Psychology body disease

Psychology body disease

Psychosomatics - the term adopted in medicine to refer to this approach to the explanation of diseases in which special attention is paid to the main method of treatment in favor psychotherapy, the aim of which is to establish the hidden to the patient relations between his emotional conflicts and the emergence of symptoms
Each person has their own body's reaction,

The following table shows the main psychological causes of disease. It is worth noting that this is not a universal table and it does not replace traditional medicine, but can be of great help in finding the harmony of mind and body.
Psychology body disease.
Alcoholism, drug addiction.
Unable to cope with something. Creepy fear. The desire to get away from everyone and everything. The reluctance to be here.
A sense of futility, inconsistency. self-acceptance.
Whom you can not stand? The denial of their own strength.
The protest against something that is not possible to express.
Often, parents are often at odds allergy and had a completely different outlook on life.
Appendicitis. Fear. Fear of life. Blocking all good.
Fear. Distrust of the life process. Guilt.
Escape from life, an unwillingness to recognize its dark sides.

The vegetative dystonia. infantilism, low self-esteem, a tendency to doubt and self-incrimination.
Excessive appetite. Fear. Self-defense. Distrust of life. The feverish overflow and getting rid of feelings of self-hatred.
Hypersensitivity. Often represents fear and need for protection. Fear can be a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive. Trust in yourself, to the very process of life, to abstain from negative thoughts - these are ways to lose weight
. Obesity - a manifestation of a tendency to defend against something. The feeling of inner emptiness often awakens the appetite. Eating provides many people a sense of the acquisition. But the soul is not filled with food deficits. Lack of trust in life and fear of life circumstances plunge man in an attempt to fill the spiritual emptiness by external means.

The lack of appetite. The denial of personal life. A strong sense of fear and self-loathing denial themselves.
Thinness. These people do not like themselves, feel dwarfed by the other, afraid of being rejected. And so try to be very accommodating.
Cellulite (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue). The accumulated anger and self-punishment. He makes himself to believe that it does not disturb anything.
Myopia. Fear of the future.
Glaucoma. The persistent unwillingness to forgive. Crushed long-standing grievances. Crushed by all this.
Farsightedness. Feeling out of this world.
Cataract. Failure to look forward with joy. Foggy future.
conjunctivitis. In life, there was an event that caused intense anger, and this anger is amplified fear relive the event.
Blindness , retinal detachment, severe head trauma. Hard evaluation behavior of another person, jealousy, coupled with contempt, arrogance and rigidity.

Dry eyes. The evil eye. The unwillingness to look with love. Rather die than forgive. Sometimes the expression of gloating.
There have a very emotional person who can not live with what he sees.
And who feels anger and irritation, when he realizes that other people look at the world differently.

Head: diseases Jealousy, envy, hatred and resentment
. Headaches.
Underestimating myself. Self-criticism. Fear. Headaches occur when we feel inferior, humiliated. Forgive yourself, and your headache will disappear by itself.
Headaches often come from low self-esteem, and low resistance to even minor stress. A person complaining of persistent headaches, literally consists entirely of the psychological and physical stress, and clamps. The usual condition of the nervous system - to be always at the limit of their capabilities. And the first sign of impending illness becomes a headache. Therefore, doctors who work with these patients, first teach them to relax.
The loss of contact with his true self desire to justify high expectations of others.
The desire to avoid any mistakes.
Throat disease
. Failure to stand up for themselves. Swallowed anger. creativity crisis. Reluctance to change. Throat problems arise from the feeling that we "have no right", and the feeling of inferiority.
Throat, moreover, is the body site where all our creative energy is concentrated. When we resist change, we often have problems with his throat.
We must give ourselves the right to do what you want, not blaming themselves and not afraid to disturb others.
Sore throat - it is always irritated. If it is accompanied by cold, in addition to this, more and confusion.
You refrain from harsh words. Feel inability to express themselves.
You feel the wrath of what can not cope with any situation.
Laryngitis. Anger prevents speak. Fear prevents speak. Above me prevail.
Tonsillitis. Fear. Suppressed emotions. Silencing creativity. The conviction of his inability to speak for themselves and achieve their own to meet their needs.
Longing for Nesbit. A strong need for control. Deep grief. Nothing remained pleasant.
Diabetes is caused by the need to control sadness and inability to accept and absorb the love. Diabetic not tolerate affection and love, although their thirsts. He unconsciously rejects love, despite the fact that at a deep level to experience strong demand for it. Being in conflict with itself, in opposition to himself, he was not able to receive love from others. Finding inner mental tranquility, openness to accept the love and the ability to love - early exit from the disease
. Attempts to control, unrealistic expectations of universal happiness and sadness to the extent of the despair that this is not feasible. The inability to live their lives, because they do not allow (can not) be happy and enjoy your life events.
Inhalation: illness
. Fear or failure to breathe life freely. You do not recognize their right to occupy the space or even exist.
Fear. Resistance to change. Distrust of the process of change.
repressed sexual desires.
He wants too much; It takes longer than it should and gives with great difficulty. She wants to seem more powerful than it is and that endear itself.
Gastric disease.
Horror. The fear of the new. The inability to assimilate new. We do not know how to assimilate a new life situation.
The stomach is very sensitive to our problems, fears, hatred for others and for yourself, dissatisfaction with himself and his destiny. Suppression these feelings, reluctance to admit them, and attempt to ignore "forget" them instead of thinking, understanding and resolution may cause various gastric disorders.
• In other cases, conflict is expressed in the sense of guilt because of the desire to select the power of something from the other. The reason that explains why gastric function so vulnerable to this conflict lies in the fact that the food is the first obvious satisfaction receptive, collective desire. The child's mind the desire to be loved and the desire to be fed are connected very deeply. When in later years the desire to get help from other causes shame or shyness, which is often in the community, the main value of which is considered to be independent, this desire is a regressive satisfaction increased craving for food absorption. This stimulates the secretion of gastric traction, and increasing the chronic secretion in susceptible individuals can lead to ulceration.
Prolonged uncertainty. The sense of impending doom.
Strong outburst in the near past.
Fear. Vice fear.
Heartburn, excess gastric acid indicates repressed aggression. The solution to the psychosomatic level seen the transformation of repressed aggression forces in action active attitude to life and circumstances.
Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
Fear. The firm conviction that you are flawed. We are afraid that not good enough for my parents, bosses, teachers, etc. We literally can not stomach the fact that we represent. We have time and again tried to please others. No matter what position you occupy at work, you may be completely absent self-esteem.
Almost all patients suffering from ulcer exists a deep internal conflict between the desire for self-sufficiency, which they appreciate, and pledged to childhood need to protect, support and care.
These are people who try to prove to all their necessity and indispensability.
People with peptic ulcer disease characterized by anxiety, irritability, heightened sense of duty and a keen sense of duty. They are characterized by low self-esteem, accompanied by excessive vulnerability, shyness, resentment, self-doubt and with it increased demands on himself, suspiciousness. It has been observed that these people tend to do significantly more than can really. For them, the typical tendency to actively overcome difficulties, combined with strong internal anxiety.
Anxiety, hypochondria.
The overwhelming feeling of dependence.
Irritation, anger and helplessness at the same time from trying to change themselves, down to fit someone else's expectations.
Fear not keep within the allotted time.
Anger in the past. Burdened feeling. The inability to get rid of the accumulated problems, grievances and emotions. The joy of life is drowning in anger and sadness.
The fear of parting.
Depressed fear. I must do unloved work. You need something urgently to finish to get some material benefits.
The reluctance to part with old thoughts. Bogged down in the past. Sometimes sarcasm.
Constipation evidence of excess accumulated feelings, ideas and experiences with which a person can not or does not want to leave, can not make room for the new.
The tendency to dramatize an event in the past, the failure to resolve the situation (complete gestalt)

