We are getting back to work after the summer holidays, and we begin to publish a series of articles, in which we will acquaint our readers with new information that highlights (and will help you understand) the root causes of emerging health problems and/or issues in the social sphere. Today, in this article, we are going to talk about physical ailments. Precisely, about the process of the formation of a disease before it appears in the physical body, and also, about possible ways and methods of solving these problems. You know that autumn is here and the cold weather is right around the corner. It also brings various changes in terms of energy, so we have to be prepared for it. That is what we are going to talk about in this article.As you already know (not only from our previous articles), the disease begins to form in the field structures of the human. This process is related to violations of the energo-informational field of a person. It can be caused by various negative factors to which a person’s organism is exposed. For example, geopathogenic zones, solar geomagnetic storms, the various informational impacts (sex, fear, violence, horrors, etc.) that constantly poured on us from society, psychotronic weapons and even the collective condemnation, etc. In addition to these informational factors there is also purely biochemical negative impact, which comes from consumed GMO food, various chemical drugs, air, water (as the carrier of information), and also, various forms of parasitic flora. We usually do not feel anything suspicious at first, as there is no evidence of any disease in the body.
Once the body has got some negative product or negative energy impact in/on it, the information about it immediately becomes delivered to genetic codes of the human, and then it is fixed (recorded) there. If you have not forgotten the school’s curriculum in biology, then you know that the construction of a new cellular tissue is based on the information of genetic code. If you understand the simple principle of transmission: Energy (this is the information too) – Genetic Code – Cellular Tissue, then you will understand the mechanism of formation of any type of disease.
It all starts when the human body gets in the certain portion of information. The more frequent the flow of negative information, the sooner a disease is formed at the level of the human physical body and/or psyche. The energo-informational field and the physical body are interrelated and inseparable. Therefore, all distortions of the field structure affect the physical condition of the human body. With the gradual accumulation of negative information in energy bodies of a person, the first signals of potential illness could be various types of pains, as well as unpleasant sensations of unknown etiology. They may initially be temporary and slightly perceptible, so people often simply do not notice this stage. Even if some people decide to seek medical help, in most cases nothing unusual or suspicious is detected. This is the first stage of any disease. Therefore, before you start the treatment of the physical body by methods of conventional/mainstream medicine, it is necessary to begin exactly with an examination of the subtle bodies. Moreover, it would be better if it were done at the first stage of the disease, before it comes out on the physical plane. Unfortunately, we deal with our health problems in the opposite way. We start to seek medical help only when we get sick, not slightly, but when it becomes absolutely unbearable. This means that gradually, day-by-day, a person accumulates the negative potential of the disease and reduces their energy potential.
Let’s go forward. If a person is exhausted energetically (energetically insufficient) and is not able to compensate the violations of energo- informational field, then the disease evolves to the second stage of its development – on the tissue level. At the same time, there is various general symptoms appear, such as: weakness, fatigue, headache, moodiness, increased nervousness and irritability. This is the typical symptomatic of an energetically insufficient person. Such a human is no longer able to cope with the disease independently, so he/she needs to seek help.
If during the second stage of the disease’s develoipment the root cause of the problem (which lies on the field level) still has not been found and eliminated, and if the energo-informational system of the person has not been restored, then it will be very difficult to reverse the negative changes that have occurred at the tissue level of the body. Then the whole process is developing to the third stage – on the level of organs, which means that certain malfunctions of organs and/or the whole system of the body can occur. In cases of far developed disorders in the body we use high-frequency torsion fields of cosmo-energy frequencies. The systematic application of cosmo-energy frequencies has the following benefits: it stabilizes the condition of bio-field, prevents the development of further disorders and initiates the process of correction and self-healing. The duration of the recovery of bio-field depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the stage of the disease.
In order to harmonize our bodies it is really necessary to correct and adjust (‘co-tune’) our organisms to the changes that are currently taking place in the environment. Moreover, the further global change of climate on the planet makes this adjustment is urgently needed. It means that the planet itself is in the process of correction/adjustment, so we – people should go along with it. Now it is now known by anyone who has experience of studying and treating diseases. Indeed, many doctors today are more dissatisfied with methods of conventional medicine. Therefore, it is not a coincidence that the Western medicine has begun to adapt a new approach – energo-informational. It includes the urgent creation of a variety of devices operating at high frequency characteristics, so-called God’s creation "on the topic of the day". These devices, indeed, are able to align, adjust and correct the frequency characteristics of problematic organs and areas of the body, which creates the effect of healing/recovery. However, what happens to the information, which has formed the disease initially, where has it gone? It remains in the genetic code of a person as his/her violations of the Laws of Being. People are not aware of these violations and do not realize them consciously. It means that stratums of this negative information still ‘sit’ in the deeper layers of the energy system of a person, and all related records are stored there. This is the higher level of affection/destruction of the human energy system. High level of affection/destruction includes our mental level, which is our consciousness. Hence, it automatically comes to the conclusion that in order to cure a disease it is necessary to make an impact on a person’s consciousness, first of all. We need to start, of course, from learning how to maintain positive attitude and thinking. However, many people do not have the inner strength even for that. In this case, the high-frequency torsion fields of cosmo-energy frequencies can help. Absolutely all correctors (cosmo-energy frequencies) have positive impact on our consciousness. The conclusion is that it is necessary to change (improve) your consciousness, and this important aspect we explain to our patients in parallel with provided treatment.
The therapeutic effect of torsion fields of cosmo-energy frequencies lies in their ability to affect the cells, tissues, organs and body systems. First of all, this work is based on the ability of the human brain to directly perceive therapeutic information transmitted by the torsion field through the person-operator of frequencies. This is the targeted information, which is carefully selected for each patient, individually, by the operator of cosmo-energy. The patient's brain receives this therapeutic information, which is contained in the torsion field of channels (frequencies), as a certain command-program for its implementation, i.e., on healing. In addition, due to increased vibrations, the restoration of the lost energy potential of the body occurs, which can be felt by a person as the restoration of vitality. Since the torsional high frequencies have the positive impact on the whole organism, the improvements occur not just in a particular organ, but also in the body as a whole. This effect is impossible to achieve with the use of any medical devices created by man. Therefore, whether you apply stones or ‘dabble’ with devices, all of that are means of the local action-impact. I hope that in this article we have managed to explain to our reader the difference between the artificially created wave devices and capabilities of the human brain. And this you can learn with us!!!
Nowadays many people have tumors. However, tumor diseases can never appear in the pure (clean) body. Therefore, we always include cleansing sessions into the course of treatment.
(To be continued...)
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The author of the article is - Margarita Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmic Knowledge, Psychologist, A member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League (IPPL), Progressor of Cosmoenergy.