Articles 2020-2022

Cosmoenergy and human energy-information viruses. (part I)

How many cases the scientific world knows when something that seemed completely unscientific suddenly turned out to be really scientific and so scientific that such a depth of the unknown is revealed such depths and horizons that it seems there is no end to it. Behind this depth one can see the existence of a certain Higher Mind leading the civilization of mankind.

Energy information viruses and human health are interdependent things !!! Today we will talk about this from the standpoint of the scientific world.

The issue of information is essential in the life of any person. The knowledge base of any individual is a question of the initial choice of the criterion for which the learner becomes. The accumulated information which he then relies on in his judgments on any issue.

If the information is based on correct concepts based on knowledge of the nature of the universe and its processes, then everything adds up to a harmonious picture but if the information is distorted then everything is distorted - from the state of the person to the taken food. This also applies to understanding complex technological processes and then scientific conclusions. All this translates into anything in the further development of the entire civilization.

Today we will consider the issue of energy information viruses because this issue is little covered elsewhere. There are many different conversations that this does not exist and cannot be and at the same time on the sidelines of the same scientific environment the issues of energy-informational viruses are actively discussed. Today this information has accumulated so much that the official science does not dare to analyze and describe it.

Early in our articles it was said that the official science considered the question of the influence of energy-information geopathogenic zones on human health and the general energy of the place. Such geopathogenic negative energy-informational zones are:

- as with descending,
- and ascending streams.

Downdrafts of natural origin go down in a spiral (like water falling from above).

The downward natural flow of a negative energy-informational wave is dangerous because all energy of a person who has been in such a zone for a long time is pulled down into the ground. With such a negative impact the legs begin to hurt and become heavy. With a longer or constant stay in such places diseases of the lower extremities begin pain in the lower body. The affected area is the lumbosacral area of the trunk and especially the legs. Therefore, the choice of a place to work, build a house or live in a particular area must always be considered. The development of microdistricts is carried out randomly ignoring these features of the terrain. And as we have already noted in our previous articles permeating the buildings with these flows occurs regardless of the number of storeys of buildings.

As for a person's health this will manifest itself in the de-energization of the body. With constant exposure a person will develop a syndrome of chronic fatigue, which is not treated by any doctor but correction is available with the help of energy-information technologies.
Sleepiness during the day, rapid fatigue, unwillingness to think, constant fatigue, which they try to explain by various reasons - dark, no sun, uncomfortable soul, a lot of stress at home or at work. But, as a rule, this is due to the fact that another system of energy viruses enters the body. This is what comes to us from the so-called subtle worlds including outer space.

We call this "entities" in simplicity. It would be more correct to call it lumps of energy alien to our energy which bring alien information into the physical world. This information can form both a psychological or psychosomatic plan of a person. It can actually spread in society, thereby forcing society to be negative, discrete, that is, intermittent among themselves. With such an impact people lose the ability to be together. Connections are broken not only chemical bonds are broken other types of bonds are also broken because when foreign energy is introduced rejection occurs.

When an alien energy is introduced into the established field of an individual or society the energy balance is always disturbed, that is, the field of any given object is disturbed. The introduction of the virus leads to the disruption of various connections both in the matrix structure and subsequently on the physical object. About this back in 1944 last century Gurvich wrote "Theory of the general biological field."

In people, in any interaction, at first the energy is formed under some influence then it is accumulated and then it is released outside and spreads. And so along the chain of relationships all over the world. This is called energy-informational relationships.

Such energy relationships can be both positive and negative. Energy can be positive in a person before meeting with some negative energy person or a bunch of energy. And as soon as the interaction has occurred then after the transfer of such information the person begins to get sick. Moreover, drugs in such cases never help because the impact occurs on the energy-informational plane, that is, on the matrix etheric structure of a person. People understand the issue of damage to their own energy in different ways someone perceives it from the position of the defeat of their aura. And for them it is more understandable. For some, this is understandable from the standpoint of considering the issue as a confrontation between the forces of good and evil hence the subsequent images of horned creatures and angels or the influence of otherworldly forces. It turns out that a person who does not understand that we are all interacting in the world of energies is subject to such an impact more strongly and is not completely protected. You must understand this clearly for yourself.

The question now is about how to be consistent in your energy how to protect your energy component from alien energy-informational influences. And now let's understand this issue from the side of scientific concepts that are available today for comprehension by any person who graduated from school.

