
Secrets Of Human Existence (Part 1)

Today, in this article, we will talk about the knowledge that was accessible only for dedicated/initiated people. In order for you to be able to see something from another perspective, it is necessary to change the measure of understanding, and for this you need to acquire new knowledge. This article examines the concept of information and the term ‘mental time’.
Information – is the explanation and the presentation of a concept. After receiving and processing a certain piece of information (some news, updates, etc.) a person begins to retell and expound it, so he/she gives shape to this information. After that there will be secondary information. We transfer this info to other people in a form of our personal opinion. Therefore, every time when we communicate it to others, information can acquire a certain degree of distortion, depending on our interpretation.
Information - this is the order of organization of matter. If we shape something, then it means that we materialize our thoughts. That is we begin changing the world around us. We are now preparing the future, for example, if we say that there will be a war, then so be it, because thoughts are material and begin to shape the future.
The present – is the soil, on which the future is growing. This is the foundation/fundament of a new informational matrix that will be filled with energy and will acquire a real shape. A matrix, which was there before, is changed and it fails to work properly now. Instead, a new and rapidly developing matrix has been created. Which one? – You should understand it yourself. There is the future – an indefinite matrix, and there is ‘things to come’, which determined by the present.
It is well known also that the one, who owns the information, owns the word. Remember the Bible's well-known expression: "In the beginning there was the Word, and that Word was from God..." Whoever possesses the information and the word - owns the world. Whoever owns the information, can fill it with vital energy and power of a thought, which leads to the materialization of the event. All dedicated/initiated people know this.
Information is needed for the implementation of any life process of any creature on Earth.
The life is – the movement, search and a process of processing of different types of information. Our food is also information. Thus, not just education or our society with its mass media and communications channels carries information, but also, things such as food, medicines, etc. Therefore, we have to learn something from/about this information too.
Why do we need to process all this information? What are we supposed to do with it? It turns out that a human has the following task – processing information in all its forms. We need to work through it and create a harmonious matrix of existence as for ourselves as well as for the whole planetary system. This is called ‘the creation of a new life program’ or ‘creation of a new Matrix of Being’. This is called differently in various sources, for example: the co-creation (which means that people are co-creators), the creation of new worlds together with the planetary consciousness, or the creation of a new ‘Program of Life’, etc.
When after receiving information from different sources we begin to harmonize it, then we are in the ‘corridor’ of God’s Divine Providence (as Christians would say). For this purpose it is necessary to reach a state of a consciousness, when the person can perceive the wealth of matter, which is in harmony, as a whole.
However, what prevents us to achieve this harmony?
It turns out that there is such a thing as ‘mental time’. This is something few people are aware of. Although, everyone must know that our psyche (mind) can operate in 5 different time modes, and the mental time is determined according to the mode. The mental time of a person may be mismatched with real time. The human consciousness is able to function/operate in the following modes:
Automatic mode or ‘zombies’. Here, the delay in comprehension of information by a person can reach from 0.5 to 1.5 seconds.

Rational mode. The delay in comprehension of information by a person can reach from 1.5 to 2.5 seconds. Human’s ability to use his or her own mind defines this lag.

Vital (emotional) mode. Here, a person goes ahead him/herself and evaluate all information in terms of their own emotions. This condition can be characterized as a presence of energy parasites (demons) in the vital, physical and the mental bodies/fields of a person. The more this condition (energy parasite) developed – the further from reality an individual are. This person is seeing/perceiving everything through his/her emotional wave. The development of the viral energy matrix means that an individual is further ahead of his/herself and fall out of real time. As a result, the world is perceived through the prism of emotions and the perception of the world is distorted, up to a mirror effect, and there is a loss of a consciousness of reality, completely. If any of the above conditions are met, then the mind is not working properly.

Vegetative state or a stupor. This is a state when a person does not respond to anything. He/she is being shackled by fear or there are no emotions at all. The mind of such a person does not work and such people are acting, usually, in the affect condition.

