Articles 2023-2025

Formation of physical and psychological problems under the influence on a person

Physiological formation of a problem under the influence on you. 

If the people around us cause us pain, they pinpoint the place in the body and soul where a problem called denial or rejection has formed.

That is, you cannot accept anything or anyone. As energy flows through the energy channels of the matrix system, in the area of constriction (not allowing, denying) an accumulation of negative energy forms and an energetic block appears. It is formed by the person themselves, with their consciousness reflecting and reacting to the incoming information.

This energy block can grow with the repeated application of the same functioning algorithm. The formed negative energy block is anchored in a certain place and expands. The rate of negative accumulation in a person's energy system varies widely due to many reasons.

The disease matrix is not formed instantly, but methodically. This matrix is difficult to transform because you constantly operate according to a similar algorithm of behavior, thinking, or on the level of emotional perception.

Furthermore, few understand that all this functioning is constantly being recorded on your genetic code.

Now analysis such a situation. You go to some group training to improve yourself, for so-called development of your consciousness, and other assortments of proposals on how to improve life and become rich and successful...

With formed and ancestral genetic programs, can you possibly get your DNA freed from programs and records that have been inputted over years in just 3 days?

Common sense should tell you, of course not! What does a person hope for when they, for example, attend a training on constellations? Do you hope to change genetic code programs by rearranging personalities? How does the genocode (DNA) work while you are adopting a different personality? Recording goes on constantly. Do they tell you this at such trainings?

From analysing feedback from people who have turned to us after such trainings, none of it works and everything remains or returns "to square one..." All because the crux of the problem is opened from the other side, from the depth of understanding of how the programs you have formed, or whose carriers you are, work.

This is called energy-informational interactions, the laws of constructing these programs, and understanding the power potentials by which a given program is neutralized. Continuing further, how the genetic code changes and how a person should work with their problems is what we discuss in our general education and professional seminars. There is also distance learning available on this topic.

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The analysis of these programs and understanding where they are fixed in the matrix begins with our energy diagnostics. Any person in any part of the world has the opportunity to seek advice or help from us.

Problems of denial. In analysing the problem of influence on physiology, it's important to understand that constrictions and denial form certain blocks and disease programs in the matrix system. These programs are not resolved by the person considering the entire subsequent chain of interaction. With their mind, a person only superficially touches on health or relationship problems, slightly reducing their destructive impact. Why? Because the person does not understand this chain of energy-informational programs. It is accessible to another level of consciousness or Higher Mind.

Only cosmoenergetic practices, when used correctly and all the rules of the system are observed, offer the possibility to solve these problems.

Psychological impact on you. 

As with the previous case of physiological impact, when experiencing psychological impact, if the people around us cause us pain, they pinpoint the place in the soul where a problem called denial has formed. We do not accept; we do not agree. In most cases, this forms a person's ego.

We start to form rejection for various reasons. It is these reasons that a specialist needs to identify. Since the human organism operates as a coordinated program at all levels of the matrix, psychological impact also creates a certain block upon rejection, which subsequently requires unlocking.

The human development program is structured in such a way that a person is placed in situations where they must work through their flaws, psychological instability, or inability to digest (reject) any psychological impact on themselves. If there is no denial (resistance to anything) in the soul – that point will never be hit. There is no lesson programmed there!

If there is no denial – pain cannot be inflicted. If there is no denial – it means a person has cultivated a certain degree of resilience to societal stresses through humility or conscious behaviour.

But is this possible today? Yes, but only if one becomes a recluse from this world, retreating into solitude in a hermitage or the mountains. But in real life, this is no longer possible. Here, working with situations of psychological impact is a bit more complicated for a person, because it requires a certain level of development of both brain structures and the overall energy capacity of the person.

This is what we teach in our School. It's not just about opening frequencies and treating physiological problems in oneself or patients. It's about changing consciousness and perception of the world, both for oneself and among close people. And then, if the System of Higher Mind of the planet allows you, you will be released to work with the world.

How not to fall into the traps of aggressively marketed sales from various Schools, master classes, trainings, and courses is a question of personal understanding, how traps are set for immature consciousness.

Psychological impact is a complex mechanism for capturing human consciousness and attempting to put it under someone else's managerial behaviour. Often, to solve psychological problems, people turn to psychologists.Identifying a single negative trait, habit, or emotion during a psychologist's session does not solve the problem as a whole. All of this, like blocks (anti-programs), requiring recoding, sits on the matrix energy structure.

These anti-programs are in a mutual relationship in the life program algorithm. Psychologists need to learn to see this relationship as an algorithm in the life program chain, not just as solving a single situation.Temporary results, but nothing more – that's what a person gets with such an approach to solving their issues with psychologists. People need to develop their thinking more broadly and on a larger scale, moving forward for new knowledge.

Truly, those who have ears, let them hear and see…

And to those who understand what is written in this publication, we say - see you in our School for serious, not superficial work.

The author of the article is the Head of the School of Cosmoknowledge,

M. Bezhan. August, 2023.

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