TRANSCENDENCE. How Does Spiritual Development Begin?
When a person embarks on their journey of energy work—or, as esoteric thinkers would call it, spiritual development—they inevitably encounter resistance from the environment around them. These are the laws of spiritual ascension, which have been widely discussed in various sources: philosophical treatises of the past, ancient occult teachings, Christian spiritual guidance, and even in modern esoteric literature.
This resistance may come from one’s immediate surroundings or take the form of events specifically designed to help a person repay their “debts” to their life program. The situations and people involved may differ, creating a unique “training simulator” for each individual. Successfully navigating these challenges alone is almost impossible for most people.

Today, many individuals, with their fragmented and disjointed "clip thinking," energetic depletion, and preoccupation with survival or chasing financial success, are unlikely to independently handle these challenges. When confronted with difficult situations they want to resolve, they often seek like-minded people. But where do they start looking?
Typically, they gravitate toward trendy spiritual communities or highly advertised methods of "finding oneself" through esoteric tourism or ambiguous practices—without fully understanding how these methods work. This often includes practices like shamanism, out-of-body experiences during dreams, astral travel, occult techniques to alter consciousness, or even the use of psychoactive substances like fly agaric mushrooms or ayahuasca.
It is worth asking these seekers: What are you hoping to find through these practices? What do you want to understand or connect with?
When ascending these steps, it is crucial to have an understanding of the structure of Earth’s energy complex:
·You must understand the capacities of your brain during specific stages of your development and its ability to access altered states.
- You need to grasp the rules for harmonizing your consciousness with these levels.
- You should know how powerful your thoughts are, specifically in relation to the frequency your brain can access on these planetary levels.
- Additionally, it is important to have clarity about who and what you want to connect with.
- Finally, ask yourself: What do I want to gain from these practices and from higher planes of existence?
Most people lack even a basic understanding of these processes, let alone knowledge of the traps that these levels set for their consciousness. The result is often that the energy of these "seekers of development" is absorbed by egregorial structures (collective energy systems) of various scales.
If we return to the topic of transcendent experiences achieved in altered states of consciousness, it is essential to understand that the power of thought and the ability to harmonize consciousness with higher levels depend directly on the energy capacity of your energy matrix. Moreover, you must recognize that simply entering a trance with the help of a drum or specific breathing techniques will never enable you to connect with the Higher Levels of Being within Earth’s energy complex, let alone establish contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.
Despite this, many people mistakenly believe that they are receiving insights from higher planes or that they are connecting with spiritual teachers.
Transcendent experience is not about teachers or contacts—it is something much greater. It is the union of consciousness with the heart, which reveals an entirely new vision of the world and your place in it. This union of consciousness with the heart’s boundary is only the first step. Next comes the permission to connect with your superconsciousness, which, for a variety of reasons, may not be accessible to everyone.
The sequential process of ascending within the boundaries of the heart, as described by seers and prophets, is referred to as the "path of the heart." This path of the heart is what liberates a person from the sense of loneliness that no other practice can resolve.
No attempt to escape loneliness—whether through a marriage partner or children—can truly succeed. Such relationships are worldly constructs that are often misinterpreted as ways to escape solitude by forming a family. This is not the case. Loneliness can only be overcome by uniting with your spirit and discovering your role in this world. There is no need to fear loneliness. Instead, it should be rethought and understood as something you can transcend.
We help people not only analyze this issue but also regain their lost confidence in themselves and their abilities. Even those who come to us simply to restore their resources and psyche experience rapid and noticeable changes. Without rituals involving drums, breathing techniques, astral travel during meditations, or the use of hallucinogens, we help people gain a completely new understanding of their role in life.
It is time for people to mature and adopt a new understanding of how to escape loneliness. It’s about understanding how to overcome feelings of isolation and become a more complete and confident individual. Following trendy spiritual movements is unnecessary for this; such paths are dead ends for both consciousness and the soul.
Our School of Cosmic Knowledge offers a wealth of tools and teachings for those seeking liberation of their spirit from societal and energetic pressures. We provide the knowledge to help people escape loneliness and discover their purpose in life. Graduates of our programs not only learn what it means to have a harmonious state of soul, but they also understand how to transform loneliness into personal wholeness and self-awareness.
For those who are truly seeking freedom from societal and spiritual pressures, and for those looking for answers on how to move forward in life, we open the doors of our School. Here, you will experience genuine development and the opportunity for real transformation, creating a new personality free from the fears of life.
Article by: M. Bezan, Head of the School of Cosmo-Knowledge Athens, 2024
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