Questions from the readers:

- Can you tell us about the direction of the School’s activity? For example the preparation of the pupils, and their general work.

   The Centre was originally created in Cyprus (2009) on the basis of esoteric knowledge "Russia-Ellada", however it was initially organized in Greece, Athens in 2001 by Margarita Bezanidou

    The long-term operational experience of the school looks into spiritual development «ROEL» (Russia-Ellada) it has allowed an opening for various activities not only in Greece and Russia, but also in other countries – like Cyprus, Ireland, Czechoslovakia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey, England, Holland, France, etc.

   During the School’s first course the Center of Cosmo Knowledge spent its versatile work on spiritual development for the people of Cyprus. In the Centre the knowledge was concerned with the various power structures of an individual as well as the Earth. Regular seminars were also held in order to acquaint people with the notions of Space Laws as well as the spiritual development of the person and the Universe. Informational seminars looked at the transformation and transmutation of an individual and other work with the genetic codes of DNA and many other themes which became increasingly apparent due to the increased quantity of people on the planet. 

    This transferred information, is considered from a ‘power’ point of view, being based on the scientific information which allows us to find these explanations to many situations occurring in a real life setting. Experts, esoterics, technicians in this field are all given the chance to understand this information and all the processes occurring regardless of their religious practices.

   The centre conducts its therapeutic work with the population; however we also teach these methods of spiritual healing and give all-round aid to everyone who seeks it.

    All the work conducted by the Centre and school in particular, is directed towards the accelerated expansion of consciousness, on training people how it is possible to raise the frequency of various vibrations. What is the reason to raise such vibrations? It is possible to explain this in a few brief words.

One of the many realities is our physical world, and another is the world of the fourth measurement which smoothly passes in the fifth. The fifth measurement is merely a threshold into the Multidimensional (WORLD). At the moment of writing this we are on a threshold of this fourth measurement. On our earth the raised frequencies of the Spiritual beam influences our daily life through power networks. This new network is acknowledged by Christianity in 1987 and is intended for the overall power rise of our planet. By 2030 our planet is going to be fixed on new vibrations and those people who will correspond to this energy potential and the vibrations of new measurements will remain to live in it. In the worst case of developments there can potentially an estimated 80% loss of the overall population on the planet.

   This will occur and will be defined as the "failure of our immune systems”. It means, that the bodies which have not reached certain power frequencies, will be subjected to the destructive influence of the environment. The immune system of people will not be effective and it will struggle with all these interfering organisms essentially leading up to its halt in overall functioning by evolutionary development. The mechanism of evolutionary development (Space Laws) provides an inclusion of the program of self-destruction through means such as disease. That is why recently there are so many cancer related incidents and other incurable diseases. Already today it is known to scientists that cancer is an illness that carries its own energy information.

   Thus, treatment of illnesses in our industrial century consists of chemical methods or radioactive irradiation, leading to the radical change of the general approach to medicine as a whole. This new medicine necessarily must include research not only on the physical body but it must also recognize the reality of a light body. This includes the natural and organic restoration of an internal resonance as being the key factor of healing. We train individuals of such methods in our school.

  We, as people have distinct power components of the planetary consciousness and should be adjusting our resonance with this new planetary frequency in order to make it through this transition. Power units (people) can attune onto the new frequencies of a planet and can raise Earth to other measurement. 

The Planetary Consciousness of Earth will eventually reach a critical weight before its transition (this is also known as the quantum jump), as of right now we remain on a threshold of the fourth measurement but this transition is already ongoing at full speed.

   The person living in this three-dimensional measurement possesses a physical body and has a rudimentary reason which in an insufficient degree is being developed. Modern day individuals function at levels of their instincts, survival, reproduction, self-preservation, leadership, power and money. 

   For the fourth power measurement the consciousness is reasonable and self-realising. In the fourth regularity the person starts to realize the potential of the soul and studies its creation, through the use of their enhanced mental abilities. To study this meaningful function, you must connect the consciousness with your heart.

