In this article, we continue discussing the topic, which has been established in our previous publication ‘Energo-Parasites Of The Human Energy System’ (Part 1). If summarize the main points of the previous article, we can say that it is crucial for you to understand the ways, through which our consciousness becomes coded into the negative mode of functioning – degradation, and how gradual and almost imperceptible this process goes. Consequently, it leads to the loss of energy in the human system and appearance of a various types of problems.For a person who does not possess the necessary knowledge in this field it is practically impossible to track down this process. A loss of energy is always accompanied by gradual de-energizing of the whole organism of a human. In the long term, it leads to problems with the health and destiny. It is not necessary that those problems will occur immediately. In fact, sometimes it takes a number of years for a certain problem to appear in a person’s life. In the beginning it feels like a ‘narrowing’ of a consciousness, then goes the disintegration of a consciousness, and after all, a human becomes immersed in a semi-animal state of being. You should seek help to restore your energy system with an appearance of the first signs of the described above conditions/symptoms.
In the case when a person with such a state of mind (and energy system) has a lot of money, then he/she may turn into a ‘tyrant’ or a ‘monster’, which does not take into consideration the interests and opinions of other people, whatsoever. This kind of person ceases to feel any human suffering and pain. The consciousness of a ‘person-monster’ becomes completely rebuilt for the opposite perception of a reality, up to exactly opposite. Because of a lack of energy in the system, such people become ‘energo-vampires’ who often change their sexual partners, which is also a sign of an absence of a personal integrity.
In this way, goes a process of a slow and partial robotization of a human. In the case when the negative energy being/matrix has managed to completely capture the human consciousness then the flow of the higher spiritual energy becomes blocked. Then happens the phenomenon of so-called ‘complete obsession’ with an automatic opening of ‘0’ center, which is called an ‘infra-center’. A triumph for the negative energy beings/matrixes is when they have managed to set up the ‘programme on suicide and fratricide’ in the human mind. This is their ‘pie’ for many years because the most powerful release of energy happens at the moment of a death of a person. Then the Cosmic Law comes into force. The energy of a person who has committed suicide becomes ‘enslaved’, and the soul of that person will be rejected from the programme of the evolutionary development. All information about the life path of the suicidal person and about his/her positive and negative qualities will be passed to the further generations through the programmes for the ancestry line of that person.
Therefore, because of certain poor, negative qualities have been established in the ancestry line, many people have a ‘bad’, unfortunate fate and a low level of a personal development and/or social status. In relation to those who are born in dysfunctional families, we can say with confidence that these people have the negative energy being/matrix in their ‘programme of life’. Initially, literally from the date of birth, the negative energy matrixes have an impact on a human. Then, during the process of maturity, people accumulate negative energy and negativity, generally. Eventually they are loosing a capacity of taking control over their animal instincts. In the long term, the negative influence of a family and society, in combination with the personal passiveness, leads to the fact that the person is ‘falling’ down, lower and lower. After the seizure of the astral plane, the negative energy matrixes ‘go’ deeper – to the mental plane of a human enego-system. There they ‘attack’ the human at the level of thoughts. The negative process goes further in the form of on-going ‘pumping out’ of energy and general weakening of the energy system. With the presence of these conditions/symptoms the depression and suicidal thoughts are formed.
What kinds of symptoms are preceded to this process?
The seizure of the astral plane of the human energo-system by the negative energy beings/matrixes primarily leads to the increasing nervousness and imbalance on the sensual level, and consequently, to the leakage of energy. People are trying to cope with these issues, but they are doomed to fail without an understanding of the underlying processes. Therefore, eventually, there will be an obvious increase in nervousness again. The result of that - is not only an understatement in the energy supply and lowering of the vibrations, but also the destruction of organs and systems of the body, including the brain structures. This fact is supported by the research of American scientists. Their medical studies have shown that the situation is much worse than they expected! Scientists have found that prolonged stress leads to the shrinkage of the brain that, consequently, leads to dementia. Chemical compounds produced in the body during the stress are toxic for the brain tissues. Corticosteroids, which are produced in the brain as a result of constant stress, kill neurons. However, corticosteroids can be helpful during the short periods of the nervous tension. During prolonged exposure to corticosteroids especially suffers the Hippocampus - a part of the limbic system of the brain.
Hippocampus (image from the bottom side of the brain)
The Hippocampus is involved into the mechanisms of formation of emotions and memory consolidation, i.e. the transition from the short-term memory to the long-term memory. It is, also, responsible for the formation and organization of memories, as well as, for the certain abilities such as orientation in space. Therefore, the symptoms of dementia are developing there too.
Also, scientists have studied the brains of people who have held the top-level management positions in large companies. The results of such studies show that, because of constant stress, the hippocampus of these people has been reduced in size significantly. A size of their hippocampus is the same as the hippocampus of elderly people, who are suffering from senile dementia. The same effect has the post-traumatic stress that was experienced by the people who participated in hostilities or wars.
