
Mental illness (part I)

Progressive mental illness is a phenomenon of modern society. In this article we will acquaint our readers with the situation today in psychotherapy and the various capabilities presented in order to provide help.

Currently, mental health is one of the most serious challenges faced by countries in the world. It does not depend on the color of skin, ethnicity, race or place of human habitation. According to W.H.O today diseases on the basis of mental disorders are at 60%, these are so-called psychosomatic diseases. In many countries there is already 35-45% absenteeism due to mental health problems. The statistics for 2001, say the obvious psychological disorders that affect the health and life in society are found in 40-60% of people (“Psychiatry for the general practitioner", Moscow, 2001, R.A.Evsegneev). But in fact these figures are always escalating. Today, neurosis and personality disorders have not decreased in growth, but have increased significantly.

Data for 2012 showed that there is an increase in the socio-psychological maladjustment of children while only 16% of students can be found to be completely mentally healthy. Up to 30% of children entering school have a deviation in their psyche. By the end of school - this number increases to 80%. And in these years it is recorded that 70-80% of children are born in Russia with mental illnesses.

Pharmaceutical companies are developing new types of chemical psychotropic drugs, as their production and consumption in the world increases. Meanwhile, the number of neurotic, depressive and all sorts of mental disorders are not decreasing but increasing exponentially.
Psychiatrists and psychotherapists experimenting with new drugs and other situations that have developed today in psychiatry have resulted in the complete lack of control for physicians in regards to their contributions to therapy. On these figures, it can be seen that these issues are not discussed widely in the media. And if so, which direction does society essentially take?

If such situation is out of control for physicians, what is a man to do? In our school, we are preparing a workshop on this issue, which will give in a detailed analysis the specific options for addressing the problems of the mind; inclusive of all sorts of disorders and states of mind.
How any disease starts, including mental illness with their different symptoms can be outlined. Long before the issue emerges it will come to a physical or social plan, the signal system of any given individual will warn them about such issue prior to its full occurrence it is therefore crucial to be able to spot the warning signs.

In psychiatry, there is such a thing as a psychopathological diathesis - a predisposition (diathesis) to mental illness. Predisposition itself is not a disease, but it is something that precedes it, and can be seen as a marker of an increased risk to acquiring this disease. These include everyday stress, nervousness, and initial stages of aggression.

When we are in school we do not get taught about the sensual plane of the human soul. Probably, because the existence of the soul in medicine in fact is not proven, and therefore not analyzed, and so is not displayed as a basis in scientific experiments. So how can we measure ‘nothing’?  That's where it all begins, how to start, what signals and how to identify them, this particular topic we have discussed in a separate workshop with the students of our school who are introduced to us via teaching. A person simply needs to understand that today, when we lack the basic concepts in matters of the psyche, its norms and pathology, then we each have an increased risk to miss the start of mental illness leading to its increases to a 100% probability.

When in your life you come across with a kind of mental disorder, the question arises,  what is the cause of mental illness? What distinguishes depression from the state of neurosis, and how it begins? What are the symptoms and how are they expressed?

Mental illness, mental conditions to a greater extent depend on what happens in the brain and the National Assembly. We cannot blame everything on ‘demons’ and ‘dark forces’ of the universe.
Many neurophysiological processes are included in analysis due to improper human thinking and subsequent behavior. Nutrition also plays a role in the human brain. Therefore, one way this problem cannot be solved by a single avenue, in our work we use a range of techniques in solving the problems of patients. One of the forms of assistance is having a conversation with the person and identifying their hidden problems. Individuals are given an explanation of their erroneous actions or thoughts - this is called psycho-correction. So before we tackle the problem of our patients we are always pursuing the energy diagnostics and psycho-correction and only then are we able to offer a range of measures in order to deal with the health problems, mental or even social relationships.
To be continued…

Diagnosis, Counseling, Therapy and Training.

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Author of the article: M. Bezan - Head of C.K School, Psychologist, Spiritual Healer.

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