What unites these seemingly different fields/directions in terms of their meaning and practical implication? In fact, all these areas are interdependent and linked together. In this article we will give you an explanation of these concepts and show how they work in the complex.If we consider each of these areas separately, then, in general, they can be characterized as follows:
Exorcism – the liberation of the human consciousness and body from the negative energetic impact. The concept of exorcism (and ideas about it) has a long history and is an integral part of the belief system of many religions and cults. Despite the fact that there are different forms of exorcism, the inner essence (core) of it is always the same. Exorcism (from Greek language – “expulsion through/by the spell”) - the practice of expulsion (elimination) of evil spirits, demons, devil, etc. and other living beings, or alien egregore`s energy impact, out of a man.
The doctrine of good or evil spirits that are settled in people, and how to expel them, existed in shamanism long before the Christianity. However, Christians believe, based on the Bible, that the first exorcist was Jesus Christ, and that having the gift from the God, the apostles, as well as many other saints, are also were able to expel evil spirits from people. Rite of expulsion of the evil spirits, performed by an exorcist is called colloquially - the "reading."
Exorcism is also known in Islam, where it is called the expulsion of the jinn, and the ritual is very similar to the Christian rite. Such procedures exist in all religions - Orthodox Christianity, Protestantism, Islam and Judaism. Rituals that essentially similar to exorcism are prevalent in almost all religions, including Buddhism.
Types of lunacy or obsession may be explicit (obvious) and hidden. Explicit forms - those, which clearly manifest themselves in man. However, there are the hidden forms of obsession, which are not recognized by a human. The holy fathers consider these hidden forms of lunacy or obsession as the most dangerous. These include the lesions/violations of human field structure caused by negative energy beings/matrixes. Even the Apostle Paul said in his sermons "...All you can be, but nothing should own you...". This saying is about those spiritual/emotional experiences and passions that are not ‘defeated’ (worked out) by a man, so they manage/control a person.
Soulful does not mean spiritual. These are dangerous things that are not recognized by the human as a lesion (damage). For example, unconscious qualities such as fanaticism and perseverance, that is when a person refuses to ‘see’ and/or hear any information, despite all your efforts to convince him/her in something. It is impossible to talk with such a man. This kind of person would never admit that he/she is wrong. That human is not open-minded person and does not accept and recognize any other opinions. It is – a lesion of consciousness. In our society such people are called “zombie people”. Zombification now is ubiquitous and has acquired enormous dimensions in society, and even has ceased to be realized/understood by people. A lesion of consciousness - is the last degree of falling, from where it is very difficult to get out back to the Light of consciousness.
The search for truth is always accompanied by the fact that the human is willing to listen and collaborate, discuss and act consciously to correct his/her negative qualities. The lesions/violations caused by the negative energy beings/matrixes - it is not only fornication, attraction to alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. It is also the affection by the passions of pride and self-conceit, ‘all-knowing’ and egoism, jealousy and deceit. All of this - are negative entities/matrixes/beings, which have an impact on the particular centers of the pleasure, affecting the consciousness of a person, his/her mental or astral energy aspects. All this leads to a slow slipping off, not only the individuals but also the entire civilization, from the ways of their development towards the low-frequency energies that peculiar to the half-animal state of consciousness. All cases of lesions/affections by negative beings/matrixes are - an understatement of the frequency of the energy structure of a human, and a de-energizing of the human energy system, which, consequently, leads to the process of a slow narrowing of consciousness.
Typically, the signs of demon possession or affections by negative energy beings/matrixes are considered to be the following:
Aggressiveness, swearing, curses and damnations against not only the Church and the saints, but also, in various situations (it indicates a damage to the nervous system and the human psyche)
Convulsions, epileptic seizures (this is caused by damage to the nervous system and certain brain structures)
Signs of mental disorders/illnesses: strange behavior, hallucinations, etc.
Obsessed people speak on behalf of those by whom they are possessed (it means invasion/implementation into the human mental plane, and the impact on the structures of the brain)
Anxiety when someone is reading the prayers and/or during execution of religious rituals, etc. (in this case the astral plane of a human is affected/damaged)
Intolerance of water, especially the holy water (negative energy beings/matrixes do not like hygiene, soap and fragrances)
Emergence of an ability to speak in languages unknown to man (the phenomenon of xenoglossy)
Recurrent, obsessive thoughts of suicide/murder (it shows a very advanced process of destruction of the human personality structures, and the lesions of the mental plane and the structures of consciousness)
Lack of a sense of shame; the closure of the channel of conscience and connection with the guardian angel - the mentor of a human from the subtle planes.
