Currently, we live in difficult times, where people, so many of us, feel lost and cannot find their path in life. Almost none of us are able to fulfill their personal ‘programme of life’, which means self-realization. "What is it exactly?” you can ask. In this article we will try to find the answer to this difficult question.In our publications we have repeatedly mentioned the fact that the entire life of a human is constructed according to the specific programmes. Most people have no information about it whatsoever. Many times we have highlighted the fact that this subject is not taught in any school or university. People can gain this type of knowledge, individually, only if they consciously striving to understand these concepts. Eventually, those who have an aspiration will be able to find out new information, which will become more accessible to them. All information is given (opened up) gradually and in appropriate pace and dosage, in order do not cause any harm to ‘immature’ consciousness. Let’s begin from the core question – Why (for what purpose) did we (people) come to this planet Earth? Why did the Creator create us? Without understanding of this matter you will never be able to find out the crux of your personal self-realization and the meaning of the creation of the entire planetary complex. It is important to know that on the planetary complex is held a significant experiment – the development of the Mind in the biological body.
The Mind of the Creator has laid the foundation for our existence for the specific purpose, which is - to duplicate existing informational base to another energo-informational carrier (a human). In esoteric sources you can find some information about the fact that the Creator has designed the experiment, which is called "Living Library". These are echoes of the authentic information, but after layering on it the fantasies of channelingists, this information has been distorted. The meaning of the human existence is - to be able to receive, store and transfer/duplicate that information on another energy level (the level of the human energy system). Currently, this capacity is not only underdeveloped, but we even lost that potential, which was originally laid in us according to the plan of the Creator, when the programme was launched, 12 million years ago. During this period of time the programmes of the Life and the Mind have been evolved and developed on our planet.
Nowadays, nobody is able to duplicate the information, which has our Creator, and also, the Mother Earth. In fact, how can we do it? Apparently, at first, we must learn something, is not it? We must acquire appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities. Moreover, if your one life is not enough for this purpose, then you have to convey your experience to children, so they will be able to continue your work in this direction. That is the direction towards self-improvement, including the development of the personal qualities and characteristics as well as creative abilities. People should develop their skills in order to be able to create, but not destroy and kill. However, what do we do? We just SURVIVE - it is typical for the majority of society. You can argue – ‘We create’. Yes, we create, but what? We create the destruction of the nature of the Earth, which supports our very existence. Also, we are actively developing new types of weapons, which destroy that very Life and Mind. Is this the programme that Creator had in mind for us? In fact, this is not the matter of having the incompetent, ‘bad’ political leaders or heads of governments. Unfortunately, even they do not know the basic rules and laws of Being/Existence. Politicians are unaware of the programmes, which they should adhere to in order to gain the development, for which they have been created.
If accept this (above) information as the foundation, which the humanity should lean on, then here comes out the question - How to gain all this knowledge? In our School there are all keys to these issues. We transfer knowledge to people who are tired from repressing their Spirit and Soul. The Soul constantly signals us as dissatisfaction with life. Many people have some kind of dissatisfaction with their lives and it is not only people with low-income, but also, the wealthy ones. Outwardly, the wealthy people might seem happy and successful, but only few of us can see and understand what they feel inside. In fact, ‘inside’ these people usually have emptiness and a hard blockage on the heart center. They do not realize it, because in order to have awareness in this regard they need to have an appropriate knowledge.
The first sign, which points out that you have chosen the wrong path in life, is when you repress your Soul. It is, exactly, the Soul reacts the first and begins to indicate that you have made a mistake. People have an expression – ‘The Heart Is A Diviner”. Indeed, only the heart can ‘tell’ you about upcoming challenges and future adversities. However, if there is a blockage (energy blockage) on the heart, then a person ceases to hear the prompts of their Soul and begins the failure in the program of personal development. Moreover, a human have to learn to distinguish signals of the conscience from signals of the Soul. It is precisely the signals of the heart center point out the failure in the programme of your self-realization. Thus, the information about the failure in the development programme passes from generation to generation. As a result - a human is losing, but not developing, the abilities and capacity that once had. The good new is - all of that can be corrected! It is possible to correct any distortions in personal development if provide a human with the necessary knowledge. Therefore, who or what is stopping you from getting this knowledge?
The blocks can have a place not only at the level of the heart center, but also in the human mind. They are introduced by the certain negative structures (system) – egregors, which have strong influence on a human. People themselves do not have an appropriate energy capacity to deal with these types of blocks (egregors) and cannot remove them. Only the System can deal with the System. The System that can provide resistance against another, negative system is – the Consciousness of the Earth. It is able to remove blocks, but only when people begin to turn their consciousness towards working according to the programmes of the Creator.
In the conclusion we can say the following:
A human has to learn to participate in the programmes for the creation of new models of the world, together with the Creator. In order to do that, people have to go through some training. What kind of training? Of course, the training in the energy field, because the Creator of everything - is not the materialistic concept. For people this concept consists of images from the Bible, and considered as something ‘unknowable’, ‘indefinite’, and ‘existing somewhere’, no one knows where ....Indeed, how the material mind can get to know and understand something immaterial, if there is no learning mechanisms? It turns out that this mechanism exists and this is - our consciousness. It must have energo-informational knowledge, based on which we can talk about an understanding of the processes occurring in the Universe constructed by the Creator; as well as about the human, since we are creatures not only physical, but energetical too. Without solid knowledge of these laws and programmes it is impossible to understand neither the meaning of our existence nor the tasks that the Creator has set up for us. Of course, people cannot participate in these programmes if they do not understand them.
As for the understanding of the personal programme of self-realization, first of all, you need to figure out how your mind/consciousness can influence this world. It is not enough just to think positively and expect that everything will be improved. Think about the following - What degree of the reasonableness the human consciousness must achieve in order to be heard by the Planetary Mind and your life began to change? We have the keys to these doors. We can give them to anyone who is interested in it. We will continue discussing this topic in our next article.
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The author of the article is - Margarita Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmic Knowledge, Psychologist, A member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League (IPPL), Progressor of Cosmoenergy.