   How can people live in the following measurement? Under the information transferred from above it can be explained like this:

Fragment Channelling Information: «… They will realize the formation of reality. They will learn to create meaningful events and situations in their lives. They will live, realizing that there is a control panel or supervising centre of terrestrial life, possessing their own free will, and studying how to use it. They learn how elements such as карма works and how it can be balanced, they will learn about different contracts of the soul, on its purpose in life and so on. At this stage only can they turn to people of the fourth regularity. They will continue to clean their physical conductors and will learn to level more than thin six bodies. They will learn to cure their last lives and time lines. Gradually, while they will go past their physical bodies will turn to what is known as a silicon or crystal body of light» … …

   For many of you this can seem difficult enough, but based on experience of the long-term work I see how individuals who start to be engaged within Cosmo Energy visit our seminars and essentially carry out this expertise like no other. This is noted by everyone who still continues to work with us; however this also completely varies with each. From the person it is enough only to have the strong desire to change something in a life or to get rid of something order for developments to occur. It is important to remember that there will always be aid. Our pupils and listeners of seminars learn more about this during their seminars-trainings.

   For the fifth measurement it will be necessary for the person to raise their vibrations even more leading to more deep transmutations both physically, and via their power bodies. The radio body for transition uses silicon, instead of carbon as a base element. In the course of ascension the carbon body which we occupy now, chemically turns to a silicon body of light. Our DNA is designed so that the transition of the corporal form of the body is made gradually, it is necessary for the person to carry out a transmutation of their physical conductor and they do so by knowing it. No other way to ascension is known for this moment in time. For this purpose it is necessary to have an expanded consciousness and the ability to keep it in this quality.

     Our school spends its time by conducting therapeutic work. We accept people who could not find the help, and are resorting to methods of traditional medicine, as well as various other methods of influences on a physical body. In our sessions we work with all power supply systems, including the physical body. We have talked about this in our previous articles, but the most important thing that is necessary to notice is that there is an activization of your DNA. The spiritual Beam which is passing through your power supply system activates these preserved threads of DNA and starts to update them; you will begin to feel results of this work through your daily life.

     During our sessions there is a systematic loading of the power supply system with positive energy potential, which automatically conducts an increase of vibrations. Simultaneously there is a clarification of the consciousness from the unnecessary negative information; this can be fears and negative emotions (being cleaned). Through comprehension of this negativity and after its processing there is a frequency in the power supply system. We also study the debt of the power supply systems (sins). Fastening of the raised vibration goes through comprehension as it is necessary to not repeat the same negative actions, emotions, thoughts. All this in turn leads to the change of codes within the individual DNA.

   Now, after everything we stated it will be possible to answer any asked question. We give the chance for people to raise their frequency of vibrations, and to expand their consciousness; we give an understanding of these processes. We learn how to keep these frequencies of vibrations in check and not to underestimate them in our daily life. We learn that people have a conscious formation of their life and the responsibility for their own thoughts, emotions and actions. We acquaint people with space laws and the mechanisms of their action through life. We learn the contact within these thin plans, and work with the power supply system to enhance this even further as well as learning to assist our relatives and all those who seek assistance.

Furthermore the person who has acquired a certain base within Cosmo knowledge can become a pupil of our school. This knowledge is transferred by the school in a way of an Apprenticeship; a gradual conscious ascension on the steps of spiritual development. It is a smooth transition in the fifth measurement by long and persistent work of the pupil. The speed at which this occurs is again varied by person. Any interested person who has reached an understanding can be trained. You can learn more about this through the school’s work on the corresponding pages of our site www.cosmotherapy.org  


We conduct consultations, energy diagnostics, therapy sessions and training courses. We also work on-line, so we are able to connect with people worldwide.

In order to make an appointment, please call us by tel.: 07706970347, office: 02083641419 (9.00 am -19.00 pm) 

The author of the article: M.Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmo Knowledge, Psychologist, Member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League, Progressor of Cosmoenergy.

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