

What is the impact of DNA on the process of the human development? What is the function of DNA in addition to the coding and protein production? Through the change of DNA it is possible to change not only the human, but also the program of their life.
DNA influences our development through the restoration of blocked light filaments (they are located in the human field structure), as well as restoration of the certain links, which provide the transfer of energy and information between the energy levels. It is impossible for the human to add and activate the DNA independently, because the human has not enough the high-octane frequencies (or the Light) in their energy system. This can only be obtained from the Supreme Spiritual Mind. If you are aligned and attuned to these waves, then the genetic codes get the same ‘keys’, which can ‘unlock’ your DNA, and so the unlocking of the blocked channels of communication with the Spiritual Space takes place. It is also called - enlightenment, followed by clarification of consciousness of the human and rethinking of everything that happened to him/her. It becomes easier to understand and realize where he/she makes mistakes and why they cannot achieve anything in life. After that a person would be able to make the right decision in any life situation. After unlocking the DNA acts as a superconductor, and then your hidden features and capabilities begin to show. At the level of the physical body you will also notice the positive changes.
I am often asked whether it is possible to do it quickly (may be with the help of some techniques), so is it possible to accelerate the process of development?"... Is there any sequence of actions, which can stimulate the DNA in order to give it the superconductivity property?" No. Such methods/techniques, etc. do not exist, because the whole attunement takes place on the subtle planes, and it is conducted by your Spiritual Mentors. There is no such a thing as an accelerated process as everything goes gradually and according to individual physical parameters of each person. If the brain, in its development, is lagging behind the heart, then the process slows down and the human has to go through (pass) the certain situations (life lesson) in order to work out their development program. In case when the brain is ahead of the heart in its development, then the person halts again and he/she is given a lesson on the passage (development) of cordiality. The artificial ‘jogging’ through situations can never happen. The situations must be worked out and confirmed that the ‘lesson’ is learned. After passing the ‘examination’ a new programs will be set up in the DNA of a person, which means new lessons for the future development. Behind all this a strict control that is carried out by Higher Forces from the higher planes. Your life program is monitored and controlled by the Consciousness of the Earth. Every 12 years there is a reconciliation of the planned program, as well as of the actual situation for its passage.
How can we achieve a rapid evolutionary growth?
Under the influence of Cosmic frequencies the passage of life events begins to speed up, so the situations appear one after another as if they compressed together.  This is the more rapid progression. However, the person oneself has to work out (make efforts) in life situations, but not the frequencies. The Frequencies of the Spiritual Space can support you, giving you strength for the passage of the certain situation, and the terrestrial teacher gives you knowledge. Thus, in a joint collaboration, the accelerated evolution of the human can be achieved. From the information above you can understand there is no such a thing as that the artificial removal of the "karmic programs," and therefore, your genetic codes and programs. Any attempts in this regard with the help of some person, meditation or practice – are nonsense. You have to do everything by yourself. So-called travels to past incarnations and attempts to change something there – the delusion for the undeveloped mind as well. You just have to understand and KNOW the following: how you relate (and connected) to the planetary consciousness of the Earth, how the process of applying of the high-frequency beams affects your energy system and consciousness, and what processes take place both on the energy and the physical planes. You need to accept and process this knowledge during the certain period of time, and then, consciously and reasonably use it along with energies in this world. You must confirm that you have the mind (consciousness) otherwise you will not be able to live along with the new energies, because everything that is non-resonant with these new energies will be destroyed.  
Our School can lead you on this way. We propose the concrete actions in this regard, but not just philosophy and ideas. We are experts (practical specialists) who are changing this world. We have our PATH, and we are ready to share our knowledge with you. Jesus said it differently: "You are sinners because you are blind, but if you believe that you are sighted, then you will remain sinners forever." In our language this phrase has the following meaning: do not close your way towards the knowledge, thinking that you already know everything, because by doing that you overlap the path of getting knowledge for yourself, but therein lies the evolution.
We do not believe in accidents – we have an explanation of all the processes and situations that occur to you at any stage of your life. Since ancient times people have noticed that there are no coincidences in life, but there is the law of cause and effect. When there are a lot of accidents, then the certain pattern of events can be found in them. In this regard smart people can add the following: at first time it might be a coincidence, but the second time – this is a pattern (the law of cause and effect). An unwillingness to go through the way of acquisition of knowledge brings you to the niche of existence of unwise/unreasonable people. These people do not know how to pass through their life program correctly, they cannot convey their life experience to their children, and so, it automatically affects them and their fates in a negative way. You do not know how to resist the aggression of the surrounding world that draws you into its funnel and makes you a zombie and/or robot of its system. As a result of your ignorance and blindness in this regard, the Program of Life and Mind Evolution puts you into the so-called "running in circles". We can help you to find the way out of this circle of troubles and failures through the explanation and training.
