In our previous two articles we discussed the theme of exorcism and spiritual healing. Today, in this article, we will explain how the method of Cosmoenergy works, combining both fields/directions. The method solves any problems of patients, including social issues and health problems. It also, when applied correctly, changes the outlook of a person and his/her understanding of all processes.Practices of exorcism are always topical in the spiritual, energetic and physical healing in order to neutralize any harmful effects. They are diverse and multi-faceted. They include not only ‘readings’ in church practices, but also, in spiritual healing, they always include elements of a conscious maturity/growth. Please pay attention to the fact that the rejection of the new information (many people reject it without even reading and attempting to process/understand it), i.e. unwillingness to comprehend indicates quite serious violations in the psyche and distortions in the human consciousness.
In the last century, teacher Sri Aurobindo has given us the knowledge about the stages of consciousness purification through the acquisition of the Holy Spirit and descent of the Higher Force. He gave the world the Integral Yoga - the doctrine of the descent of the Higher Force. Later, his disciples developed it, but it is not Cosmoenergy practices. For those who are familiar with this method, it will be easier to understand how consciousness can operate/manage energy flows, that are fed from the high-frequency levels of the planet. The higher energy potential burns negativity, improves the functioning of organs and systems of the body and gives an additional charging of energetic system, restoring vitality of a man. These are all common symptoms that human can feel when dealing with the flows of the higher potential. The same, but fragmentary, effect occurs during the group meditations, but this is only a small portion of "injection" for tired and stressed body. A few hours later everything is getting back again on its "full circle." It happens because the problem has not been solved at its root. How flows of energy affect a person in Cosmoenergy practices? How people manage to recover from illnesses and get rid of the negative energy beings/matrixes (devils, demons, etc.)? Why, eventually, their fate is positively changing? To understand this process, we will consider the mechanism of the influence/impact of the High-frequency Beams on a human.
What happens during inclusion/activation of such flow on a human? First of all, a person enters into a new, more rapid, time regime, which increases the frequency of the entire cellular structure simultaneously. It increases the energy potential not only in a certain affected organ, but also throughout the energy system as a whole. Doctors treat only a single organ. However the root causes of an organ’s problem may be hidden in such a place where the pharmacology is not able to reach. While passing across the entire energy system of a human, cosmic frequencies correct the disturbances/deformations/violations at all levels simultaneously, and in the whole body simultaneously.
During the therapy sessions we do not treat an individual problematic organ or system, but perform correction of the whole organism. None of the traditional systems of therapy (medicine), which have been developed by scientists, is able to conduct such a work. Only Supreme Mind is capable to carry it out. In our case, when working with the cosmic frequencies we are dealing with the Planetary Mind, which carries out this work. It means, that a human is not leading this process. We act just as operators of the Planetary Mind.
With the help of cosmic frequencies, given us in operation, we can balance, in a few minutes, the function of all energy centers – chakras in the central energy flow, which goes along the spinal column. When running in normal mode chakras begin to release/unlock energy blocks (plugs) in the meridians that carry energy to the organs. Consequently, the organ turns to the mode of normal operation. Then, using certain techniques we remove the energetic dirt from the troubled organs, and feed the same organ by the frequency, according to which this organ has to vibrate originally. On our training seminars we examine the processes that occur at the cellular level during exposure to frequencies. In a few words we can say that the impact of cosmic frequencies on a human has the following aspects:
a) Neutralization (reduction to zero) of negative frequency vibrations
b) Bringing the cell up to a new mode of existence
c) Fixing it at this (correct/appropriate) level of vibrations
You can compare this process with the method of forced resonance, when affection/impact continues until the organ or system enters into the normal rhythm of functioning. This method restores serious distortions in the entire field structure of the human, until a person recovers completely.
Along with an ongoing correction of intracellular structure and the energy fields of a human, his/her consciousness also becomes involved in the process, while working out the mistakes realized by a person. In this case, the process of recovery and changing (improving) of situation at all planes of fate goes very fast. That is, the Spirit has a stronger impact on the excited field of matter (the human consciousness). This explains different, individual pace and speed in the healing process for different people.
What are the devils and demons? These are clots of negative energy accumulated in the energy structure of a human. Yet they are called “field parasites”. People naively think that parasites of field can exist only on the physical plane, in the form of microbes, bacteria, viruses, worms, etc. However, a human consists of not only the physical body, therefore parasitic forms of existence can also be found in our energy fields. They exist at the astral level (people ‘feed’ these parasites by their negative feelings, emotions, passions, fears, etc.), as well as at the mental level. Here the situation is much more complicated, because a person can deal with the parasites of the mental level only through realization and understanding of what is happening with him/her and after some training, which we hold in our School.
Let’s get back to the question about how cosmoenergy frequencies operate towards elimination of negative energy beings/matrixes. After the mentioned above, we can understand that no matter at what level field parasites are, the energy beam of the higher energo-potential, which is passing through the entire energy system, burns/breaks/destroys the negative energo-potential of any quality. For people (externally) it looks a bit like crises during a treatment in a sanatorium, when aggravation of an illness may take place, followed by a full recovery. All this knowledge a person starts to receive from us, from the very first treatment sessions. This explains why we manage to treat successfully any types of phobias, stresses and depressive conditions. We also can easily cope with problems that traditional medicine is failed to solve.
This method can be used to treat a lot of people within per unit of time; people who wish to accept the given help. Unfortunately, ignorance and a lack of knowledge in this regard, form vigilance, fear and distrust to the method.
Techniques of co-tuning and practical application of certain energetic flows have been mastered and perfected during many years, in order to be able to help people in their development of consciousness and health recovery. Nowadays, these techniques, as well as many others, are become available to the masses, so it is possible now to transfer this knowledge to people. We would encourage you to share this information with others, discuss it and ask questions. We are always happy to provide any explanations and help.
If you want to make an appointment to the consultation, diagnosis and therapy or you want to attend our training, please do not hesitate to contact us - tel.: 020-83641419 (office 9:00 am – 19:00 pm), 07706970347 or visit our website: www.cosmotherapy.org
The author of the article is - Margarita Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmic Knowledge, Psychologist, A member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League (IPPL), Progressor of Cosmoenergy.