It treats all diseases, but slowly fills with clean energy. Frequency has a healing property that allows you to use it effectively in the treatment of fresh burns and healing the digestive tract ulcers.
In the treatment of fresh burns over the place burn to produce pressing motion with his right hand. Despite the fact that a number of frequencies have in their arsenal of healing properties of gastrointestinal diseases, if the plague work rate Faroon Buddha with hands-on locally to the site of pain, the period of treatment of the disease - 21 days (11 sessions a day). Frequency is rapidly cleared from fainting, shock and other similar conditions. In this case it is enough to pump up the frequency of the aura, putting his hands between the 4th and 5th chakras. If the patient is to give the frequency through the right hand between the 4th and 5th chakras. When a heart attack to a frequency in the 4th chakra. This frequency is a universal, open through it all frequencies (channels) of the Buddhist block, except for the frequency of Zeus.
The frequency is used for: the launch of the chakras; the treatment of enuresis, toothache, gum, deafness, thrombophlebitis; removing the evil eye, damage, witchcraft; cleaning of apartments, offices, goods, items.
Enuresis - Wet the bed is not always associated with the disease most often it is laziness of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to agree with the parents so that they once at night (available in 12 hours, but always at the same time) were placed the child on the potty while finally waking him. If the child sits on the potty sleepy, he will release half of the bladder, the second half will release after 20 minutes, but already in bed. The session begins with the launch of the chakras, thus, it is necessary to pump the first chakra. Firast frequency establishes the habit of getting up at night. Further, in a closed lotus between the 4th and 5th chakras siphon aura. Duration 40 minutes. After pumping the child frequent Firast, you can let go, let him play, and you at this time, continue to keep it under Firast channel, it is not necessary to say constantly Firast, Firast, it is enough to push a few times. Thrombophlebitis always treated non-contact. In the treatment of the floor is contact, and furthermore, a contact, a blood clot can break away and get into the bloodstream. Non-invasive treatment, although more long-lasting, but it is safe. Toothache - right hand put on the place of pain. Burn channel Firast, pull by the "motor - well". Repeat several times. If there is a flux, then leave washed arc. In all cases, the power cuts are made. The incision is made with his right hand, with the mental images that from the middle finger is a fiery beam. This beam is made the cut (necessary to make the cross, and at the intersection of mind to open the petals). Further work channel Moonlight. Usually the pain is removed in one session, but if the pain is not gone, all repeat at the next session. The patient should be sent to the dentist because kosmoenergeticheskie methods in this case, remove the symptom (pain), and the tooth continues to collapse. Hearing loss can occur after influenza or medical treatment. Hands should be imposed on the ears and burn rate Firast. The resultant ash is necessary to extend the method of "motor - well" from both ears. Leave a power arc. Firast can work on all the organs (burn - pull ash), thus there is a body of the clearing of negative energy, ie, its preparation for treatment of other frequencies. Neutralization of the impact energy, energosuschnosti expulsion, cleaning of premises - work is carried out without contact. When cleaning apartments and offices, if not blocked geopathic zones, the effect is temporary. Cleaning things good. If the thing were to remove her former master energy, keep your hand over the thing. Also works as a frequency-lit subjects. When the item is clean, hand put aside.
The fundamental frequency when the chakras start at the desired operating mode. Cleaning the head, applied in strokes, headaches of different etiology, strengthen the work base frequencies.
Fire frequency is opened through mental images. It works only in pairs. with Firast channel. Separately does not open. Repeatedly increases the work of basic channels, after study of the chakras and cleansing her head can be closed. This option is only for beginners closing kosmoenergetov to Masters level, so that when the work of other frequencies can be more than open additional channels.
The frequency of the basic, feature-rich, so if there is information during a session open frequency and pass it, for example, through the label, it means it is necessary to burn the body, add it to the mix of arcs, too, only for information. It is used in paralysis and stroke mandatory action to clean the head using the "boat" technique. Neutralizes the impact on the head of the energy matrix. Itself is never used alone
Frequency has a decomposing property. Paired with Firast used in the treatment of 95% of the diseases. Above 3rd SHAON chakra acts as a breaking and cleaning, lower - a breaking, cleaning and treating.
