In this article we will consider a topic that is interesting for everyone – ‘Why your wishes do not come true’. To be able to find solution in this regard you need to have certain knowledge. In order to solve their problems, people usually seek help. Since ancient times this help has been provided by someone, who had some knowledge, such as practical/household, philosophical, or mystical knowledge. People often do not realize that all knowledge exist in a single source. They just need to connect to it in order to solve all their problems and tasks independently. In order to do that it is necessary to take up step-by-step training, like that one, which we have had in school. The only trouble is that in schools and universities people cannot learn about it, because these educational institutions do not teach these concepts. A person can acquire this knowledge only when he/she begins to actively search for a way out of the problematic situation.People cannot find answers to their questions if they are looking for them in society. Only if misfortune or illness pushes a person into a corner, or if everything in life, which has been created through hard work, begins to collapse disastrously - only then we ask a question “Why?”.
An understanding of the reasons of why your dreams and plans are not realized lays not in the physical aspect - the body, or its conductor - the mind. It lies in the depths of your subconscious. Moreover, your desire must comply with your consciousness and super-consciousness. Only if all three energy planes of your energy system become co-tuned, and if your wish corresponds to the program of your development in a positive direction, then your wish will come true in the physical world. This process goes through the analyzer of not only your brain, but also your heart, which is developing according a certain evolutionary program. A reconciliation of all programs, which have been set up for a lifetime of a person, takes place in the heart. If something does not correspond to the program of your evolution, then your wish could not be realized. In this regard, people do not know the following aspects: how the program can be set up, how to formulate a question correctly, and how the reconciliation/verification of your wish is carried out. We consider these questions in more detail on our seminars.
In this article, we just try to explain to you, by simple words, what is blocking you in life, and what prevent you from achieving desired results in the workplace, personal life and in the financial sphere.
Let's start from the fact that each person has his/her own program of life. Each of us was originally placed in a certain niche of existence, which we got as a hereditary code of ancestors. Everyone is born with certain energy potential (more or less), and as a person progresses through life, this energy potential can be changed for better or for worse, depending on how correctly he/she is able to pass through the milestones of fatalia in life. Any negative, bad program of life can be improved if you know the working mechanisms here. The trouble is that people have got lost in this world of consumerism, and continue to come more and more into a dead end, developing their desires only in this direction. This is a global mistake at the level of all civilization. In fact, the evolution program of not only the planet, but also an individual, is the opposite of consumerism.
That is only one reason of why our desires could not be realized. If you have taken a wrong orienteer in life, then the various problems (or signals) begin to emerge in life, such as health problems, financial losses, and then, more serious mental problems. Further disorientation and retreat from your program of life lead to destructions and negative situations in the personal life and fate. People - our patients come to us at different stages of their fall. Most often, the following problems: the health problems and/or feeling of complete emptying of energy and/or catastrophic lack of money, lead them to us. These are indicators of the far-gone process of self-destruction. If a person is not doing well in life, for example, he/she cannot achieve desirable results at work/business or failed to have successful personal relationships, then we say - the problem lies in a person him/herself. We also explain the processes that gradually led a person to his/her current situation…
Not one single problem that is blocking the achievement of your goals can be formed instantly. Everything goes through the successive and gradual accumulation of negative energy in your energy system from your mental activity, emotions and actions. Not all the problems lie in the so-called karmic program. The majority of mistakes people make themselves. Moreover, even magical programs can have an impact on a person only if he/she starts doing something wrong, retreating from the program of life. In this case, a person is given a lesson, in order to understand in what area he/she is functioning incorrectly. It does not always go through the ancestral line; often people accumulate their problems themselves through their unconscious existence.
During the energy diagnostics we examine situations where people cannot realize their plans/desires, as well as obstacles on the way of reaching personal goals (or why a person is unlucky in life). This type of diagnostics was designed precisely for this purpose.
Another mistake, which people make unconsciously, is constant begging the Creator/God to give them something. It turns out that it needs to know and be able to ask your request correctly. People should not ask God for material benefits or success in a personal life. For this purpose the certain programs have been set up in order to let a person to achieve these goals independently. Only a person him/herself, through hard work and determination (in a greater or lesser extent, depending on the workload of the ancestral line) can solve these problems and achieve their goals. You need to know that it is necessary not just ‘order’ wishes, but carry out the planned and systematic actions to achieve them.
What can prevent you from achieving your dreams and desires? First of all – these are the family’s (ancestral) debts through the line of father or mother. Secondly - the destructive programs that exist in your energy system. After that, it can be the following: the human factor and/or your surroundings. The most importantly – this is the lack of knowledge of how to act/function in certain situations, according to the Cosmic laws that determine the development of not only the Earth, but also, you as a person.
A person without any knowledge in this regard can start asking other people around, and sometimes he/she comes to ridiculous in their searches. For example, recently I have been asked to recommend someone, who can perform an automatic writing under dictation from the "above", in order to identify why none of ordered wishes/desires of a person do not come true. This is a complete fallacy even in attempt to find a way out of the problematic situation. This has led me to write this article, in which I tried to give you a brief overview of just few mistakes that people make in this regard. Since people are different, then their mistakes and blocks are different too. They cannot be fully considered either on a computer, or with the help of the Tarot cards, or during trainings on mastering business skills to increase sales. Many people, also mistakenly, are looking for solutions to their problems in the subconscious. It leads to even worse consequences, since these people do not have appropriate skills and abilities to deal with the blocks of sub-consciousness, because almost no one teaches us how to do that. Therefore, people are rushing from one seminar to another, trying to find something that they do not know, but their wishes still do not come true…
Failure to understand the rules of functioning on the Earth planetary complex has led the development of not only the entire civilization, but each human, who has become a robot of the social and political system, to a dead end.
To be continued…
If you want to make an appointment for consultation, diagnosis and therapy or you want to attend our training, please do not hesitate to contact us - tel.: 020-83641419 (office 9:00 am – 19:00 pm), 07706970347 or visit our website: www.cosmotherapy.org
The author of the article is - Margarita Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmic Knowledge, Psychologist, A member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League (IPPL), Progressor of Cosmoenergy.