What is homosexuality? Why is homosexuality being promoted and so persistently introduced into our lives?
The growing number of psychosis and neurosis in the 20th century, along with its geography, has some connection with the change of relationships in society. In real life of the Western countries goes a purposeful introduction of homosexuality into society. This is done both at the state level as well as from the side of the Catholic Church. This is reflected, in particular, in the legislative recognition of same-sex marriages. Ireland became the first country in the world where the church openly endorsed same-sex marriage. This can be considered as an approval of high-handedness in the very church community. The church, on the contrary, should prevent the development of this high-handedness and should protect people from it. We also know that homosexuality thrives in higher echelons of power (governments) in many countries of the West, and very many members of the so-called "elite" of society lead the ‘blue’ life.
What is the reason for the introduction of homosexuality into society?
The roots of this phenomenon lie in the ancient times. The rulers of antiquity (and they were mostly men) unwittingly felt their dependence on their wives and/or close women, because they were subordinated to these women through their sexual instincts.
The fact is that in the evolutionary development programme has been laid that the woman, in order to continue the human race, should choose the man with certain high/best qualities. Psychologists have tracked this programme and now it called an "A (alpha)-male programme." It has been noticed that women massively fall in love with well-known personalities, for example, the president, the famous artist, the leader, etc. That means that the magnetism of a strong male has always been attractive. It is laid within the women’s subconscious. In other words, this means that a man must have a high frequency. The higher the energy capacity of the person, the more strongly he or she attracts other people by their ‘magnet’.
Thanks to the female’s high-frequency energy the process of the creation keeps going on. This is intended by nature. Therefore if a woman with the high frequency energy choses a high-frequency male, then there is very fast evolution of mankind happens. This is the programme on the accelerated evolutionary development of civilization, embedded in the planetary complex. It is reflected in the genetic code of a person on their subconscious level.
The most valuable women – are the smart women, and if, in addition, they are physically attractive, then this is a great value for the human gene pool. The essence is not in a pleasure - an orgasm with a beautiful woman, but for other purposes these feelings have been created.
When a man lives with his beloved and only wife, the loss of the energy of Life is not happening. The soul (inner, deep Ego) of the beloved wife not only gets the energy of Life from her husband, but also, through herself (her Soul) in him, she opens the channels of communication with the high-frequency levels of the Earth. The husband, also, gets the energy of Life from this source (the high-frequency levels of the Earth), while restoring the energy that he gave to the wife. This is only possible in the case of the genuine love contact precisely with a woman, but this is not the same with a man. A man/husband can never get bored of such a woman. It is impossible to get bored here, because this is the contact/connection of hearts and they become fulfilled in this unity. Only men who had reached the certain level of development of the mind and the heart could understand that. However men, who did not understand this mechanism and who did not have the strength to resist the attraction and influence of femininity, began to look for possible discharge of their instincts in other ways. They did not want to ‘give’ themselves to women because their hearts were blocked/’locked’.
You can find plenty historical facts regarding this question. Only people, who truly understood ‘the general course of things’, could reach the level of conscious attitude to this subordination. These could only be the representatives of the supreme priestly caste. A conscious understanding of their dependence on women through sexual instincts led them to refuse to communicate with women. Nevertheless, their sexual instincts remained. Indeed, to where could these men escape from them? This has led to the formation of a special culture for the satisfaction of their sexual instincts, while giving them a form of "refinement", "elegance" and “specialty”, so they considered themselves as "chosen people”. Thus, the homosexuality has become the lot of the dedicated/initiated people. Homosexuality is also transmitted by the genetic code for generations, enhancing its quality with every new birth in the ancestral lines.
This distortion has long been embedded in the genome of the elite of our society, and today, virtually the entire ruling elite of the West has a gene of hermaphrodite. The result of their actions has become – the today’s reality. Medical research shows that the pituitary of homosexuals is 4 times greater than the pituitary of a normal person. To understand what this means, you have to have at least a basic knowledge and understanding of the human hormonal system. For general overview it is enough to understand the consequences of enlargement of the thyroid gland by 10-15 or 20% - it leads to the formation of a goiter. In the case of the increase by 20%, a surgery is assigned in order to remove it, and so on following with all its consequences. Here – by 4 times larger! Imagine the hormonal blow/impact, which such a person has and carries. No wonder that they begin to perceive the whole reality differently.
If the changes in the hormonal background of women during the menstrual cycle are increased by 2 times, then we can see her in an altered state of the mind and the body. If this is increased by 4 times, you can understand why homosexuals react to absolutely everything and understand things differently. There is a distortion of consciousness based on the failure of the pituitary gland to operate according to the human development programme. Even 30 years ago in psychiatry all over the world it was considered as a mental illness, but today, it is actively put into practice as the norm in human society. The question arises: “May be our society, itself, is sick?
When people with hormonal disorders, who are the minority, have their own decision and carry out these decisions into life, why normal people, who are the majority, should obey them? The question is - why is it being imposed upon us, considering the fact that this is contrary to the programme of life? Here we come to the explanation of the question as to why information on telegony was quickly hidden from society.
