Articles 2020-2022

5G technology. Electromagnetic radiation. Using it in medicine and society.

Since the beginning of the last century research has been carried out on the electromagnetic effect of waves of various lengths on the human condition. Both physicians and engineers were engaged in this, creating various devices and mechanisms. But they really became interested in this issue in the scientific world when they began to understand that the waves that affect a person can be used in various directions in the practical life of society.
In this article we will look at this kind of impact from both medical and social research.


Let's look at how any drug works when it enters the human body and decomposes in the digestive tract. All drugs (like food) emit certain wavelengths, that is, energy waves of different frequencies. We are exposed to some kind of energetic influence when taking this or that drug or food. Acting on human organs and tissues a certain interaction effect occurs the result of which will be either a therapeutic or a destructive effect. In the laboratories various studies were carried out to take energy-informational parameters from various preparations, both of herbal natural origin and chemical ones. Then they were transferred with the help of high-frequency radiation to any object of living nature and considered the consequences of such influences. In fact they produced exposure to radiation of a certain frequency on a living organism. As it was found out in the days of the USSR the effect was exactly the same as if you took in reality this or that drug both from the herb and the chemical.


An interesting phenomenon was also noted that if you take a chemical preparation by wave action then there are no side effects on the gastrointestinal tract from a chemical preparation, etc. Later this work was stopped due to the collapse of the Union and the stop of any funding. But ... these same technologies continued to develop in a different direction. Under the "cloth of the military industry" in secret laboratories other experiments have already begun not in the field of medical care but in the field of a certain negative impact on the human body. They began to study these achievements in order to defeat the enemy and in the interests of the military-industrial complex in different countries.
A lot has already been written about this in various sources, so in our article we will continue to consider only the 5G topic. As, for example, 5G systems can be used in the framework of targeted biological effects on an organism or any biological life form.


It is quite possible to take energy-informational parameters from the preparation potassium cyanide. Put it in 5G communication systems and mobile Internet and direct it to some area where people live. Everyone under this cellular coverage will die at the same time. Say «horror movies and fantastic». But no this is today's reality! In fact 5G can be used now and as a weapon of mass destruction today where it is installed. These are its secondary functions which can be turned on at the discretion of some "mind".
5G is just another tool that people are trying to use right now.
This is the same psychotronic weapon. Such a weapon based on the effect on the psyche and physiological state of a person has been used for a long time only not on such a large-scale version. The psychotronic influence can also be used in the 3G and 4G communication system and with the help of radio and television. Only people are not allowed to make it public. They always know about it but they are a very small number of people. As we have already said with the help of electromagnetic radiation it is possible to purposefully cause disturbances in the organs and systems of the human body.


In fact this is a system of global destruction of people. Systems of psychotronic weapons have long been used to protect military bases and secret facilities when a frequency corridor is set up, there are emitters that emit a certain frequency. When a person enters the zone of its action he experiences pain, fear, panic, horror, which the person cannot overcome.
The same frequency barrier protection system is also in Tibet. If someone read Ernest Muldashev's books about his expeditions to Tibet, they also got acquainted with such information there when caves were described where it was impossible to penetrate because of just such a frequency barrier which he described as the thresholds of passage and the states that they cause in humans.


The scientific world today is trying to go further and explore the electromagnetic radiation. The studies of our Soviet scientists Shipov and Akimov have shown that torsion waves also exist outside the electromagnetic radiation. And these are also carriers of more voluminous energy and information. It turns out that torsion waves are also a "side effect" of the electromagnetic radiation exposure. These are waves that arise around all rotating objects. We know that everything consists of molecules and atoms and they have their own fields of rotation, and atoms, and electrons, and protons, everything rotates in its orbits and around each element there are rotating torsion fields. These torsion fields also have the ability to transfer energy-informational influences. These are the same energy-information carriers. And with the help of them you can also transfer any information.
For example, what is a VIRUS?
A virus is a sequence of commands that is hardwired into a DNA chain in a certain way. In principle with the help of electromagnetic waves and torsion fields it is possible to transfer such chains of sequences, instructions that, when entering a living cell of an organism, are able to change the properties of a substance and a living cell.


The experiments of Akimov and Shipov showed this in the steel industry. Radiation was sent to steel which was cooked in a furnace with information about the steel alloying additives. They are usually very expensive. By taking information from them and irradiating steel in a furnace with this information they received steel at the output with the properties that were programmed.
In the same way you can act on living cells and get programmed properties. Let's analyze how millimeter waves have a very negative effect on humans.


