Articles 2020-2022


How to counteract the energy-informational influence of negative virus?
            It is possible and necessary to resist.
            To understand the process of counteraction it is necessary to take into account several interdependent components - these are nutrition, energy sufficiency and the quality of thinking. If one of the 3 components is missing there will always be health imbalances. At some period of life, some earlier, some later, there will certainly be a failure in software development. (Seminar on the topic: "Cosmoenergy and Human Spiritual Development") After that problems begin in a person's life. The result will be a failure to fulfill the program of a person's coming into life.

            As we know any person comes into life to develop. A person transfers the acquired skills and knowledge to his offspring (ancestral line) through the gene code. Each person is born with a genetic code that carries the information accumulated by previous generations, not only of his kind, but also of the nation. His genocode also contains information about the ethnic characteristics of the nation in which his ancestors lived. Or more simply, information from the social environment which forms in a person certain qualities and personality traits.
            In the future each generation based on the information accumulated by the family develops it further. This is how development proceeds in our world not only in humans but also in all niches of the biological life of the planet. If a person does not accumulate new knowledge his evolutionary development does not take place either. Without developing a person does not follow the programmatic path of development and accumulates his sins or energy-information viruses.

            This distorted information being in the gene code then triggered in fate through negative situations and diseases. To work with this you need to understand the nature of the formation of these viruses. (Seminar on the topic: "Errors of the Spiritual Path of Development")
            How does non-software development signal to a person? Of course, not only diseases, but also problems in fate, in social interactions, loneliness and loss of rationality. Thus, the life of each new generation becomes more difficult. The same madness in society that we are all witnessing now appears.
            As you already understand these programs (and viruses of distorted information) are laid during the formation of the energy-informational matrix of the future person.
The whole picture of the modern world speaks of a far-reaching process of distortion in the relationship of the entire civilization with the world. A person has lost contact with the Earth itself and an understanding of the very processes of these relationships.

            This is how deeply we got into the process of influencing a person with an energy-informational virus which literally affects the life of a person as a whole. It all starts with an elementary drop in energy. If a person is not sick and feels normal then he is energy-sufficient, then his energy is normal. The task is to keep it at this level. Energy sufficiency is the basis for the development of the human mind. That is why we need energy support like air. Cosmoenergy was given to humanity precisely for the purpose of:
- maintaining its energy,
-correction of the matrix structure from viral exposure,
- and its further all-round development.
            It should help humanity to maintain a state of sapience at the end of the next programming period of the earth.
            But it turns out that it is also necessary to understand Cosmoenergy. As they say “Who is who” in this knowledge system. We will talk about this in our next publications.
            But the restoration of energy and the correction of the matrix structure is only one of the 3 above-mentioned factors of counteracting the viruses of consciousness. (Seminar on the topic: "Cosmoenergy - space medicine of the future").
            As we have already said to understand the process of counteraction it is necessary to take into account several interdependent components.

            Therefore, let us consider in more detail the opposition to the energy-informational viral impact through the 3 above-mentioned factors: nutrition, energy-informational technologies and knowledge.
            Food which is written everywhere and a lot today. If we eat right without GMOs, chemical components in food then we are more resistant. If the nutrition is wrong then there are malfunctions in the biochemical interaction of cell membranes and a disease is formed. Putting in order the disturbed interaction is a very important part of the life process of a person and any biological species. But it turns out that this is clearly not enough to maintain health.
            There is such a thing as stress. How to deal with it? Only with nutrition? We can correct physiological disorders of the cellular structures of the body with food. But the impact on the psyche of the social environment with nutrition cannot be corrected.
            Therefore, every modern person today just like air needs energy-information technologies and knowledge on this issue. They give you an understanding of what kind of impact you get at what moment. What causes stress and how to deal with it.
            I hope no one will say that he does not need this knowledge. The state of stress, depression or burnout is present in every modern person today. And all your life you don't go to a psychologist. Probably the time has come to understand that you need to study something on this topic and then start using it. (Seminars of the School of Cosmology on Energy Information Knowledge "Basic Course" and "Advanced").

            The acquisition of this knowledge concerns the presence of the 3rd factor namely the development of one's conscious functioning in life and the development of intelligence. After all no one will dispute that a reasonable approach to your life is necessary to maintain your health and energy sufficiency. The maturation of the mind and intellect proceeds in stages as a person's readiness to perceive something is formed. At our School we have developed a variety of topics for seminars on the evolution and formation of personality. The topic of our seminars concerns the issues of human energy security, his energy-informational interaction in the family and society. There is a series of lectures on the development of creative abilities, the formation of new personality opportunities.
            It is knowledge that will help you maintain your energetic integrity. Not magic, not meditation in the psycho-field of a group of people seeking tranquility, not psychotropic substances, not participation in various kinds of NLP trainings. No, this is not right development these are all the same viruses and today all this already works in a completely different way. Under the influence of energy-information viruses the human brain begins to lose its plasticity and flexibility of thinking, the human consciousness narrows to a narrow circle of interests and the person slowly descends into the mode of survival in society. What kind of creativity and winged soul can we talk about then? A person has less and less strength, thinking becomes worse and worse and more and more one does not want to think. (Seminar on the topic "Egregors - the process of interaction between a person and egregors"). And this is a clear example of a person leaving his best option in life.

            The question of the availability of knowledge on the energy-informational interaction of a person and society is key today in matters not only of health, but also of successful functioning in any business.

To be continued....

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