Articles 2023-2025

Symbols and algorithms in field work - Security system

Hermetic principle of information transfer - Symbolism.

We are governed by signs and symbols. We say that the language of the Cosmos is the transmission of the sign and symbol of the Cosmos by means of a thought image on the EI levels of the planet.

SIMBOL - fixed in social society and tradition - a socio-cultural sign that conveys certain information. This is its simplified understanding.
A symbol in occultism carries a triple load of meaning: informational, communicative, conservative, and hidden or occult. This is only understood by those who begin to seriously study occult symbolism.

Cosmic Sign or Cosmosign has a slightly different understanding. Both types of images - Symbols and Cosmosigns - are used by the consciousness of initiates when entering certain energy levels.

The algorithms of entering the energy-information fields of the Earth provide for the change of symbols or signs, and only with the correct application of the algorithm is the transition to one or another contact on the energy level of the Earth possible. (Seminar Contacts and Contacting in our School).


In order to work on the EI levels of the earth, at what is known as the exit to the astral, you must master the step-by-step algorithm of images in symbolic form. The algorithm is necessary to guide your consciousness as you enter an altered state of consciousness. Only the conscious application of this algorithm can lead you out of the influence of the Celestial Spirits. Otherwise, if you do not know such an entry algorithm and a 'teacher', 'mentor' or anyone else comes into contact with you, you should understand that it is a trap for your consciousness.

And what are you being taught when you enter the astral in a dream?
Algorithms to achieve a semi-sleepy state of consciousness, or to relax and fly? In meditative practices, when you go to the planes, you also have to use either codes or algorithms. Unfortunately this is not taught anywhere. We are not going to talk here about the use of psychotropic drugs such as nAuyavaska or hallucinogenic mushrooms, which shift a person's consciousness towards receiving contacts in the astral plane of the planet.

For consultations on this subject you can contact us at the addresses given below in the article.

Practically no one who has entered a world, even in a dream, or who has shifted his consciousness into another mode of functioning, does not understand where he has gone. What to say about what and how it works there, but everyone is eagerly looking for something there.

The dangers of this game have long been known to the enlightened ones, and they do not advise such exits in meditation or other practices. As the saying goes, 'If you don't know the ford, stay out of the water...'.
Training is a long process of gradually aligning brain structures and synchronising the right and left hemispheres of the brain. We not only explain all these steps, we teach them.
Readers analysing this article are asked to understand one thing, that there have always been contact practices, but not everyone could understand what they were being told or transmitted by certain forces behind the images or visions.

We run 2 day general education webinars on the subject of brain attunement to gain the ability to remove information from the subtle plans, we also give information on traps and viruses of consciousness as well as the contacts that are possible for a person.
It is possible to try everything, but it turns out that not everything can be useful at these levels.

The author of the article is M. Bezan, director of the KZ School.
Athens, 2024 

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