Black and White Stripes of Life
Today, in this article, we will consider the topic of self-esteem of a person. We also offer you to understand how you value yourself and what problems can arise in this regard.Why is our consciousness, when barely touching the problem, is trying to avoid its deep understanding? Is it possible to move into the future without understanding the lessons of the present? These questions are not idle and an understanding of them lies in the concept of your own personality.
It is said that life – is a series of bands that are formed by good luck and bad luck. However, few of us know why there is such a tough/strict sequence of events that alternates between hard and happy days? This is because people do not understand their responsibility for their decisions. For such people, everything is simple: if they want something – they should have it. However, have you ever asked yourself: “Will you correspond to what you get?” and “What you have to offer, in order to pay for the obtained pleasure?”
A sober-minded person has a clear understanding of the point that every decision must be made strictly according to their personal capabilities, whatever they may be - spiritual or pragmatic. However, many people do not even realize at what level of the consciousness development they are. They, therefore, very often stay in the niche, to which they correspond, according to the Laws of the energy levels.
Many people want to get something, but they do not understand the need for additional energy forces to achieve these objectives. They are not aware of any strong-willed efforts, which should be taken by them, in order to break out of the rut of their dependencies. The passive waiting for changes does not promise anything positive. It has been said correctly that changes – the way towards continuous learning/cognition. However, it is not enough just to learn/cognize – there is also something you need to do, and do it right. This means that you have to be able to manage any events in your life no matter in what position you are at the moment. The big question is: whether you are able to do this yourself? The general education institutions do not provide training on this. Except, may be, the NLP courses, which are designed and used to control the minds of people, but we will talk about it later on.
In fact, the events that will bring you to better conditions of life or to the next level, can occur only when your consciousness and personal development has adequate potential and has achieved a new spiritual level. Any changes in the physical world are only possible as a result of changes in the personal, spiritual, and internal state of an individual.
Therefore, it would be good if you would start thinking about the following: whether the lack of certain knowledge, rather then just the wrong/negative thoughts, is the true reason for your poor physical condition or unwanted social status?
Incorrect orientation of consciousness leads to a distortion of the world of existence, and later, it can also lead to an emergence of diseases. When a person with a low level of the consciousness development gets into a situation of a choice, then the further events/situations will unfold strictly according to and depending on the values of the individual. It follows a series of so-called ‘troubles’ or dark bands in the human life.
Let’s consider a typical example:
You (as well as many of us) might have noticed that you are surrounded by people who bring suffering, trouble, annoyance and/or create some kind of a slavery condition for you. These people appear in your life because you have stopped develop yourself and, as a result, have lowered your vibrations. Once you start vibrating at a different frequency that inherent to your own Spirit and consciousness, then these negative people will not resonate with you any more, so they will move away. These people will feel uncomfortable near you because you have increased your vibrations. Moreover, when your will power and inner forces become stronger then this will cause great discomfort for the parasitic forms of consciousness. As the physical parasites come out of the human body, when there was created an unbearable environment for them, so, in the similar way, the energy/consciousness parasites will go away from you. Our patients notice this even within the first course of the energy cleansing. Everything, what does not resonate with you, will get out of your life. Instead, there going to be, for example, a new job, new people, new relationships, etc. All of this comes gradually as you gain strength and form a ‘rod’ of your own personality.
There is no need to fight with life and people, but it is necessary to increase your own frequency. When you restore yourself, then those what/who cannot withstand your vibrations will move away. You, however, will be put forward into the niche of existence according to the frequency that you have. In this regard, please note that any magical practices or artificial solutions of problems through magical rites or services will not be able to help you here. All of this only leads to the closure of consciousness and further complication of your life lessons. Only through training and practice you can positively change something in your life. Otherwise, you would have to again and again pass through the so-called ‘black stripes’ of life with a repeat of previous unpleasant situations.
We advise you to understand that the human Spirit retreats inside, when a person works and/or lives with low-frequency people and communicates on their wave. There the process of understating of person’s vibrations begins. This is an objective process. While losing their energy, a human gradually drawn into that very dark streak of unfortunate situations, which he/she must recognize and urgently address issues of their inner spiritual state. Otherwise, a series of ‘black lines’ will multiply rapidly. Along with it, automatically, the possibilities of interaction with the world and other people begin to narrow.
What should you start doing in order to get out of this persecuted band of failures and bad luck?
Begin to pay attention to the events and record them, providing more conscious attitude to this external observation. After all, in our lives there are many events that we do not attach importance. They can occur both with you and/or other people in your environment. These are the signs of that very Spirit that you cannot understand because of a lack of even basic knowledge on the subject.
For example, if you are reading this article then it is not a coincidence. If you have believed this information, then, the most likely, you will contact/visit us. Since nothing is accidental in life, and considering that the event has happened already, it means that you have been led up to this point. A person’s willpower manifests itself when it comes to making a choice/ decision. To resist /accept it or not, it is left up to each individual. If you have believed it and taken an action, then you will be able to improve your life.
We also have a certain way in life, which can be very favorable to us - that is the ‘white strip’. If a person is able to intuitively understand this and to see the sign, then all of his/her next steps on the way of life will be comfortable. Every day becomes like a celebration and something nice happens, which is precisely the meaning of the life of each person. This is exactly the main program of a human, thus, precisely through this way, we can get the highest awards in life – the joy, the health, well-being, welfare of the family, healthy work relations and harmonious relationships with other people around.
The goal of our school is to bring the human consciousness to another mode of operation, so that you can see the situation in its diversity and you are able to fully control/manage events in your life. We can teach you how to form the ‘rod’ of the personality and of the inner Spiritual strength. With the emergence of this force, a person automatically opens up other, new possibilities. The brain structures, which are included in the work, unlock a person’s psychic abilities and capacities. Many people are dream about it, but they do not know the mechanisms of their discovery. In our school, we give people the keys to these ‘doors’, and in the future it all depends on an aspiration and a work ethic of the person.
If a person is a true personality, then he/she knows their place in life and has an adequate self-esteem. This person confidently passes through life, while sticking with the middle line of the ‘road’, which allows to bypass failures and troubles. We can, not only help you to get rid of ailments, but also, convey knowledge of how to achieve this.
We conduct consultations, energy diagnostics, therapy sessions and training courses. We also work on-line, so we are able to connect with people worldwide. In order to make an appointment, please call us by tel.: 07706970347, office: 02083641419 (9.00 am -19.00 pm) or visit our website: www.cosmotherapy.org.uk
The author of the article: M.Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmo Knowledge, Psychologist, Member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League, Progressor of Cosmoenergy.