Session work
Seminars and trainings conducted by the School of Cosmos

- Energy-information exchange Man-Universe. Impulse rings of man and the Universe.
- Spiritual healing in the Christian egregor. Vibrational keys of the centers used in Cosmoenergetics and in healing with Christian prayer. Prayer complex of Ignatius Brenchaninov. (seminar – training).
- The doctrine of Ascension, what is it from the point of view of Cosmoenergetics (a series of lectures).
- Transformation and transmutation. Human memory banks. Working with memory banks to cleanse karmic programs.
- Cosmic laws of the Universe.
- Traps and viruses of human consciousness.
- Hierarchical systems of the Universe. Negative and Positive Systems of the Universe.
- Hierarchical structure of the Universe. Civilizations of the Dark and Light rings of the Universe. Civilizations of the Ring of the Great Glow.
- Establishing contact with your spiritual mentors. (Educational seminar-training).
- Energy-information exchange with the Universe. Contacts and contacting. Types of contacts.
- Impact of the Negative Energy System on a person. Partial and complete biorobotization of a person. Methods of protection from the impact of the minus system.
- Spirituality. Spirituality. Step-by-step formation of the Human Soul. Energy structure of the Human Soul.
- MERKABA - the body of Light. Construction of energy-information fields of the body of Light. (information material).
- Cosmoenergetics as a method of energy therapy. The essence of the method.
- Working with genetic codes of human DNA. "DNA healing. Techniques and practices for changing the genetic code of human DNA" (two-day seminar).
- "Minus energy. Working with field parasites".
- Symbol - the language of space. Symbols and signs in human life.
- . "Cosmoenergetics - as an energy-information exchange - Man-Earth-Space. Express method of therapy and spiritual development".
- "Types of energy-information lesions. The dangers of meditation and hypnosis".
- "Egregors. Egregor and human consciousness. Human dependence on energy-informational Egregors"
- Money and human spiritual development (training seminar).
- Money, why there is not enough of it. The energy of money.
- New in cosmoenergetic practices (two-day training seminar).
- Techniques and practices that promote the development of human parapsychological abilities (training seminar).
- Techniques of astral protection (training seminar)
- Human cosmic clock, human life programming.
- Energy diagnostics. Energy-informational lesions of the aura (training seminar with a photo of the aura).
- Managing the energies of subtle planes. The possibilities of your consciousness (training seminar).
- Transition 2012. How to survive in the new energies of the coming era.
- Development of human civilization under the control of the Higher powers.
- Mistakes of the Spiritual path (2-day seminar).
- How to be heard by God.
- The impact of psychotronic weapons on humans. Methods of defeat and technologies for unlocking and purifying human consciousness using cosmoenergetic practices.
- Practices for working with DNA genetic codes and opening heart limits. Seminar-training.
- Techniques of energy protection yesterday and today. Working with thoughts.
- Solving human problems by influencing the subconscious.
- Who is who in the world of esotericism. The history of the causes of occultism and Magic.
- Psi-terror. Psi-technologies. The history of origin and the situation today. Methods of protection and counteraction.
- Shamanism and Totems. Analysis of the impact on consciousness. Understanding the processes of influence and interaction in shamanism.
- The forces of the Earth and the possibilities of their use. Cosmoenergetics - and various forces of egregor structures. 2-day seminar.
- Functional capabilities of your subconscious (seminar-training). Practices for entering the subconscious at various frequency ranges of the brain in an altered state.