
Signs and Tokens in Our Lives

Signs and tokens in our lives.

Unexplained signs and phenomena that occur in our lives are not always seen people. Today we talk about the sign system and the signals that may be present in our lives.
Scientists have proved that not only our minds but also the whole cellular structure of the body at every minute passes through vast amount of information. This is not fixed by man because of the low degree of operability of our consciousness, but it is instead present in our DNA deposited in the subconscious and in our memory banks. All the information is in the power of human monitoring programs, leading us on the program of life. Lack of knowledge of the signaling system relates to the unexplained phenomena, warning the person about any event in this category. But if these phenomena are so mystical, we must begin to understand these phenomena in terms of energy-laws which are manifested in a person's life.

Our programs are built according to this unknown and the laws it give us, as appropriate as they may be giving us necessary clues. How does this work?
  Signs and wonders are sent to us from above. With the help of the Universe (God, fate, and so forth) communicating with us. If you want to become a full participant in the dialogue, it is necessary to learn to recognize them, be able to interpret, and then make adjustments in your behavior. The ancient man lived with this knowledge and knew how to avoid many problems. The modern man however who has lost their touch with intuition has also lost the opportunity to make contact with the higher-up information presented by the Earth, therefore forgetting how to understand the signals of the program of life.

The amazing paradox: the world is full of characters, they are all around us, but people do not even believe in their existence, and not to understand them, or understand what message they are encrypted with. The Universe (God) constantly communicates with us through them. But when a person has no knowledge of these matters, every month and every year, it bogged down in their problems, and life is drawn into a rut from which supposedly there is no way out. But there is always.
 Especially when we think about some omens and warnings such as "suddenly" our parents or children become sick or an accident occurs or any other type of disaster. But these events – are a form of a last "call" before more serious tragedy. If a person does not understand how to get out of their current situation or illness, the events are repeated, and the signs are usually too. Signs are always sent to us. They are different for each person, one would believe it to be the inner voice, the other just a coincidence. For each of us there is a symbol that works. It is important to pay attention to the following: mental discomfort, some wistful feeling inside - it's a sign, sent from the unconscious, the inner "I" through which we communicate with a higher power.

 It is often common sense that prevents us from seeing or hearing the signs because the mind tells us, "That's impossible. It does not happen. “However, everything is possible, and even more. The appearance of the mark once again emphasizes that you have all the possibilities to control the situation, whether you realize it or not.
Few people know that you can mark more than consciously ask. How you can do this, how to be audible is all linked to the noosphere, such as getting information from the subconscious – this is what we teach our students. We can give explanations during the consultation on the energy diagnosis, when the person comes to us with a similar question.

If signs and situations arising around you are negative, it is worth pondering. You should be more attentive to the casual remarks, snatched from conversational words and phrases, unexpected findings, clerical errors, slips of the tongue, etc. When you suffer from any serious dilemma, you listen into what is going on around, and if you do not understand yourself then we must go to those who know and understand the space and energy-laws, programs of development of a particular person. We do not speculate on the Tarot cards or engage in magical practices to resolve the situation, supposedly for the better. The practice life shows that the result over time is exactly the opposite.

The ways in which a higher power communicates with us, is subject to change. Your program, communicating with you, elects a specific algorithm, which always follows.
It is believed that a disease is suddenly manifested - this is nothing but a request as the universe reflects on our own lives. Signs can be coughs, abdominal cramps, itching and other physiological symptoms - evidence that can clearly and quite typically confirm that you will have problems in the future. Pay attention to these signs, because they are important to you. Very serious threats are increasing signs of irritability, aggression, depression and mental chronic fatigue syndrome. Our life is really full of symbols and signs. They accompany us in communication and relationships, knowledge and creation. This landmark information is not always noticed and acknowledged by the person, but it is read by our subconscious, and then may be released to the analyzer in a form of a dream. The ability to dream and remember what we saw, making conclusions, distinguishes people from animals.

It is known as a historical fact, as the study of dreams for the first time allowed psychologists to investigate the unconscious aspects that consciously perceived psychic phenomena. The following conclusion was made:

‘It's easy to understand why we usually ignore or even reject the message, seen in a dream. Of course, that is opposed to the subconscious mind and the unknown. "Civilized" people often react to new ideas projecting psychological barriers to protect themselves from the shock of meeting with something new that cannot be explained’ - hence the fear, so the first reaction is ‘I do not accept’ ... If we do not understand, then we do not accept it, or tend to ignore it, as we may proceed to not notice or avoid giving the sign any values. The result is a loss of communication with the unconscious, where people had to program according to their study of life.

In our school we are trained on these topics, which we consider in detail. The system of signs as a physical body and the subtle planes, as well as teaching how to act and solve the problem with the appearance of a signal not only to the physical body, but also in the social environment .
But besides the physical clues, there are other signals for the person. They belong to a very different reality and affect other energy-laws and mechanisms of interaction between man and the planet. These are unknown or little-known and, therefore, inaccessible to most of the inhabitants of the planet Earth. People used to call them the wondrous signs and wonders. But in order to decipher them, to understand their meaning, it is necessary to be trained in order to work with the system. Understanding how the human brain works and to know the laws and mechanisms of transmission of information on all levels.

For general guidance on this knowledge, there is little information on the subject.
 All the information in the universe is organized as a wave frequency in an amplitude structure. The bioenergetic essence of man through the universal field relationship, in particular, is an altered state of consciousness that can interact not only with the substance but also with its fields. These fields (levels) are manifestations of a single pulsed beam of energy-interaction of all planetary complexes. The human brain is capable in a particular state to implement quantum-wave holograms and decode the past, present and future, tangible and intangible worlds. But in order for them to understand the desired bookmark in the database the person’s memory as to what is the right image and not the false images. This is possible only through acquiring the appropriate methods via education. When receiving a packet of information from the outside, every thought coming into the brain activates an existing database, and new media energy as well as information must settle on 3 memory banks to find an association with the incoming new information. If such association is not obtained, the information cannot be displayed on the analyzer and therefore cannot be interpreted. In other words, this means that any mental momentum is automatically converted to biological information that people must learn to decipher and in turn use. But if the information received is not reliable, then it cannot be deciphered. This is what we teach as well, but the development of these technologies takes time and conscious work in this same direction.

Phenomena beyond the human understanding, is not considered in the world. The task of each person is to learn to understand not only the language of the body but also learn to understand the signs, symbols and signs, which the thin plan tries to inform us, about anything and everything it successfully applies for its development and progress. Being able to decipher the information filed with such signals, you can consciously align the line of life, leaving in advance all the trouble and problems of any kind.

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Author: M.Bezan, Head of Cosmo Knowledge School

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