When we talk about the energy of space and the energy of the organism the point is that any reaction that occurs inside our body is accompanied by the release of a quantum of energy, that is, the emission of a quantum of light. From a more scientific side of considering this issue an explanation can be obtained through the concept of a simple biochemical process.

We are a bioelectronic system and all the processes that take place in us are the interconnection of various atoms and molecules. When these atoms and molecules interact energy is released. Absolutely all reactions of the body in any system or in a single organ are aimed at obtaining energy.

Therefore, the more energetic a person is, the more energy-sufficient he is, the better he is in this world of energy. In this case, it is more stable and stronger in relation to those clots of negative energy that affect it. In fact, we are independent electrical modules that generate information themselves. Therefore, we are competing for life from the point of view as energetic beings. Any reaction in the body that goes with a distortion will lead to a deterioration in the overall energy of the body.

When the balance in individual organs or the body system is disturbed all this leads to a weakening of the overall resistance of the body. As a result of a weakening of the energy balance, which automatically leads to a malfunction of the immune system, a person can get sick with any disease. He may suffer from strange symptoms with diagnoses of diseases which do not yet exist. That is, energy-informational disorders and damage by energy-informational viruses lead to the emergence of new names of diseases.

It will also be interesting for everyone to learn that today new diseases are already appearing from a combination of various pharmaceuticals. In modern medicine the long-term effects of various synthetic drugs used simultaneously are completely neglected. This is, first of all, a blow to the energy of the body. The introduction of extra-program microelements into the general energy picture which are not programmed by life to correct a particular disease leads to distortions in the work of organs. In pharmacological preparations there is no positive creative energy as in natural vitamins and minerals. There is no positive energy in synthetic drugs, therefore, any synthetic drug when taken for a long time causes only harm and destruction to human organs and systems. This is dangerous since a medicine that is not absorbed by the body takes away energy and does not give it.

In our seminars we have already touched on the issue of creating chemical vitamins and various drugs that alleviate the pointwise symptoms of the disease but do not put in order the work of the organ as a whole. Since all organs in a person are also programmatic things linked according to other programs in the entire energy system - a person, then without understanding the very process of interaction at the energy level and even more so at the programmatic level, no doctor will be able to solve the issue of healing the body as a whole. Point relief of pain or symptoms of a disease is not a cure for a person and even more so not a restoration of the body's energy. Natural trace elements are coordinated with the programs of life in general.

Synthetic ones are not. All synthetic drugs have a right-handed spin of rotation in atoms while in natural drugs we have a left-handed spin of rotation. This also affects the assimilation of certain substances introduced into it by the body. This is little known to the average man in the street on which the entire pharmaceutical industry is actually built and flourishes today.

Studying biochemistry a person can independently figure out this issue and gradually accept in his consciousness that it is necessary to abandon chemical preparations and GMO products. Today this science describes in detail this topic of vitamins showing the effect on the body of products with right and left spins. This is a very important detail that many people do not understand at all and continue to actively buy all the chemical vitamins.

The simple illiteracy of people in these matters creates the reason for the emergence of more and more new diseases in the world. So much for the distortion that APPEARED IN HUMAN CIVILIZATION after the introduction of negative information into its genetic code. This viral information has been passed down for several generations. As a result with each new generation humanity has a worse and worse genetic component which is expressed in the appearance of so-called diseases that have become younger.

Is there a way out of the impasse? Of course - and this output is in the correct not distorted not viral knowledge base.

What is the problem to gain this knowledge? This is a person's unwillingness to comprehend and think. Having blocked a person to think, putting huge masses of people in a mode of survival, certain structures lead society to a state of semi-animal functioning. Placing a distorted energy-informational wave on the masses imposing fashion, art, false values in the minds of people we have the result of the subsequent gradual degeneration of Homo sapiens. The entire civilization as a whole has not passed its development test, but everyone dreams of a transition to the 4th energy dimension. Gentlemen of esotericism, at least some of you have thought that this dimension is something other than a contrived "quantum leap". And this is the same energy-informational virus introduced into the consciousness of people and still exciting the imagination of those seeking spiritual development. ...

But let us return to the consideration of our topic regarding the energy of the body and ask ourselves the question:

Is it possible to counteract such a negative virus of energy-informational influence and how?

(To be continued…)

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