

Today, in this article we will consider the topic about debts, as it is also an energy concept. After reading this article you will understand that the material (financial) debts – are, also, spiritual debts.

In our previous article we will discuss the following aspects:
Poverty and the lack of money to buy basic necessities – this is the result of non-fulfilment by the human during karmic tasks. If you have found that you: got involved in a wrong business/occupation and, therefore, allow you mind to step over the protest of your soul; you lose control over your inner state, and so, you have stopped in your personal development; you therefore become disoriented in life and do not know what to do next; and so on – then this will indicate the beginning of the process of losing your energy and, consequently, money, as money is equivalent and an indicator of whether you have the energy to acquire it.

It is necessary to understand that debts are accumulated as a result of improper spending of your own funds. This is the same 10% to charity (tithe) that people should donate regularly, but not occasionally. We always forget (someone still do not know this) that we all are single as a whole, energetically speaking. In this regard, below I will provide the information on the percentage distribution of financial funds, as it should be, according to laws of the flow of money in terms of energy.

The following are the laws of distribution for money:
According to the rules of the LAW OF MONEY AND ITS ACTION, money should be spent, in percentage terms, according to the following scheme:
1) 10% of the total income should be returned back to the spiritual egregor. It is advisable to invest in the spiritual development of society. It can be, for example, a donation for the publication of educational, scientific or spiritual literature. Money should be invested in that area of human activity where spiritual, but not material outcomes, are possible. That is in the field of development of the human consciousness.
People tend to consider this 10% only as a donation to the church. However, the church does not always use these funds for their intended purpose, and today we can see that money, which has been donated to the church, goes on maintaining the market and stalls with church attributes, rather than on education and serious spiritual work, as it has been carried out by true apostles and missionaries in the past.
If you want to buy shoes, toys or medicines for a neighbor's child – it is a good deed too, but, in this case, money will be spent on material things, i.e. the World of Matter. However, if you will spend that amount on a donation for a spiritual school, or useful educational activities in this regard, or on spiritual development of your friends, then you will not be left without any money in the next month. The law states – an egregor of positive action will multiply everything that gets into it.

2) 10% - should be spent on donations to the "material" egregore. This is the same charity work that we all know as help to the poor, orphanages, disabled people, etc. – that is the targeted and concrete assistance. It must be taken into account that this is not the help, which you might provide for your family and friends. This does not count as a donation.

3) 10% - the cost of your own education in any direction – professional or spiritual. We keep learning during the entire lifetime – it is a cosmic law, the Law of Evolution of Mind. This is the law of our Creator and when we break it, we automatically knock ourselves out of this program, bringing our existence to a semi-primitive animal lifestyle. It is necessary to spend some money on your personal/spiritual/consciousness development. For example, you can buy relevant books or attend seminars and trainings in your chosen field. This development has to be ongoing for each human. This is not only an education in a school or university. We must learn many things in life, and these interests always lie in the depths of your own Soul.

4) 10% - should go on the maintenance of your health and physical well-being. It includes food supplements, sport clubs, health centers, outdoor activities, gyms and other physical activities in different directions...

5) 10% - the cost for material goods i.e. the buying a variety of things. If you need to make a large purchase, then there is a saving mechanism, which allows you to save up to 20% from your two previous incomes, but only when necessary. If there are no funds to purchase something you need, then you should pay urgent attention to your energy state.

6) 50% of the remaining funds - the cost of your daily necessities. It includes a variety of bills such as for water, electricity, gas, etc. and taxes – it goes to Caesar... These are all the taxes that we all pay. This is the mechanism, according to which you should run your funds. If you cannot adjust your money spending routine immediately, then you should do it gradually, giving the egregor of money operation the opportunity to earn. You have to understand that only by giving out some funds; you can get something in return. These are the laws of turnover of energy flows of money. It is necessary to know them and comply with them, in order to not be left without money in the next month.

Today, many people do not have enough money even for a normal existence. It indicates that such people do not possess the information given in this article. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know about the energy of money in order to have money. Many people have financial debts, so it is important to understand what happens to a person and his/her energy in this case.
What does ‘unpaid debts’ mean? This is exactly the amount of money that you should give out voluntarily, but since this does not happen, then Higher Forces take it out from you in such a way – someone, who has borrowed money from you, is not paying you back.  
It is not so bad if debtors are your relatives or close friends with whom you maintain relationships. In this case, debt is an indicator that money has been taken from you as a warning about the possibility of greater losses or other destructions of your energy system. These are the Laws, which you must know and comply with. The situation, in this case, can be easily corrected by setting up monthly voluntary donations, and also, by forgiveness of debts.

It is much worse if money has been stolen from you. It indicates that the Egregore of Counteraction gets involved here and triggers the Egregor of Punishment. This kind of problem is more difficult to solve. In this situation you must do the following:

Reconsider/revise your vital positions
Begin to change your values and beliefs, if possible
Control your thoughts, behavior, etc.