‘Here and Now’ mode. This is the real time. For example, in the case of an emergency in an airplane, a pilot, in order to save the passengers and fix the situation, performs certain actions automatically, without any hesitations.
Please note that the first 4 states of mind – the states where the mental time is not correspond to the real time, and such a person can never actually get into the real time of existence.
A management of the mental time – is a science, which requires certain skills, and this depends on the level of spiritual development of the individual. This condition (high level of development of a human) is also called the human generosity. People who posses this quality can control the mental time. In some mystical sources, these people are called ‘guided/driven by God’ or ‘blessed by the Holy Spirit’. Among Christians such a state of consciousness often characterized by the fact that a person is clearly guided by their guardian angel, with whom a clear conscious contact has been established by a person. In this case the human Soul begins to directly manage all of person’s actions. There is a synchronization of all actions of man with God’s Divine Providence. However, man does not come immediately to this state of mind, but through training and slow, deliberate search for it.
The previous highest level is preceded by another level of consciousness, which is characterized as – a soulful human. The soulful person still cannot manage mental time, but he/she is in the process of a personal growth and is looking for ways and methods to control mental time. On this stage, emotions are already extinguished; here the subordination to the laws of the Universe (the Creation) takes place.
The lower level of consciousness – is a cowardly human. This is a low-quality Soul. This kind of Soul is still in a process of accumulation certain qualities and working off past mistakes such as killing, stealing, etc. This Soul takes on lessons from past experiences of previous generations of a family (genus), according to person’s ancestral lines.
There are also other people, who have little or no human qualities; they are called – soulless human. Animal instincts dominate in them. These people are not able to receive and process information correctly.
Then goes the category of people, who, according to the level of their consciousness development, can be characterized as so-called ‘mirrored human’: such as the undead, inhuman (nonhumans), etc. They cannot control the mental time at all; they do not know what it is.
The ‘Lords’ govern/manage the entire distorted (reflected) world. The quality of their consciousness is exactly the opposite of the consciousness of people who are led by God – spiritual people. ‘Lords’ also have all the information and can make a dis-synchronization of real time.
This knowledge we pass on to our students gradually as they grow/develop their minds, so not earlier than in the second year of study. The differentiation (separation) of the Soul by its color and quality is described in the Vedic sources of Slavs. Today, in the School of Cosmo Knowledge, we can describe it too, and we characterize it as the degree of development of a consciousness of a person. This can be determined by photo of your aura during the energy diagnosis. This is a great picture of the world, which is described in the sacred sources.
Man must learn to walk to the right and to the left and to cognize the good and evil, and then, by analyzing of all this knowledge he/she should be able to understand all these processes. You must learn to consolidate and systemize all gained knowledge. Your task is to escape from duality. If there is no duality and division, then the mental time begins to narrow and merge with the real time. Once the division happens then the problems begin. This is one of the sacred mysteries of our existence that people do not understand, and therefore fall into the trap, because of their ignorance of the subject. However, you have a choice, as there are two ways - to know or to stay in the dark. And it is time to choose, but what?
Today, we are so loaded with different information, so people do not want to think. Nowadays, we are so overwhelmed by all the mass media info, poisoned by food with GMOs, and/or we are destroying our minds by other "benefits" of civilization. Almost no one is able to pass a simple ‘exam’ of the ‘Program of Life’, not to mention the major ‘exam’ periods. If we just collect information and deal with it mentality (such as only read, talk, etc.) without taking any actions, then that's it, nothing can be changed in your life. In this case, you will always stay in a non-synchronized mental time and you will be mentally suffering from internal dissatisfaction and being tired of life. As long as you produce the same thoughts and actions, your life will be the same as before. Nevertheless, you wish that everything had changed in your life. As we have said at the beginning of this article – if any of the above 4 conditions (modes) are met, then our mind is not working. Therefore, during all this time, someone is controlling you and forming a new matrix of the upcoming events. May be is it time to wake up?
To be continued ...
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The author of the article: M.Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmo Knowledge, Psychologist, Member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League, Progressor of Cosmoenergy.

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