SHAON present in the treatment of liver, kidney, rectum, gynecology and urology. 4 Rectal cancer - Firast + SHAON. Rectum to treat non-contact. The main function of frequency SHAON - the breakdown and excretion of stones and sand. In kidney and liver function should be a contact. The sand from the liver, and kidney stones painlessly out. You can work directly on the two kidneys. Hand position - in the kidney area on the sides. Here the role of the position of the hand does not matter, because we are working with the side meridians. Salt deposits in the kidney removed for 1, 2 sessions. Term elimination of kidney stones, gall bladder stones depends on the hardness, the total power of the person, his karmic load, sometimes on behavioral factors (-15 2 sessions). Sometimes kosmoenerget leaves arc kidneys. Given that the yield of stone and sand is painless to the patient is convinced of the results, it is necessary to send it to the US, or offer to give him standing for urine in a clean pot for 2-3 hours, carefully drain. At the bottom will be a raid, the touch can feel the grains of sand. Stone is usually split up, but in rare cases, the pieces out. Gallbladder. Porous (soft) rocks out painlessly. Solid rocks out with pain. Stones, shot, sink to the bottom of the gallbladder and go with fecal deposits. Out of stones - 15 sessions. Lipoma - deposition of excess fat in the kidney. Firast + SHAON. In the same way you can remove a lipoma head. Sinusitis. When working with sinusitis hands are on the 6th chakra, which is strictly forbidden to work, so when working on sinusitis, just enough to know what we are working. In sinusitis work Firast + + SHAON warms frequency.
Kraon, Julius
Treat all blood diseases, including diabetes, jaundice.
Craon soft frequency Dzhilius - shock. Frequencies work equally. You should start with the work rate of Craon (5 sessions), analyzing the results. With little results, go to Dzhilius frequency. At the beginning of the session corrected the total energy. Lotus opened. Next Clean and treat the liver (blood filters). When the liver is no need to give at the same time the frequency of having a therapeutic effect directly at the liver (Risur, Holy Moses), because the result will be minimal. Then close the Lotus, on the spleen diagonally to Craon (or Dzhilius), leaving an arc. Between 4th 5th chakra, if necessary, to give a surplus frequency (with a closed lotus). When working with the spleen, the cuts are not made, since it is necessary to pump frequency. Kurf
Straighten the child's skull bones in the case of the head of the curve as a result of birth trauma and other reasons. Removal intracranial, intraocular pressure, treatment of glaucoma.
When straightening baby skull work is carried out, provided that not overgrown fontanelle, without contact. When closed fontanelle will be severe pain. Lotus is not touched. When intracranial, intraocular pressure, glaucoma sex work is a contact. It is necessary to stand up to the patient's back, keeping hands, palms up (boat) in the area of the ears. Lotus opened to was the outflow of energy. If necessary, open the chest (to push the shutter as hypertension) to increase the outflow of energy. After the session, the patient is released with an open lotus flower (can open lotus and breast). Lotus will close when power begins to decrease, the chest closes kosmoenerget. If after removal of intracranial or intraocular pressure (frequency Kurf), there is a need to work directly with the eyes by the "eye to eye" (see. Suri-Sanlay) frequencies Ranuli or Suri-Sanlay, further work is carried out after the closing of Kurf frequency. Keep in mind that Kurf does not close completely, so the partially frequency mixing occurs. When working in the eye at the same time channels Kurf and Suri-Sanlay (Ranuli) will have no effect.
In heart disease, flu, allergies. 1
In the treatment of heart are working with the 4th chakra (you need to normalize it to work). Cures any heart disease, including heart defect serdtsa.Kontaktno frequency Ninalis should only work after a heart attack, for the resorption of scarring. At the heart of the arc can not leave, a big load. If information comes to leave the arc, then make it very feeble. When a heart attack on the 4th chakra to any frequency (even eyes). The attack stopped. Raun
Alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction.