The School of Cosmo-Knowledge provides detailed information in this regard during its seminars or through the distance learning. It is a very difficult task, if the process has gone too far. In this case, a person should change their attitude to the World, and perform very deep introspection, as well as energy corrections, which he/she is unable to carry out independently.

Other type of debts – credits, advances and loans from the banks.
The system of lending (loans) – is inherently vicious. What is happening with the banking system today – is the obvious example for everybody.
Here, through the global banking system, the Egregor of Counteraction (Punishment) carries out its work. It is, also, called “Black Egregor of Money”. With the introduction of the credit system, the Egregor draws both companies/businesses and individuals into the most severe conditions of survival and competition, which forms a strong desire, by all means, to find the money to pay the loan. There is a take of not only your money, but also, your energy, because you start constantly thinking about it.
The very idea that you can or need to take a loan/credit is dictated by the desire to get something that you have not earned yet. Keep in mind that sooner or later you must pay for everything you have got. It means that you have to give back everything, or almost everything, and sometimes even the life itself. Here we are talking about the energy of the soul too.
You have to understand that - the loan - is one of the forms of withdrawal of money from people, which has been developed by the Egregor of Counteraction (Punishment). Getting a loan – it is the accumulation of negative energy by your energy system. I understand that not everyone wants to agree with that. It is enough to understand that when the punishment mechanisms are activated, then your soul can become affected by negative energies, and this is the cause of an illness not only in terms of energy, but also psychologically.

Borrowing - is a serious violation/breach, resulting in the weighting of your Karma, and consequently, your life’s program.
Human-debtor - is a person, who is accustomed to live in debt, no matter what kind of debt he/she has (this also applies to all subtle bodies of man). This can be fastened in the form of personal quality, and then it becomes a part of the system of the person’s life.

IF YOU HAVE DEBT and DID NOT PAY ON TIME, then you have CREATED ENERGY LEAKAGE. It means that in your energy system the energy funnel, through which you begin to lose energy of vitality, is opened. And God forbid you have created a business with debts that have not been paid. You can borrow money, but be aware that you need to pay your debt on time, as the channel of energy leakage is opened.

Today, the entire Internet is full of invitations to various seminars and trainings, which promise to teach you how to increase the profit and make/earn ephemeral thousands. People tend to attend these events despite the obvious bluff. After these seminars only few manage to achieve something, but so many relevant mechanisms are not displayed on such trainings.
Think about the motives of your desires: to earn a lot of money or own a large property. ‘Turn on’ the process of self-awareness. We always say that if we strongly desire something, then we get what we want. And so it is. Sooner or later all our wishes come true. However, for how long will you keep your joy? Did you really want to have this, exactly as it is?

Maybe you aspire to personal freedom, but earning money will tie you by obligations and responsibilities that completely engulf your freedom. As a result, you will be disappointed. However, it will be much later, after spending the precious life energy on perishable things instead of using your own energy for your own consciousness development. Money is just not giving the freedom sought by the human Soul. They give other things, but that is not the topic of this article.
You may want to assert yourself and you have a desire to prove to yourself and to others your competency and solvency. In this case, before you start you own business, first of all, you need to do is develop your self-esteem and learn to love yourself. In the world of business nobody will teach you about that, as there are other values, using technologies of Erickson`s zombification.
Perhaps you would like a little more well-being and comfort. However, wealth might put a great responsibility on your shoulders, including the responsibility for other people. Becoming rich, or at least have a decent and regular income - it means that you should keep tight all ‘reins’ of management in your hands. This means stress and a heavy psychological load. Do you have enough of your own energy for that? Do you want to have a huge load on the brain and your psyche? Are you ready for this? It is also necessary to be able to retain money, but if you do not have enough energy, then the money can destroy you. This can be seen in many examples through life situations.

On closer examination of your desires and your operations with money, you will find that most of your desires are violations of the 10 Commandments. As we said in the beginning of this article, the material debts – are nothing, but spiritual debts or sins. As for the further – in the further the mechanism of punishment for sins will be activated. It is only a matter of time, and often the punishment/blow goes through the weakest link in your family - children and relatives.
This information is given to you to make you think, once again, whether to create debts, not only to banks, but through any other means. Do you really need to think about credits or loans? We consider the topic about the energy of money in more detail on our seminar "Money and Spiritual Development." Moreover, we can help you to restore your energy, in order to solve your financial problems/economic situation during various Cosmo Energy sessions.

If you want to make an appointment for consultation, diagnosis and therapy or you want to attend our training, please do not hesitate to contact us - tel.: 020-83641419 (office 9:00 am – 19:00 pm), 07706970347 or visit our website: www.cosmotherapy.org

The author of the article is - Margarita Bezan,

Head of the School of Cosmic Knowledge, Psychologist, A member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League (IPPL), Progressor of Cosmo Energy.

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