Other medical researches have found that the placenta of a pregnant woman has unique properties. It is not only absorbing nutrients and oxygen, but also, according to the University of Pennsylvania, perceiving stress experienced by the mother. It means that the placenta of a pregnant woman has an ability to transfer the ‘energy-cliché’, so the negative information/energy is transferred to a child. Therefore, even as early as having been in a womb of a mother, the child is, already, under the influence of the negative energy beings/matrixes.
The negative energy beings/matrixes are – the certain energy forms of life, which can intrude into, not only the energy fields of a human, but also, the energy field of the Earth, buildings, towns and countries. The negative energy beings/matrixes of the Genus/Family are - the negative programmes that exist in the ancestral line of a human. They are formed by the presence of the certain negative personal traits (lack of a ‘personal quality’), which are transmitted hereditary. These are the viruses of our civilization.
Many types of the negative energy beings/matrixes deliberately, sometimes just by their presence, actively prevent us from developing positive qualities/thinking/acting. They do that in order to not let us to open the 4th energy center - the heart center. All negative energy matrixes have a common quality - they are capable of gaining strength very quickly, but only if a person begins to ‘feed’ them by negative behavior such as laziness, cowardice, gluttony, etc. They, literally, can gain strength in one day.
However, it is not enough to just identify/recognize the mischief. You need to be able to cope with it, but you, might be, do not have a strength and sufficient energy potential for this task. Any negative energy being/matrix is, always, much more powerful than any human, otherwise it was not be able to penetrate into the human energy system. Therefore, when it captures the human energo-system, people cannot cope with it independently, without an appropriate help. Why? For the following reasons:
Lack of understanding of a process (what is happening)
Absence of knowledge about the energy levels and their functioning
Lack of energy potential in order to deal with energy field parasites
The vast majority of people do not have substantial energy potential. Our energo-capacity is not strong enough to protect us from energy parasites. The negative energo-system knows and employs this factor. They are, also, well aware of the Cosmic Laws of the Universe, one of which is - a greater potential subjugates a smaller potential. Thus, these energo-parasites are able to impose on people one or another negative deed/action. Despite the fact that they are not capable of changing the ‘programme of life’ of a person, they can skillfully use the certain situations in that programme, directing a person towards low, negative behavior and attitude. Energo-parasites act through the certain suggestions, like hypnosis. If a person falls under that influence, then the communication channel between the human brain and the negative system is formed. Eventually, the entire human body starts working according to the mode of existence required to the negative system. For example, the human brain has the ‘center of a pleasure’. The negative matrixes can affect this center by sending certain energy impulses. They are constantly “clicking" on that center, so a person cannot resist it (some kind of pleasure) and cannot get away from this wave. In our previous articles we explained the method, which we use in order to liberate people from that negative influence.
Unfortunately, people are weak. In this regard, there is a good proverb “it is easy to go down the hill, but it is difficult to go up the hill”. In our context, this phrase means that it is much easier not to think about such things as energo-parasites rather than deal with them. We, quite often, meet people with this kind of attitude. Many patients, even after attending the energy diagnostics, are not able to proceed to the next step - the cleansing and treatment sessions. Thus, it is clear that, from the very beginning, the negative energy matrixes are blocking a person. This is a strong signal that the resistance of the negative system has begun.
It does not matter what kind of energy intrudes into your life, you must always remember the following rule: approach any situation with clear understanding of what is happening to you. The negative energy is present in every human life. Thus, the purification of the energo-system from that energy is necessary as much as cleaning of the physical body from dirt. The energo-parasites are ‘fighting’ with us mentally – ‘Mind on Mind’, ‘Idea on Idea’. Their ‘weapon’ is always based on a lie and false thoughts disguised by visibility of truth, beauty and harmony. I am often asked, how it can be recognized and whether it possible to protect myself from all this? The answer is YES, of course, you can. In our center you can cleanse the whole organism and restore your health, but not only that. After cleansing we will explain you the mechanisms of energo-protection and methods of restoration of the energo-system, so you will be able to deal with any parasitic forms of life, both physical and energetical.
The above images are examples of affected Auras. On the first photo, red color of the field structure indicates that the human has the following problems: health problems, financial problems, lack of energy and energo-deformation on the left hand side. The second photo shows the problems of the psychological and energetical nature, which are leading to the destruction of the destiny. There you can see that the glow of the Aura does not have a proper density and broken edges of the Aura indicate the presence of active destructive programmes.
The above images are examples of the Aura after energo-purification (cleansing of the energy fields). These photos show significant compaction of the energy field of the patients and increased energy potential of the entire organism. It leads to improved physical well-being and nervous system condition, and also, to positive changes in the consciousness. The energy fields of the patients are clean, without any breaks and have consistent density and volume. The difference between these two field structures lies within the level of the consciousness development of the patients.
If you want to make an appointment to the consultation, diagnosis and therapy or you want to attend our training, please do not hesitate to contact us - tel.: 020-83641419 (office 9:00 am – 19:00 pm), 07706970347 or visit our website: www.cosmotherapy.org
The author of the article is - Margarita Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmic Knowledge, Psychologist, A member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League (IPPL), Progressor of Cosmoenergy.