A prerequisite for obtaining the result is the desire of the patient. Duration 40 minutes at a closed lotus, with pumping the patient's aura. Smoking. After 2, 3 sessions appears unpleasant mouthfeel. Smokers should have the cigarettes. It is necessary to take into account the factor of environment, for example, a man is hard to quit smoking, if a woman smokes in the house. If he wants to quit the healer should be open Raun on any person who does not want to quit smoking or drinking - the effect will be a healer. Alcoholism is a disease. With the correct dosage frequency, can lead a person to the fact that he will drink moderately or not at all cast. However, as in the previous case, to consider the factor of friends. The result of a photograph of 50%. To optimize the performance, you can make a "board of honor", ie attach to the photo paper, and several patients given frequency for 40 min. . Or to put this "board of honor" in the place where it will always catch the eye, and periodically to give her a hand by Raun frequency. It is also possible charging rate of alcoholic beverages. When charging, vodka, beer, etc., to open the bottle there is no need. After the second bottle the patient starts vomiting. Addiction. Indian hemp, marijuana, marijuana does not produce addiction. If a person has decided to throw, throw and so. When heroin breaking removed completely for 3-4 days. Work every day. Already in the first day of the break-up can be removed completely, but it is advisable not to do so. Clean Freak 2-3 weeks to work with the liver and lungs. If a drug addict broke and came a second time, then kosmoenerget taken to treat it again. When you call the third time, do not take to heal, or he will use the healer to remove the break-up, when they can not get drugs. At the use of psychotropic drugs should be, first of all, find out how long the patient uses them. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the addict never lies. If the period of use of psychotropic drugs is not more than 6 months, then take a cure if more, then refuse or are working in tandem with a psychiatrist. After working frequency is not close!
Holy Jesus
The frequency of treatment works on the joints and catarrhal diseases of the throat, pressure normalization, reduction in temperature.
In the treatment of heart are working with the 4th chakra (you need to normalize it to work). Cures any heart disease, including heart defect serdtsa.Kontaktno frequency Ninalis should only work after a heart attack, for the resorption of scarring. At the heart of the arc can not leave, a big load. If information comes to leave the arc, then make it very feeble. When a heart attack on the 4th chakra to any frequency (even eyes). The attack stopped. Raun
Alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction.
Treatment of joints is carried out the floor a contact and a contact. When non-contact treatment effect is there, but not as positive. Polyarthritis. Treated six months. Hands treat a contact as usual. You can put your hands on the table and work with both hands simultaneously. Similarly, we are working with his knees. It is necessary to put the patient and work on two tribes of contact. Arcs can be parked directly on the two tribes or two hands. After one and a half months the pain go away completely, even if the fingers are curled. When the pain was gone time between sessions can be increased. If arthritis knuckles already deformed and lost their mobility, it can be restored, but straight (as a pianist) fingers no longer do. If complete removal of pain should start massaging each phalanx, and massaged to a little, a little hurt, that is, gradually increasing the load. This is joint friction and formed blood bag. It's not scary, severe pain will not, but the joint is slightly straighten. Catarrhal sore throat (all colds associated with the throat) are treated with a contact. fingers do not connect. Pressure. Hypotension. After starting the chakras, between the 4th and 5th chakras give Holy Jesus on pressure rise. Lotus and do not open well. You can open the Lotus and the well only at the time of the launch of the chakras. Hypertension. The patient can sit. Open Lotus, frequency, well. Primarily this is enough, no need to hurry. After 10 - 15 minutes to measure pressure. If the pressure does not fall open the chest and "shoulder straps". Under hypertensive we open a large well (positive pressure reduction under a healer too well to be opened). At unsatisfactory results of applying forced pressure. We get up to the patient's back, put his hands on her shoulders and pull (like a motor) into the well through you, the pressure for 5-7 minutes. A little tense, and we ran down the pressure energy on the hands, side meridians and through the legs - in a well. If the healer is working correctly, then after a few minutes his legs begin to burn, as if he were standing on hot asphalt. Chest and shoulders close, Lotus left open. If the pressure is not completely shot down, also left open the chest and shoulders. Clean the head (complete cleaning of the head by the "motor-well). Pressure Energy, the only energy that clings to the legs if the dirt is not left in the well. This day energy rises to the head. If a healthy person who never knew that such pressure, the hook legs mud, then a day later he will start to get a headache and the pressure rises. After normalization of pressure (two, three weeks), you can work with the chakras. Lowering the temperature. Temperature is a positive factor. There are diseases which need a jump in temperature, such as diseases caused by virus. When angina, pneumonia temperature decreases at the opening frequency (thermocline occurs). Work is carried out without contact. In the case under the influence of the frequency temperature decreases, and conversely, crawling upwards it is necessary to constantly monitor and, depending on the heart condition of the patient, allow the temperature to rise up to a certain point, which close when the frequency. After 15 - 20 min. reduced temperature. The next day the man is practically healthy. Lowering the temperature of the child. At a temperature of 39 degrees in a child may have seizures. If your child has a temperature crisis, undress the child before the goal, tuck it and maintain frequency. Prepare a cold water bath. If the child is pale, ie Now it has cramps begin, the lower the child's neck in cold water for 4-7 seconds. Clean, clothe, cover with a blanket. The disease is defeated. If at a high temperature in the child's face red (crimson), do not need to worry, in this case, seizures will not.