This process is gradual and goes according to the pace of assimilation of new information and new energies by a person, as well as though their practical implementation in the society. By conducting this knowledge through action, you introduce new information into your DNA and fasten it there through repetition, and so, altering DNA’s quality. Therefore, you form new skills and character traits, which consequently leads to the formation of a new person. It is impossible to do so without mentors from both terrestrial/physical (human) and subtle (Spiritual Mentors) planes. A person cannot ‘break through’ the society independently. He/she will be constantly pulled down to the old (low) vibrations.
When you begin to understand, then it begins the process of finding the outlet from the occurred negative situations. Where to go and to whom to contact in this case? To doctors, psychologists, teachers of meditation, one-time itinerant esoteric teachers or TV show "The Oracle", which is so professionally mislead people? Once again, I note that the false knowledge is worse than ignorance in general. For example, the inappropriate use of cosmic frequencies (these are examples of work of some Cosmoenergy specialists, so-called "experts", who call themselves the Masters of Cosmoenergy): the Preferential SESSION in order to withdraw FINANCE BLOCKAGES - £30, and the next day - the Privilege SESSION in order to obtain material PROSPERITY AND GOOD FORTUNE (a relevant talisman can be ‘charged’ during the session) - £30. These are examples of the deliberate misleading of a person, causing confusion and delusion, because no true spiritual teacher will use magical practices of ‘charging’ talismans, and/or conduct SCAM type of sessions for good luck...
The Frequencies of High Spiritual Space just do not work in such a way. This is elementary bait for undeveloped consciousness; or these ‘masters’ do not understand what are the Spiritual frequencies of Cosmoenergy. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of such ‘experts’ of Cosmoenergy, because they have not been taught the method properly. Nobody (in any of the Schools of Cosmoenergy) provides the energo-informational training for cosmoenergy practitioners. However, this is the first condition and the foundation of this type of work with the subtle Worlds. People’s ignorance and lack of knowledge in this field lead to the spread of the false understanding of the method.
The choice is always yours, and through the path of trials and errors, you can finally realize that nobody will do your ‘job’ instead of you. If there is no clear understanding in this regard, then there is no change in the situation as a whole. Perhaps, after the use of certain techniques and meditations, you can have the temporary effect and only a fragmentary relief, but in general it does not change anything, so you can analyze that on your own experience. We are not saying that it is bad, but you have to understand that this is not enough to be a reasonable human. In most cases people prefer what is easier to use. Usually, all that is easy to obtain is not valued. However the true knowledge can be obtained only through the hard work.
If you do not know the way, then where are you going? Ask yourself this question. What do you know about the possibility of changing of your life program and how it can be done, how to get in touch with your Soul and how to work/deal with your illnesses independently? If there is no permanent (and proper) instructor in your real life, then there is no proper passage of Life Program, considering that each of these programs is different. In this case nothing can help you, nor a session "for good luck", nor ‘charging’ of talismans, nor scam to "withdraw financial blockages." There is only one way – the way of self-development through changes (improvements) in the genetic codes of DNA. This development can be different, sometimes it is slow, sometimes it is very fast, but everyone is given the opportunity to try it. Even if you are reading this article - this is also not a coincidence, but the attempt of your mentors (Higher Teachers) to give you the opportunity to fundamentally change something in your live. Do not leave it for later, because later may never come. There will be less and less inner forces in energetically insufficient people, and such people will not fit into the energies of a new world. Do not block your channel of development and getting necessary knowledge because only this can lead you to positive changes in your DNA structures and in the program of your life. There are no other ways, and “the road/way will be mastered only by someone who keeps going”. I also want to add that it can be done with the help of a Teacher on the path of ascension, but never alone... I am not a Preacher and I do not read the sermons to my disciples. The Preacher gives postulates, but the Teacher gives an explanation. That is what we are doing at the School of Cosmo-knowledge.
We are waiting for new students and people who want to change their lives.
If you want to make an appointment for a consultation, diagnosis and therapy or you want to attend our training, please do not hesitate to contact us - tel.: 020-83641419 (office 9:00 am – 19:00 pm), 07706970347 or visit our website: www.cosmotherapy.org
The author of the article is - Margarita Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmic Knowledge, Psychologist, A member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League (IPPL), Progressor of Cosmoenergy.

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