Rules for the healer
  1. The maximum opening to clean the flow energy of the Creator. Disable emotions, lack of fear, excitement, doubt when working with frequencies. The higher your returns will link, the more you will trust the patient.

  2. Try to see the complete picture of the disease on the cause until the investigation on the physical plane. Work with fears and otsvrascheniem to infections and severe cases, as well as fears of energosuschnostyami. If the fear is - Eton your patient. When recovering patient should be given a replacement vector of interest. Matrix disease (memory of it) it is the same demon.

  3. At the opening of psychic abilities in further work with the frequencies and to the flow of the Creator do nothing yourself, but learning to do and understand everything that is done through you. Those. obey and open his top the healing Logos. If the first does not come out, open tomorrow, as the power system of preparedness in this work.

  4. Absolutely complete giving of oneself while working with the frequencies and to the flow of the Logos. Do not put any conditions, do not feel the altar, or overlaps the power supply channel of the Logos. Only thanks to be in the heart.

  5. Do not expect results. The work - to correct, to help address the causes of saving the soul and revealing the spirit of man.

  6. During the spiritual diagnosis to be here and now, joining himself a moment of time and point in space. It is through such a connection offers access to the cause of the disease. It is necessary to constantly train in the practice of spiritual diagnosis. At this time, no one thought must not take place in your mind. (1-2 min. Without thinking, a very good level kontsentratsii0.

  7. Be responsible before God for his every action, thought, spoken word in the patient's field.

  8. Never invade the human body, if you do not ask about it. Never advertise their capabilities. Sam Parish man is agreeing to healing.

  9. Teach the active assistance of the patient's own body, but do not make a man the work that he must do himself.

  10. Never demonstrate the wonders to anyone, if you do not have the right or you do not want to explain them. (Tk. You will have to look at both the idol) Every miracle is an explanation, ie, knowledge. We can not allow worship of self.

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