Holy Buddha
The frequency of working on hernia, scarring, post-surgical scars, broken bones, joints, stomach and gastrointestinal tract tumors. 2
Scar. Working half-track. Scar begins to unravel, restored pigmentation. You can leave the arc. Cuts should not be done, because in this case to give kosmoenerget energy not pick it. Hernia: Umbilical hernia. If the patient - a quiet child with no overgrown fontanelle (approximately 2.5 years), it gives kosmoenerget rate through the hands to the hernia. After 3, 4 sessions hernia will every day, but the child should be dipped for a month. If the child is calm, then a month later the hernia will not, if the child is not calm (screaming day and night), then again naoret hernia. When dealing with a restless child, to be passed between the hands of the frequency from 3 to 5 minutes. Channel powerful, broad. Then we begin to compress it (narrow), as the channel narrowing begin to twist it (give torque) and as a result we get a tourniquet. It employs fancies - imagine that a rubber tourniquet and he stretched. One end of the harness to attach the umbilical hernia, and the other to the spine. Presented - built, and energy begins drawing. So we work 3-4 sessions each day. With adults, we work through the day until the hernia will not go away. It is necessary to warn the patient that during treatment and for some time after treatment, can not be hard to raise. Inguinal hernia is tied to the hip. In the same way other organs made binding, in the case of omission. Omission of the uterus - is attached to the pelvis, the spine can be. The omission of the kidneys - is attached to the clavicle. Right hand front, left collarbone. Wiring 90 degrees - from the hand to the kidney (secondary) from the kidney to the collarbone - the main. Twist the main harness. Hands released - auxiliary harness disappeared. Thus, we can raise any organ, the only thing to do is to calculate where to attach it. Good carry out this operation, our phantom (Phantom frequency operation - Master level). Fracture. If you are working with a fresh fracture (hand in a cast), the bone srastetsya correctly. We work the floor of contact through the day. In case gypsum is removed, and the bone correctly fused, the following occurs: a bone fracture site formed splice point, and the bone grows around the cartilage. Under the influence of the frequency (half-pin), the bones begin to be combined, and the cartilage is resorbed. There splice point fractures themselves, and painless. GIT. We treat a contact without incisions. Joints. Treated, as well as arthritis (see. Holy Jesus).
Holy Moses
It operates at frequency airways, liver, kidney, stomach, gastric cancer.
Patients with stage four cancer of the stomach to take it is not necessary. Airway - light (including cancer, tuberculosis, inflammation), bronchi laying on of hands alternately on the bottom and top of the arc light leaving. Bronchitis - the imposition of hands on the chest, to work every day for three days. When inflammation of the lungs, they need to break frequency. Left hand on the light from the back, with his right hand beat on the left (her) hand and pronounce the name of the frequency. Keep in mind that people with a weak heart, after pneumonia is often a heart attack. The kidneys, liver, stomach (including stomach cancer) treated with laying on of hands. The frequency of mild, so the liver and the kidney works as heals.
Holy Muhammad
The frequency of working on all kinds of allergic diseases, wound healing, warts and Wen destruction, the destruction of the hair in unwanted places.
When the frequency of allergy is a universal, if not, then replace it on Suri Sanlay or Ninalis but Ninalis used rarely, only when the tooltip information channel. Wound healing. With traumatic injuries can run each day can be 2 times a day. Well treated fresh wounds, work the floor of contact. Poorly treated by chemical, electrical burns (with them the best effect gives Faroon-Buddha). Moles, warts. Birthmark on the leg. Zaschepit fingers, as if squeezing it. Skip channel. You can work through the eyes of non-contact. After working in the wart or mole is necessary to make the energy cut. Birthmark on the leg, with no brown head removed more difficult. Moles associated with cancer, birth moles are not removed. When the Holy Muhammad can be painful. Often, the birthmark remains in place, but the resulting outflow of energy dries foot (frequency is a mole and nothing to eat) and after a while it falls off by itself. Wen removed Holy Mohamed + SHAON. In wen is an energy cut. Mustache women - to work together with the frequency of contact Sintra. At the end of the session to do a lot of power cuts, install drainage for energy flow. If we make the cuts during a session and continue to work, they will be closed. The frequency is concomitant with the normalization of hormonal levels. The sutures after surgery. When working with sutures tissue may shift, diverge if it is accompanied by pain, stop working. When spikes pain to endure.