Another example – a person who does not believe that he or she has negative energy beings/matrixes, and that he/she is under the influence of the negative Egregore. Moreover, an outward behavior of such person may be quite normal. However, if you attempt to perform the energy cleansing for this person, then he/she will demonstrate a hidden, unconscious resistance in response to that. In order to fully eliminate/expel the negative energy beings/matrixes from the human energy system, it is necessary that an affected person/patient have an understanding of this concept. In any case, the demon or beings/matrixes should manifest/express themselves clearly (for example, in the form of aggression, hysteria, anger or unjustified irritability). Therefore a man must understand how it works in practice; how the negative egregore takes away his/her energy, destroying the health and destiny. An understanding of the working principles and mechanics of the subtle planes and structures requires certain knowledge.
In our work of spiritual healing it can be achieved by many years of hard work on eliminating our weaknesses and poor personal qualities, as well as, intellectual development. This is not an immediate acquisition of the gifts of Holy Spirit, but a gradual process of discovering/opening the hidden features and capabilities, according to the level of development of the human consciousness and the energy system, in terms of increasing its capacity. Within the process of formation of the positive inner potential in a human, the transition to the other (improved) quality level takes place. Therein lies the secret of the impact, which occurs during the process of an energy cleansing with the help of an operator of Cosmoenergy.
We must learn how to fight with our obsessions and passions, and after studying the laws of the subtle world; we should act according to them in our life. In fact, in today's world, it is impossible to avoid energo-informational lesions/affections without having this knowledge.
Only the Spiritual System, but not the individual, is able to fight against the impact of the Negative System. In Christianity it is - the tuning on and work on the channel of the Logos. The essence is the same - the human does not operate independently here, but the channel runs through the human. In our system - Cosmoenergy, the Spiritual Egregore is dealing with the Negative Egregore. The Cosmoenergy specialist works as an operator who consciously manages the Spiritual flow. An operator carries it out without violating the laws of the subtle world, and through conscious participating in the programs of Creator. The spiritual energy, descending through an operator, neutralizes all negative programs and lesions, which are present in a person/patient’s energy system. By carrying out the energies of the higher planes/levels, a Cosmoenergy operator is consciously involved in the processes of evolution, aimed at changing (improving) people’s consciousness. At the same time the operator acts as a teacher of a person/patient. This is a necessary condition for holistic healing.
Beside the fact that negative beings/matrixes, etc. are eliminated, person’s vices that burdened his/her character are leaving too. Their place is taken by other positive qualities, and a person begins to function consciously, according to the personal program of life. A new human comes back to the world! After passing so-called ‘training apparatus’ of the astral and mental vituperation, the human learns to weigh his/her every negative thought and a bad deed. This person knows that if he/she has got involved in some negative situation/problem, then such a situation certainly was preceded by person’s own blunder in either: thoughts, feelings, emotions or actions.
He/she no longer exclaims, "Why, O Lord!" because this person is learned how to analyze their deeds and ill-considered actions, and began to live according to a conscience, as well as the laws, which have been studied during the passage of purification. The results of this process are an understanding of person’s own soul and ability to listen/hear and understand it.
If a person refuses to change/improve oneself internally, then the healing will not give any results. Modern medicine continues to consider an obsession as a particular case of mental disorder. So-called ‘obsessive’ people show classic symptoms of hysteria, psychosis, mania syndrome, epilepsy, schizophrenia or bifurcation/split of personality. In relation to the occurring cases of the healing through an exorcism, scientists link it to the effect of self-hypnosis. But is it really?
The age-old practice of spiritual healers proves the otherwise. What is this - the Spiritual healing, and why it helps in cases where the conventional medicine is powerless?
The photos below – a selection of examples of exorcism’s sessions: in Christianity, in Cosmoenergy (a patient of our School) and in Colombia.
To be continued...
If you want to make an appointment to the consultation, diagnosis and therapy or you want to attend our training, please do not hesitate to contact us - tel.: 020-83641419 (office 9:00 am – 19:00 pm), 07706970347 or visit our website: www.cosmotherapy.org
The author of the article is - Margarita Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmic Knowledge, Psychologist, A member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League (IPPL), Progressor of Cosmoenergy.