The syndrome of irritable colon.
Infantilism, low self-esteem, a tendency to doubt and self-incrimination.
Anxiety, hypochondria.
Colic. irritation, impatience, dissatisfaction with the environment.
Colitis. Uncertainty. It symbolizes the ability to easily part with the past. Fear of something out of hand. Insecurity.
Fear of losing a significant or to be in a hopeless situation. Anxiety about the future.
Unrealized ideas.
Indigestion. Animal fear, fear, restlessness. Grumbling and complaints.
Belching. Fear. Too greedy attitude to life.
Diarrhea. Fear. Renouncement. Runaway.
Acne (pimples) .
Disagreement with him. Lack of self-love;
The sign of the subconscious desire to alienate others, not to treat yourself. (Ie, not enough self-esteem and self-acceptance, and its inner beauty)
Furuncle. Some specific situation poisons the man's life, causing intense feelings of anger, anxiety and fear.
Neck disease
. Reluctance to see the other side of the issue. Stubbornness. The lack of flexibility.
It pretends that disturbing situation does not bother him.
Irreconcilable antagonism. Mental breakdowns.
Uncertainty about the future.

The bones of the skeleton: the problem. The man appreciates himself only for what turns out to be useful to others.
The feeling that you do not like. Criticism, insult.
They can not say "no" and accused others in that they exploit. For such people, it is important to learn to say "no" if it is necessary.
Artritik - one who is always ready to attack, but it suppresses a desire. There is a significant emotional impact on muscular expression of feelings, which in this case is controlled by extremely strong.
The desire to punish, reprimand himself. Status of the victim.
Man too hard on yourself, do not give yourself to relax, do not know how to express their wants and needs. Too well developed "inner critic».
herniated disc. The feeling that life has deprived you fully support.
Curvature of the spine. Failure to go with the flow of life. Fear and attempts to keep the outdated idea. Distrust of life. The lack of integrity of nature. No courage beliefs.
Loin pain. Unrealized expectations in the area of ​​interpersonal relationships.
Sciatica. Hypocrisy. Fear for money and for the future.
Back: bottom of disease
. Fear of money. The lack of financial support.
Fear of poverty and material disadvantage. I have to do everything myself.
Fear of being used and get nothing in return.

Back: middle part of the disease
. Guilt. Attention is riveted to all that in the past. "Leave me alone».
The conviction that nobody can be trusted.
Back: top of the disease The lack of moral support.. The feeling that you do not like. Control feelings of love.
Blood, vein, artery: diseases
. Lack of joy. The absence of the movement of thought.
The inability to listen to their own needs.
Anemia. The deficit of joy. Fear of life. Belief in their own inferiority deprive the joy of life.
Arteries (problems) The problems with the arteries -. An inability to enjoy life. He does not know how to listen to your heart and create situations of joy and gladness.
Resistance. Tensions. Failure to see the good.
Frequent grief because of sharp criticism.
varicose veins.
Stay in your hateful situation. Disapproval.
The feeling of congestion and crushed work. Exaggerating the seriousness of the problems.
Inability to relax because of the guilt in obtaining pleasure.

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