Suri-Sanlay (Sur San)
Work to improve the view. Treatment of skin diseases. Allergy. Gangrene.
Work to improve the view. A prerequisite for the work on the improvement of vision, is to change the patient glasses with glasses with a decrease of 0.25 diopters. The glasses must be of good quality (not Chinese). It is necessary to take into account the factor that one eye in a human worker, other support. The difference between them is about 0.25 diopters. Taking into account this factor should change the glass. If the healer is a problem with vision, the healer to improve their view, is also changing the glass. Changing windows made in about 2-3 weeks depending on the patient's energy. At this time the lens is held in a certain state, working with the patient through the day. When the patient begins to see as well as in the old glasses, glass change. At the first session comes with glasses in less than 0.25 diopters. Working "in the eye" can be with glasses or without them, it does not matter. When the "eye to eye" healer looks at the patient's distracted gaze, in the center of the head behind the eyes. The frequency of this is scattered. Work continues until the cramps, feeling of sand, heat. Work is carried out in a day. When glaucoma works best Ranuli channel. You can alternate between Suri and Sanlay Ranuli. The frequency can be run through the hands. When glaucoma is to make the energy section of the hood and out of the eye by the "motor-well." Results for cataract can be monitored on television, to improve the view - the visibility of the selected font at the same distance. Treatment of skin diseases. If the skin disease given infection in the lymphatic system, treat the blood. This is - first and foremost the liver (Holy Moses Risur). On the spleen give Craon Dzhilius or leaving the arc. Allergy - the analysis of the information received, selected frequency Suri Sanlay (soft) or the Holy Muhammad (drums), Ninalisom work is rarely, if there is a hint for the Midi. Lotus opened. Recommend patient sponge oneself fresh urine (from 10 minutes to two hours, do not rinse). Infectious sudamen - sponge oneself fresh urine. Weeping eczema, purulent diseases. Work the floor pin. In rare cases, the arc leaving. Lotus opened. Gangrene. It often happens fatal. Gangrene is usually the case with diabetes mellitus. When treatment is necessary to restore the total energy, the launch of the chakras. Removing bindings. Work semi-arc of contact with the abandonment. Each disease has its own behavioral function that, with gangrene, leading to a stop of the 4th chakra, so 2 times a day is necessary to support the 4th chakra. Treatment of gangrene begins when the boundary layer appears. The frequencies of the boundary layer dragged down. Before the advent of the boundary layer should work rate Suri Sanlay to prevent tendon injury. Duration of treatment for at least 6 months. In the initial stage of gangrene can cure people's means. Hot liver cow or bull (at the time of slaughter) is cut and pribintovyvayut on the affected area. As a rule, the next day, it all goes away.
The frequency used for scoliosis, deposition of salts, arthritis.
Working with the total energy. After a session of massage the spine, punching frequency. Lotus opened. In the treatment of arthritis - to work for six months of contact. Fingers healer hands must not touch. You can put your hands on the table and the patient to work with both hands simultaneously. With knees can work with each one individually, and with two at once. In addition to the frequency of Holy Jesus. When dealing with arthritis pain passes, but the joints are bent. If the pain disappeared, the patient does not let go. Within 2 years of the patient monitor, giving him total power. When problems with the spine, 7 minutes after the start of the session, the patient begins to make tilts forward and pulls his hands the floor. Under the channel slopes are easier to do than usual. Spina stopped hurting, but sore muscles. The plot of the spine from the neck down (thoracic spine) are the least mobile, so there is power plugs are formed more frequently. This site breaks Faroon frequency.
Treats kidney, liver, all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (infections, poisoning, dysentery, cholera, etc.). Duplicates Holy Moses frequency.
When working at this frequency (as is the case with the frequencies and Craon Dzhilius) should listen to the frequency information. In the digestive tract much overlapping channels, so you need to choose the appropriate power. If at the 3rd session of pain is not passed, it is necessary to change the frequency. RISUR working day.
Frequency works for alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking bindings, botulism.
It applies only if the patient himself is willing to get rid of any kind of binding. All binding - is the brain coding energosuschnostyami, so first of all it is necessary to free the patient from them. Be sure of the time of need the cooperation of patients with a healer. When drug breaking loads of water and give the patient himself. If the addict breaks down 2 times, we can accept it, but if the failure begins to be constant, to refuse treatment, since it just uses the patient to facilitate their health and does not want to work. The main thing when working with such patients - energosuschnosti remove and unlock the brain, so avtivno clean head on each session, write off, carry out explanatory work. Without bringing awareness to how the human nature can not be completely overcome the disease.
