Humanity and sleep.
We spend 1/3 of our entire lives sleeping, an average of 25 years. No one understands why we lose so many years of our lives, spending this time asleep. Why are we programmed this way and what is the purpose of such a program? It turns out that sleep is not only necessary for the health of the physical body and psyche but also for offloading information into the planetary information banks, where it accumulates necessary information for the development program of the human mind. It's not as simple as it might seem from the outside as just a physiological process, understood to a certain extent by the scientific community.
On the physiological and psychological level, this is just one algorithm of a program called human biological sleep.
So, what happens in this case?
In the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep, based on experiences and emotions, neural connections are formed. This is how the brain creates solutions! (according to researchers studying neural connections in the brain).
The brain tries to apply the received information to different departments, which is why we often see abstract dreams. Also, during sleep, the brain heals the psyche, initiates self-diagnosis of the body, and cellular renewal. It synthesizes hormones that will regulate appetite, the immune and nervous systems, our mood, and behaviour during the next day. Quality sleep is the shortest path to increased efficiency, a healthy psyche, and the extension of organism life.
On the level of energy informatics (information from the KZ School) - other processes are taking place, and another algorithm is activated - the transfer of information to the memory banks not only of humans but also to the planetary memory banks.
He is needed by the planet to gather information accumulated by human intellect for entry into the Earth's database. This database accumulates and is further utilized by other civilizations. Only when it enters the planetary complex database (the 5th energy-informational level) does it become accessible for use in other worlds. Information from the third energy-informational level of the planet is considered junk and is not used anywhere except for training individuals and their intellectual growth. It serves as a sort of simulator for human thought activity.
Based on what has been explained, we ask our reader to understand that enticing them to workshops on lucid dreaming and receiving information from "teachers" in visions is simply a scam aimed at exploiting the money of the unenlightened consciousnesses seeking spiritual development. Understanding these processes comes through the systematic formation of a new worldview in individuals, not through astral journeys.
HOWEVER, it is essential to understand that:
1. The process of maturing in intellect does not occur through tranquilizers, mushrooms, ayahuasca, or shamanic practices.
2. Sleep is not astral travel; it is a necessity for the functioning of the human organism according to a predefined algorithm necessary for the planetary complex.
3. If one encounters an egregore with some "teacher" in the astral realm, it will lead to the blockage of consciousness from obtaining accurate information, rather than development. The planetary complex does not allow such consciousness access to read authentic information. This is crucial to know. In such contact scenarios, individuals fall into the very trap extensively described by seers.
4. The planet rigorously monitors the passage through levels and the acquisition of information by individuals.
5. Obtaining information in the astral plane during sleep is akin to playing in a kindergarten where a child cannot yet distinguish between play and reality. Different preparation is needed for maturity, not flights in dreams.
6. Working in dreams requires training with a specific database onto which additional information can flow only if there is already a certain knowledge base. Otherwise, individuals will receive random bits from the garbage heap and interpret them with their fantasies. This is what occurs in the world of esoterics.
You may ask - what kind of preparation is necessary?
About this, we begin discussing during our energy diagnostics of a person, where their genetic code and the programs encoded in it at birth are analyzed. Individuals gain an understanding of their consciousness capabilities at the time of consultation, as well as their abilities to read information.
What perspectives does a person have for further development, and how can this be practically achieved with which technologies, and what should absolutely not be done. From there, it's about training under the guidance of someone who understands this path.
It turns out that things are not as simple in the world of sleep and in the world of any practices, not just Cosmoenergetic ones.
SUMMARY - In dreams, people do not learn, and teachers of humanity do not come to them. In the end times, as our current era is called in many teachings, things work slightly differently than at the end of the last century. And all the trainings of esoteric still revolve around the idea of forgetting.
To navigate through the garbage information of the astral plane, a certain knowledge base is necessary. Understanding the workings of the planetary complex and the operation of human consciousness on the energy-informational levels of the planet are essential.
Understanding the energy capabilities of the brain in such work is necessary, and a system of security, both energetic and physical, is very important. Thresholds for conducting such work exist at each of the planet's levels. And so on and so forth. But this is information not for an article but for training in our School.
How to form the energy capabilities of brain structures, how to maintain the achieved energy capacity, how to conduct information without distortion, how long the brain can be in an altered state of consciousness without damage. What security systems are required upon entry and exit...
A lot needs to be known, not just understood, before engaging in work in the subtle planes of the planet. This is the level of mastery, not just selling frequencies, which exists everywhere.
We started about sleep but arrived at the understanding that sleep is the work of the planetary complex in collecting information from humans. However, in dreams, humans try to obtain information from the planet, but the planet will provide it when the individual is ready for it. The astral dump of dreams is just a simulator where consciousnesses that don't play by the rules are sorted out. Dreams can also be prophetic, insightful, or empty. And this also needs to be understood.
Physiological sleep allows humans to conserve the energy necessary for their brain's functioning. Without energy, the brain does not function normally. There are its own laws, and they must be known!!!
Autor article M.Bezan - Head of the School of KE
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