Any organism when exposed to negativity begins to resist. At the same time additional energy begins to be spent. Since the forces of the body are not infinite, therefore, when we are under the influence of EMR all day and night the body is gradually depleted. Human immunity falls and the resistance of cellular structures is significantly reduced and becomes more accessible for the penetration of any viruses. As a result a person gets sick more easily. With a drop in immunity those bacteria and parasitic flora that normally did not have any effect on a person are activated.
One of the versions that was in China was exactly this version of excessive exposure. That as soon as they began to massively use 5G towers a massive epidemic began there. But somehow then this topic was hushed up. Although this is one of the consequences of this widespread impact namely a drop in immunity.
Now let's look at our life during the period of the so-called self-isolation.


Based on the above information it turns out that being at home and being under the endless influence of Wi-Fi, various EMR signals from electrical appliances and various networks that we use we are exposed to much more harmful radiation and weaken our immunity. This decline would not have been so intense if we went outside, walked in the fresh air or went outdoors. A decrease in immunity is also associated with the psychological state of an enclosed space. Our very presence in a static state in houses and apartments causes the same cumulative EMR effect. Not being in the fresh air, the lack of sunlight necessary for a person also causes certain disorders associated with a lack of vitamin D. This is especially bad for children who are transferred to distance learning.
But let's return to further consideration of what happens next in society when fifth-generation networks are spreading globally.


Today new options for human impact are being created at a new level of global impact. A technology called SMARTDAZ has been created. It has a mechanism to penetrate everywhere. This 0.6 nanometer microprocessor device - smart dust - was developed by British companies. In the 90s of the last century it was a project of INTEL and ABM companies. And today it is already a reality of our days. How many people know about this?
This smart dust has a number of dozens of sensors that are capable of collecting information in the environment where it is located. The microprocessor device is capable of processing this information. Having processed the information these sensors are able to cause a certain effect on the environment in which they are located, that is, this smart dust can have a control effect! Further these structures are able to communicate with each other, with similar microstructures, send information and receive external control actions from the external environment. This information is also carried by electromagnetic waves. And the 5G technology is designed to make these governing structures or SMARTDAZ just work.


In order for this microstructure to work, getting inside any object or organism, an external influence is needed. This external influence should be the 5G network. Therefore, these towers are placed at a distance of 100-150m from each other. This provides an EM field strength that can activate these devices inside a placed object or person. These devices provide stable communication for the exchange of information. These microelectronic structures are of such a size that allows them to penetrate the membrane of a living cell and enter the intracellular fluid, accumulate there and wait in the wings and command. At a certain time when a signal arrives from outside they will start and will be launched through the neural and nervous system of a person transmitting all information about him and to him from outside. In fact you can take information about the work of all human organs and systems and also influence them in the opposite direction using a feedback system. These are no longer fantasies. All this is already working and being implemented and was even announced by the scientists of the above named laboratories. Later it was all hidden but more recently this information appeared again in English-language publications.


These are all hidden developments. Now all this is coming out of the experimental stage to our life. The introduction of such smart dust can be introduced into a person through injections of vaccines, water, breathing and food. The same chemtrails (aerial sprays by aircraft) can spray these microstructures. Skvortsova V.I., Minister of Health of Russia at all hearing said, -…. "There are already vaccines and have been developed that contain microchips that are able to control a person's condition."
If you control then you manage. Today by certain governing structures all information about their plans is preliminarily voiced, thrown into the field, but people will listen to this and remain silent. If society is silent then they act further. Once they agree it means they are slowly promoting and implementing the plans. On the one hand, this is how the intelligence of the human community is tested. As you can see today it leaves much to be desired and therefore we have such a situation with our enslavement of consciousness.


HOW DO WE PROTECT ourselves from all this horror? We will not be able to isolate ourselves almost completely. There are defense mechanisms but they cannot completely isolate a person. Any person needs to understand and resist as much as possible this advancement of such technologies. Our existence on this planet depends on the activity of the majority.
In our School we teach many practices that can hold back and even neutralize such influences. This applies not only to health but also to the psyche and the state of Mind. We have a very wide experience in unblocking consciousness, bringing it to a normal state and removing it from the influence of not only psychotronic weapons but also various egregory structures. This difficult work is connected with changing the consciousness of a person. Subsequently a person who comes to us for the normalization of the psyche, health or collapsed energy we give the tools for subsequent independent functioning in social and personal life.

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