The alcohol charge of water channels Firast + Zeus + Sintra or Sintra.
Removing breaking drug addicts channels: Brown Kryon Sv.Iisus, Sv.Budda, Sv.Moisey, Sv.Muhammed
Eye percussion channel works on all eye diseases, including cataract. Severe inflammatory processes of the eye.
The channel is used with TV-Suriy Sanlay. Technique is similar to the use of channel-Suriy Sanlay eyes Appliances eyes. Effective use of postoperative eye patients, alternating channels Ranuli and Suriy-Sanlay. If tezhelo and inflammatory eye disease can be used together with Sv.Muhammed channel. It is always best to start work only one of the channels of the eye. If poorly advance, then you can try to move to another frequency. Alternating frequency after switching to frequency Ranuli only information as percussion channel. And more powerful in impact.
Work against colds, flu, meningitis
Colds, respiratory tract, throat - warms the lungs, throat, through the hands. Flu. The incubation period is 21 days. Kosmoenergeticheskoe treatment - three days. 1 day - total session: contact-Ural. If the patient sits - 30 minutes. Day 2 - any crisis, any improvement. On the third day we fix the result. Meningitis. 40-60 min. Ural contactlessly, preferably 2 times a day.
The channel is used to align and fix the bones of the skull, remove the intracranial and intraocular pressure, eye diseases with different etiology.
Working with the straightening of the skull bones only for children with no overgrown fontanelle. In adults not work. When working with an overgrown fontanelle causes severe headaches. To work with overgrown fontanelle not operate without contact.
When working with intracranial and intraocular pressure pre-clear your head Firast + Zeus. Then attach the Kurf channel (Faroon Buddha + Zeus + Kurf) - work is semi-contact, placing your hands under the patient's ears.
After a hypertensive crisis Kurfom brush head often can not be 1-2 times, then an interval of 7-12 days. If you do not know what to do, do not forget that the channels have a consciousness of themselves and all do.
Sinrah, Sinlah
Frequencies rejuvenation women, men. schitovideoy cancer treatment. Frequency works for the entire hormonal system of man. Solves problems with infertility in both men and women.
Xinli (male) + Tata frequency of hormonal background, working with hormones. Slimming potency. On potency works by 10 percent after 40 years for men to be stable schedule of sexual relations. Sintra (female) + Tata for slimming the skin is tightened. After starting chakra lotus close. Sintra + Tata open for 30-40 minutes for weight loss and rejuvenation. Weight loss begins after the normalization of metabolic processes of recovery. If losing weight is imperative eating only when very hungry. In case of violation of this condition will be no result. Thyroid. Through hands to frequency Firast, SHAON. Then pull method "motor-well." Repeat 3-4 times. Then Tata, Sintra (Xinli), if any of the channels slips (blurts out bad) to work with one channel. Leave the arc, making energy cuts. In a closed lotus pump aura frequencies Sintra (Xinli), Tata or one of them. The tumor can go inside, so tangible results can not be. Send the patient to the ultrasound. The treatment lasts about two months. With the disappearance of the tumor outside, inside she can stay. Caution patient that the treatment prolonged. When working with a patient after the operation (when the tumor grew back) to guarantee the result of 50%. If there will be pain, then stop working.
Titan chakra
The channel is only to start the chakras.
The channel is very powerful, compatible with the treatment unit can be opened during the treatment session. Working channel for the general scheme run chakras 1 to 5 energy centers. When using this channel to watch if a chakra is not started, only use Titanium chakra. All chakras Tynan does not apply. If the grid is run startup mode (Zeus + + Firast Faroon Buddha), Titan is not necessary to use the frequency, or can be divided into the grid, to unbalance it and people will feel bad. When using frequency Titanium 1 day working 3 days and then start the chakras in the usual way. If improvement does not occur again, we use Titanium. Once the power system is in a normal state, the work Titan stop.