The elite of society (in the past and now) has the certain plans aimed at an understatement of the vibrations of society, so this society would be easier to manage. Flawed themselves, they want to control people with normal mentality. This is essentially impossible if people have an understanding of the described above processes. Therefore, there is a ban on researches in the field of Telegony and intentional introduction of high-handedness into people’s lives. Calculation is placed on taking control over the most basic instincts, which, consequently, will lead to the changes in the genetic code for the transformation of man into an obedient servant. This is done, as we have said already, through the imposition of human sexual attitudes, all sorts of revolutions in this regard, and distorted notions of the relationship between the sexes.
With the adoption of these principles in a society that is now fixed by a law in America and Europe, humanity is losing, and what will follow is logically understandable.
If we take a look at people’s bio-fields and the collective psyche our society, in which perverts, whose psyche is far in its ranks from a normal human (and even from normal animals), feel free and comfortable, then you can see the edge followed by the death of most of civilization.
Man is not born wise. A person moves from the animal state to the reasonableness through training. Thus, if a person since childhood absorbs images and concepts that currently are being imposed upon us, then what kind of society will we get? And in order to conduct/promote a lie, the ‘elite’ does not give people the necessary knowledge.
It is propagandized that a woman, who leads a free lifestyle, is the norm. However, it has never been mentioned that this ‘free’ or ‘purchasable’ woman has a very bad energy. Such a woman possesses a very low frequency, and if she comes into sexual contact with a man, then this contact will automatically collapse man’s energy, and his consciousness will begin to ‘fall’ very quickly. If a woman or man has the energy of not creative nature, but of some corrupt, calculating or lascivious quality, then immediately comes the collapse of the energy of the partner, which has the higher frequency. Along with it goes understating the frequency of the brain, which consequently leads to the narrowing of person’s mind. If a person (he or she) has sexual relationships with anyone, indiscriminately, then their DNA carries information about all sexual partners, and this information will be transmitted to their children as the flaw (or sin) in the genetic code. The result will be a problem in health and personal life of the individual and their future children. This is the Cosmic law. Hence automatically appear the problems of loneliness, failures in personal life and problems with childbirth.
In fact, ‘predatory’ sex, ‘animal’ sexual contacts, etc. understate people’s frequency significantly. However, currently, we can see that that kind of sex is being widely promoted and brought to the minds of people through television and cinema. In the case when a man did not manage to realize himself as a man in life, and he pays money in order to replenish himself with the female energy, then this means that this male does not have the inner forces /inner power that is needed to manage the processes in society and for the creativity – creation of something wonderful and flawless. If men or women are constantly looking for sex, then it means that they obviously did not have enough energy and their vital resources are burned automatically. The ‘dirty’ energy that was obtained by a woman from her sexual contacts with different men burns the woman inside and kills her on the physical level. The same processes take place in a man’s organism, because the contact on the level of the energo-informational exchange is double-sided.
So once again we repeat that:
Today, there is no such condom or other contraceptives exist that can protect the ‘sexual entertainment seekers’ from the consequences of the energo-informational exchange through the interaction between bio-fields. These consequences can negatively affect their own health as well as the health of their children for generations ahead. If modern traditional (mainstream) medicine is capable of relatively safely ‘scrape’ (clean) the uterus in the case of unwanted pregnancy or, in order to avoid pregnancies, produce male and female sterilization, then this very medicine is absolutely powerless in the cleansing of the aura of such a "free from prejudice" woman from all those scraps of genetic information that are left from her multiple sexual partners.
If, one day, this kind of woman wants to come to her senses and wants to be a good mother then the question arises –
What (how it) needs to be done in order to be a good mother?
This question is especially topical for young women as well as those who have a problem of loneliness. All these are ‘threads’ of a same theme. To give you an idea how to solve this problem, we can quote the words from the Quran: "God does not change anything of what is in people until they themselves change what is in them".
Man – the inertial system. Changes in the human genetic code will require some time and determination. Person’s efforts should be aimed at changing their energy matrix and their personal "informational state." This is what we teach in our School of Cosmo Knowledge. However, in real life it can be achieved not so easily, because it is associated with changes in the human consciousness.
First of all, it is necessary – to become a personality: adapt/obtain the humane state of the psyche; learn how to control the instincts and how to consciously function in life. This is not a magical procedure and it cannot be done within a day. It will be necessary to understand how you have been functioned in life, and what is considered as the animal and the half-animal state of the psyche.
The animal structure of the psyche manifests itself when the human mind serves only innate instincts and unconditioned reflexes, denying intuition and conscience. As a result of this mode of functioning a person acquires a persistent distortion in the bio-field, and subsequently, he or she loses health. This can be shown through sexually transmitted diseases, which are a disastrous manifestation of the predominance of the animal type of the psyche among, in general, reasonable people.
With the knowledge of the rules of holography and the principles of energy interactions it is possible to alter/correct negative informational consequences of sexual contacts, which took place in the past. However, if the person continues to be illiterate in these types of matters, then he or she will gather/collect ‘dirt’ in their energy system again and again. We provide not only cleansing, but also, training on the subject. The harder you work on a return to your original essence, with the help of the acquired knowledge, the sooner you will be able to come back to the line of your own destiny, prepared for you by God. The sooner you start the energy purification and training, the sooner you can fix/solve not only your own problematic situation, but also, create a platform for laying the healthful genetic code for your future children and grandchildren.
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The author of the article: M.Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmo Knowledge, Psychologist, Member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League, Progressor of Cosmoenergy.