One of the areas studied in the School of Knowledge Cosmo - it Cosmoenergetics.
In recent years the EC is increasingly being recognized and the desire to learn this method is growing steadily. The simplicity and accessibility of the method allows to quickly receive initiation (initiation or attunement that gives access to the use of space chasitotami), however, there are certain restrictions on access to the dedication:
- First of all is the presence of mental disorders in humans,
- availability energosuschnostey,
- capture the negative consciousness egregors
- the young person's age,
- you can not go to kosmoenergetiki to make money, because This leads to a very quick crash like in his personal life and financial.
The state of your energy system and the functionality of your consciousness are determined on the energy diagnostics individually.
If a violation is found, it is necessary to produce the energy field purification structures and to bring the grid to the positive potential of the operation, after which the person is permitted to work with the training frequencies.
A person wishing to engage in QE should know that 42 channels are designed to help a person to solve their key problems of health and personal life, and the EC as a whole is designed to connect humanity with the planetary mind of the Earth, the restoration of lost ties and obtaining new information needed to further evolutionary development of mankind. That is the path of spiritual development. To become a professional in this business, you must know that without eradicating the negative qualities in himself and attempts to form positive qualities in this way does not pass. You just do not miss, because Light is the path, the path of the Spirit is said to be esoteric. But we are not esoteric. We Kosmoznany School, where we use the method as a lever Cosmoenergy deduce grid of low-frequency vibration level and pass on new knowledge-based energoinformatike and cosmic laws of the universe.
Understanding of these processes is given to man as his mental maturation and growth of its level of consciousness, and this is possible only in a phased assimilation of knowledge student.
Cosmoenergy method - it is a serious science, which only began to explore human. Approbation of the method in the world is more than 40 years and today has a wealth of experience which requires systematization and serious study. In our school, this work is more than 12 years, and we pass our experience nakomplenny not as some dedications and sonastroek into the channels, and pass it as a coherent system of knowledge about the person, its functional capabilities as the energy operators working in the Creator apps. Knowledge transfer is carried out both internally and remotely anywhere in the world.
Margarita Bezanidou, Head of the School of faults, psychologist, member of the International Professional Psychotherapeutic League, Progressor Cosmoenergy.
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