EGREGORNY Zoroastrianism
God of faithfulness, the curse, order and justice. God is the Light of the Soul. In Iranian mythology, one of the most famous of the supreme gods. Powerful universal frequency. It works on all possible situations, the realization of intentions. It brings the necessary knowledge. The essence of the frequency - honesty, openness and fairness. It is the energy of the Warrior, teacher, mentor, guide any human activity in the right direction. It promotes the development of the will, intention and awareness. Develops and clairgnosis clairvoyance. It works on a wide range of situations. Especially where you need to order the manifestation, observance of the law and justice, both in personal relationships and in public affairs and associations. If you are someone offended or wronged, refer to Mitre, and it will definitely help you to position the cosmic laws of justice. Your request can be solved quickly and easily, and can and whatever their unexpected way. For example, you suddenly understand the cause of this or that situation ... Or realize what actions are necessary to carry out in order to make your wish come true ... Or Understand what your thoughts hinder get what you want ... or finally comprehend the future outcome that you are guaranteed as a consequence of your desire ... In any case, the work of a given frequency will change your consciousness, your life will become more conscious, and consequently more harmonious. The frequency used for their own development, and to help others. A wonderful guardian for the whole family. Good help in the protection and purification of space, filling it with golden light and realizing its crystal clarity. It is also used if necessary to maintain the space at the time of any other work on the psychological sessions to medical treatments. It helps in achieving your personal goals. It removes necrotic bindings. Effectively used in exorcism to get rid of obsession.
Hubba. Water Goddess. In the vast expanses of Central Asia as a four thousand years ago, and now you can hear the prayer, echoing hymn of the Rig Veda: "So help me holy water ..." Elements of water. The energy of the deep transformation. Washes all the obstacles in its path, carrying for a breakthrough, transformation and change for the better. It has a pronounced healing aspect. Excellent cleans, fills, heals the internal organs involved in the treatment of all diseases. Works great with feminine energy, normalize hormones. It has a positive impact on children's diseases. It relieves stress. It helps all practices to improve the movement of fluids and impulses of the nervous system in the body. Harmonizes the relationship between a man and a woman. It helps to understand its purpose. It gives answers to questions. In men, the boys can work for gaining courage, self-confidence. It activates the natural male and female energy, helps work out your own "I". Cleans and strengthens the decision-making center, V-region. It is used for charging and changing the structure of liquids. The frequency is able to influence the weather, but it requires a responsible approach. Travel Promoter (tracks), the path makes a pleasant and safe.
Sacred Fire energy of fire and its purifying force. Powerful broad-spectrum frequency. Releases the way for a new, burning old, unnecessary, obsolete his term. It helps strengthen the inner core. Removes Negative: anger, rage, resentment, envy, aggression. It removes energy blockages, zakompleksovannost. It helps with depression, improves mood, heals diseases associated with a lack of fire. Neutralize external radiation - the evil eye, damage, curse, etc. Banished energy parasites. It removes all sorts of binding podklyuchki. Cleans a variety of items, rooms and grounds. If you have purity of thought works to attract money (to cheat someone not out), ie. It frees the way to attract money from a variety of obstacles. Influences will center on the intention, removes the obstacles to achieving the objective. When working on the center of the will - a person has faith in itself, an incentive to life, eliminates doubt, there is the sense of life and energy to follow your path.
Deity of the Moon. Moon - mistress of the hidden forces of nature, the heavenly wanderer, lighting our way in the dark. The moon is responsible for the underlying causes of events that affect the underlying unconscious processes, corresponds to the human soul, his subconscious. The energy of intuition. It sharpens and enhances the intuitive perception of the world. It strengthens the power of the spirit, develops the energy body double. Features for reflection, meditation. It helps to achieve altered states of consciousness. With a frequency related feminine controlling nocturnal world and going to bed. It can be used for dreaming and astral travel. The frequency applied for headache, insomnia, for suspension of the internal dialogue, to get rid of obsessions. It works well with blocks, fears and negative programs. It eliminates the loops of consciousness. It soothes the nervous system. It clears the head, removes from depression. Gives a positive attitude, it is a joy, a feeling of elation, mood changes. Good for use before the start of important cases and initiatives. You can use to get information, "knowledge without words." It allows you to achieve sufficient detachment to avoid biased judgment, the effect of their own illusions and expectations to choose the right decision or action. Very good rate when working with the elderly and children. It enhances the ability of indigo children and helps them to live in this world. It contributes to the overall development of abilities to work with the perception of the magical aspect.
