Articles 2023-2025

Information cliché - what is it?


Every person is both a carrier and a transmitter of information in the society they inhabit. The reception and transmission of information work not only on a physical level. Petr Goryaev long ago experimentally proved the existence of a quantum trace after the movement of a physical object from its original place. This should be known practically by everyone today.

For example, if you take a sip from a bottle with skull and crossbones drawn on it, and then you feel unwell, it could be a coincidence. Or maybe not. A person, constantly coming into contact with images, begins to carry an informational trace of that image on themselves, with which they come into contact.

These are the laws of energy-informational exchange. How many people really think about this?

They communicate, make contact, and then a series of illnesses begins... But understanding and believing in something only comes after encountering it firsthand. The experience of illness, misfortune, problems, and failures forces a person to seek a way out. Sometimes this happens successfully.

But in most cases, we see a completely different picture. People lose the meaning of their existence or become zombified by the information with which they constantly come into contact, both physically and informatively.

There is a need not only to know and understand, but also to consciously act afterwards, otherwise the cliché of information remains in your information field. But how to erase these traces, how to remove information from the memory banks - this is hardly taught anywhere... And if they do teach, it is done carelessly due to a lack of understanding of the depth of the processes of information transmission in humans.


Erasing the clichés of information that a person receives during communication requires serious methodologies.

Today, the depth of the impact of destructive information has reached such a point that simple souls or energy practices of the astral plane can no longer eliminate it. More serious technologies are needed, based on the Mind of a higher order, which can scan your energy volume through all depths of the energy structure. And this can only be done through serious training, not in 3 days. That's exactly what we teach.

First of all, you must understand that even in meditation or in Hellinger's constellations, you will not be able to achieve purification of all levels of the energy matrix. Simply because at this level of human development, it is simply inaccessible to consciousness, let alone working with the energy structure as a whole.

Defeating an energy-informational message has different wave frequencies. If you work with your brain, it goes on a certain wave and frequency, you are not able to scan all levels of your matrix with your potential, and therefore cannot cleanse your energy system from external influences of various frequencies.

If we work with our technologies, then our frequencies penetrate all levels of a person's energy system. All programs are scanned and destructive information that distorts the matrix system is determined. This won't be done by white light or your imagined streams of golden color. Only the programmer can correct the matrix program. And with your level of understanding and, importantly, the level of power fields of brain structures, you cannot do this. The brain also has a certain power of influence on the surrounding reality.

This primarily depends on the energy, not physical pumping of a person, their matrix system. But we talk about this in our training. All of this can be learned if you spend time in your life. That's why we differ from other schools, because this is the work of our entire lives. Understanding the processes of interaction between human consciousness and planetary mind took more than 40 years, so we have information in our materials that you won't find in other sources.

We have been working with various technologies for over 25 years. We constantly supplement and update our information knowledge base. The practice of our work with people shows not only a change in the worldview of those who turn to us. Problems are solved in all areas of a person's life - from the economic situation to obtaining desired priorities at the Higher Office of Mind.

Author of the article: M. Bezan - Head of the School of Cosmoknowledge

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