Articles 2023-2025

The foster child and the sins of the family.

In my work I often come across the problems of people who cannot have children of their own. The desire to take someone else's child straight from the maternity hospital or orphanage always worries prospective parents. In this short article I will try to advise people on what they should consider when bringing such a child into their lives.

I am not trying in this article to speak badly or well about the fact of adoption. It is just that people who make such a decision should analyse many factors, among which they should definitely take into account the software analysis of a person's genetic code. This is what we are going to talk about. Today every couple needs to realise some things from the energetic-informational side of this issue.

Working out the sins of the species (karmic debts). How they are worked out, not only by the adopted child, but also by its parents - these are the questions I am often asked in conversations or in counselling on the Internet. Whose karmic line is it and how will the adopted child work through it?

ANSWER by M. Bezan, Director of the School of Cosmic Knowledge.

When we talk about adopted children, such a child always works out the programmes of his or her biological parents, but not those of his or her adoptive parents. That is, if a child is taken into a family where there are no children, the child works through the direct blood line, not the adoptive one. In a new family, the child only receives images, concepts that are given to him in the new family, on the basis of which his psychosphere and psychofield are formed.

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New information from the family is written on the already existing programme carrier of the genetic code. Qualities (heredity, according to the terminology of psychology) are transmitted in the genetic code, and events are formed in accordance with the programmes laid down even before the child is born. Therefore, everyone who wants to accept a child into his family should learn as much as possible about his parents, if possible. Take into account the possibility of negativity at any moment, according to the life programme of the child.

It is in the DNA that the programme for any human being is laid down even before birth.
Health may be good, but the very notion of an abandoned child who lost his parents at an early age or as a result of accidents, illnesses and other situations is a negative program laid down in the life program of this person, which will definitely take place in the work of his 4 energy centre. There can be different qualities in working through - loneliness, separation, problems in personal life, as well as egoism, pride or coldness, rigidity of the soul. All this will be worked through life situations. The same thing happens in life if a child loses his parents through an accident or an accident in society.

In life this problem will be worked out in the work of the 4th energy centre, and not only. The chain of consecutive energy-informational connections may include other programmes. All this we analyse on our energetic diagnostics of human DNA. Therefore, before taking a child, think well what his genetic code can carry. All this can be seen at the energy diagnostics in our School of Cosmic Knowledge.

But today people do not think much even about whom they are going to marry, from whom they are going to have children. They do not realise the importance of forming a quality genetic code to be passed down through generations to their children. It is necessary to teach people and educate others in this matter. It should be done by everyone who acquires this knowledge.

If to speak about foster children - as continuers of your family, then after the above said it becomes clear that foster children will not have your heredity. And to their future children they will transfer a certain informatory, which will be formed on their already available database, from their genetic parents.
Such children will possess only your material means and certain knowledge, which you will transfer to them.

A new personality, its formation is carried out through nurture, but on the basis of the genetic information base from the father and mother who conceived it. The acquired upbringing is the informatorium from the foster parents, which is superimposed on the existing genetics of a person.
An adopted child will not have a database on your ancestral lines, and therefore such children will not be able to pass on anything to you. He will transmit only the new information cliché accumulated by him and recorded on his genetic code, which is written in the process of life on his personal database.
How this information will be transmitted later on to the generations of your family is a question for the Consciousness of the Earth, which is responsible for the formation of the human matrix system and its programming.

Our School of Cosmic Knowledge deals with the correction of genetic codes on the basis of changing the worldview and correction of errors (sins) recorded as destructive programmes. Who is interested in this question, you can get answers with a more detailed explanation, having signed up to us for energy diagnostics or consultations.

The author of the article is M. Bezan, head of the School of Cosmic Knowledge. 
Athens, 2024 

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