Humo. Goddess - Humo bird of happiness is - brings happiness. This legendary bird has gained fame as a symbol of saving power, nobility and self-sacrifice. Energy-being and prosperity. The energy of joy and beauty. The energy of harmony and luck. It promotes growth and movement, leading to the flourishing and prosperity, both spiritual and physical planes. Scope of application is very wide: the harmonization of relations, business development, an interesting job, a business, study, unresolved problems, loneliness, illness, personal development and many others. . Etc. Do not "push" the situation, listen to the signs that will appear in the application of the energy - and you can achieve happiness, luck and prosperity well. Opening with the energy of this frequency, we get into a flow, in which the solution of many problems.
Goddess of fertility, abundance and love the great Iranian goddess identified with the ancient Armenian Anahita ancient Greek Artemis or Aphrodite, ancient Georgian Dali, Diana Roman and Egyptian NIIT. Historians call it the Great Lady, the patron and protector of the land. The energy of fertility, prosperity and well-being. The energy of birth and rebirth. Heals infertility support when child-bearing, eases childbirth, it helps in solving problems related to the education of children and the establishment of a harmonious relationship in the family. It is used wherever there is a lack of fertility forces - whether unproductive work, financial instability, not to yield ground, or male impotence. It relieves stress and restores balance. It helps the emergence and strengthening of love and friendship, marriage and partnerships. Promotes prosperity in the family, harmonization of business situations. Patron of Medicine. In the past, pilgrims were sent to her temples, to be healed. Participates in the healing of all diseases, especially works well in conjunction with the Hubba.
Demon passion and lust. The energy of the life force. It increases combat and erotic potential. It gives appeal. It promotes proper selection of a partner, marriage, friendship, relationship building, to stop the bickering and quarrels. The use of frequency makes it possible not only to attract the attention of the opposite sex, but also to stop potentially dangerous or unwanted act of a sexual or any other kind of violence. When seduction does not go on about the emotions, think about the responsibility and possible consequences. Powerful frequency for a quick stop jealousy attack any real aggression. Well relieves nervousness, especially in the emerging group of people. Productivity at work with more than one person may be dependent on the level of your personal power and attention. It allows you to quickly restore lost sexual energy. It contributes to the accumulation of this energy. As a consequence, it restores libido, and helps to heal the problems in the sexual sphere, both psychological and physical.
God of War. The energy of the unity of opposites and harmony. Energy power and strength. The energy of integrity and destruction. It works on both the destruction and the creation. "The vessel is full of water pour her," sometimes to build something new, old, and sometimes, it is necessary to completely destroy. Yin-yang, white -Black, good - evil, endless dance of Shiva ... The union of opposites, harmonization - the path to transformation. It allows you to find and see in the seeming bad and good sides to strengthen them. Features for reflection and focusing on important decisions. It helps to clarify the situation and push to the right decision. It increases the determination and will to win. It gives force to resolve conceived. Disconnects unnecessary, obsolete communications yourself. It helps in any struggle (from the explanation of the relationship with its neighbor to the showdown with his "I"). It helps make recapitulation of his life. Enhances honest attitude to itself and helps to get rid of their limitations, through their awareness. Removes bindings. It helps when working with entities. It protects babies sleep. Eliminate conflicts, a beneficial effect on the great mass of people, it can even clean the city.
Defender. Powered by correction astral human shells. Powerful frequency global protection of human astral plan. Frequency Essence - I am one, I have many faces. Scope is so wide as you need. The road travel is used as a protective environment that makes you invisible to enemies and challenges along the way. Calms with various phobias (fears). It helps to resolve an internal conflict with himself. Increases and restores the personal power. It works well for the removal of doubt, gaining confidence. Removes blocks binding. Recovers in severe cases. It activates cellular memory inside, inside knowledge. It helps a person to understand his mission on earth. It prevents the invasion of external forces and malware. It helps overcome obstacles as mental and physical. It enhances the ability to anticipate danger. Practice shows that this frequency is better to open after the Zoroastrian other frequency block, if the work is planned to pass ligaments.
The cult of the dead. Powered by the destruction of poltergeists, publicans and the noise in the apartment. Powered by a person from the channel otvyazku deceased. Apply to complete destruction, until they disintegrate fantomal (phantom astral corpse of the matrix). In parallel, work with human consciousness, to explain how to deal with fear, causing contact with phantom or ghost.
The head of the lower astral. A demon from hell. not recommended to come into contact. You can work 1, a maximum of 2 times a year, but remember that the bill will be presented to you for the services. If you work more often then not otvyazheshsya. Because the binding is formed to the lower astral worlds. In other words, you'll be on channel energosuschnostyami and attach to the magic minus egregornym structures.