About Us

Yana, Astrakhan. 2025.
Before meeting Cosmoenergetics, I did not understand what was happening to me. Two years before meeting you, I sat hanging from a 5th floor window from 12 to 3 am, thinking if the frame would hold up, if I live, if it would not hold up, if I die, something was constantly whispering to me that I had to die. And my head was constantly aching, it was an unbearable state. I would not have been able to get out of there on my own without help.
My very last and only serious choice was to get out from under someone else's pressure and try to live by my own rules. I did it. I am still learning to be aware of my desires.  ......

Tania L, Brazil
I feel very grateful to have met Margarita.  After 10 therapeutic sessions with her, I feel a great shift in my energy and in my life.  When I first came to Margarita I was in a very anxious state.  My mind was constantly bombarded with thoughts and I was having a difficult time concentrating and making decisions. .....

Natalia, Pyatigorsk, Russia
Once on the Internet I have found the site of the Center of Development of Consciousness. Having got acquainted with information about the work of the School of Cosmo Knowledge I decided to take on distance learning, and step by step I carried out all required procedures such as registration and paying tuition fees. It was much easier than I thought.

Maya Z., London
My way to learning

Max, Dublin, Ireland
I have suffered from insomnia for ten years. There was no medication that could help me. I appealed to Margaret for help. After one-hour therapy session in Dublin I had normal sleep for the next 2 weeks. I was waking up cheerful and full of energy.

Marina C., London
With love and gratitude to my Teacher – Margarita.

Dmitri V., Athens
I came to M. Bezan, following my friend’s recommendation, who had completed Margarita’s course of therapy/cleansing and the Initiation several years ago.  For a long time I considered these ideas to be false and unbelievable. Nevertheless I decided to give it a try. The result exceeded all my expectations. It was amazing!

Lyudmila Kr., England
I am a very religious person. For many years I worked in a church, and I know the rules of prayer and Christian rites. I constantly attend church and pray.

Helen E., London
I would like to express my gratitude to Margarita – the healer beyond time. The woman, who helped me to improve my health and change my life, filling it with meaning.

Elena, London
Probably, like all of you, when I was a child I asked myself a question – ‘Who am I, why am I here and what I do in this world?”. Life did not indulge me – I fell and rose again, I searched my heart, and my soul was not at peace. I read a lot of esoteric books, looked through various esoteric schools in the Internet and wondered about sensual abilities, but there was no answer. Energies that were in use in all of these areas were either from the individual, or from the astral levels.

Benyi E., London
It has been nine months since the School of Cosmo-knowledge’s workshop, in which I participated for the first time, wanting to become better acquainted with the activities of the School and of The Center for The Human Consciousness Development.

Veronica N., London
I came to Margarita Bezan with a good friend of mine to keep her company. I did not count on much, and, indeed, badly imagined these types of practices (Cosmoenergy).

Registration for training

Distance learning with certificates.

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