finally leads to the conduction of diseases and other obligatory fixations of all infringements in the genetic codes. The genetic code transfers a record of these infringements from generation to generation - so an individual will already be born with predisposed illnesses and diseases.

At present time, various experts work with various levels (energy system) and systems of an individual. Medicine only works on a physical plane, alternative medicine works on a power level plane and psychology tries to work with the mental plane on the modern perceptions of the world. Professionals of Esoterics and Spiritual Healers try to work with the Karmic understanding or even with other realities.


 What does this mean?

- It is possible to accelerate restoration of the Physical body.

- By working with the chakra system and with power bodies, it is possible to accelerate power restoration.

- It is possible to accelerate our Mentality and mental states.

- By working with the karmic field or with the infringements in the genetic codes (DNA), it is possible to accelerate the change of algorithms of certain behavior ultimately changing your own destiny.

Each of the ways tries to solve a separate and individual problem in terms of tackling energy level within any given system. It it is possible to achieve improvement overtime in any given area, but this doesn’t always lead to full healing... Any vital problem should be considered in a more complex manner – we must be taking a look at every level – State of Mentality, Karmic Ideologies (habitual behavior in situations created for the person), Power Systems/Levels (power blocking, negative programs) and Physical Problems (illness).

From those stated above-stated it becomes clear as to why a complex approach is needed before a decision to any problem is reached by an individual. In this process a healer or a Cosmo therapy operator must be consulted with prior to any decision being carried out. At our seminars we give an explanation of this type of work as the Spiritual Beam can work in all power supply systems simultaneously making ways to recovery and leading to positive changes in life.

(Continuation follows …)

The author of the article: M.Bezanidou - the Head of the Center of Consciousness Development and
School of Cosmo Energy

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