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What does marriage give to a person?

Question from a patient: What does marriage give to a person? Answer from M. Bezan There are different kinds of marriage. -Civil, when people live together by mutual consent. - Administrative, when the marriage is registered in social organisations (registry office). - Ecclesiastical, where the rite of marriage is celebrated. All three are recognised by God when both people entering into such a union are free from other relationships and have no other bond in their souls. This means that they are necessarily free from feelings, emotions and soul experiences towards another person. If a person is not free of such feelings, he cannot create a normal relationship with the next partner. This is the development of new karmic debts. The rite of marriage should be performed only for free souls and never as a tribute to fashion or tradition. Marriage is a mutual exchange of energies and a connection of a couple on subtle levels. Apart from the fact that the energy monads of the partners are linked in a programme, the Creator gives an advance of energies for the creation of a family under this programme. The souls should go to conscious union. But as soon as it happens with a violation, this energy is not used for the intended purpose and there is a record of a failure in the programme. As a result, the actions of the partners are recorded as an energy debt. Later, all the energy debts (sins) are worked out by a person through situations. These are exactly the karmic programmes on the 4th energy centre that we talk about in our energy diagnosis when we analyse the DNA programme. If 2 souls do not consciously go for the connection, but are led by various mercantile ideas or benefits, if the law of free choice of the soul is violated, then new records are made on the monad of each of them. This record - as a problem in one's personal life - is passed down through generations to one's children. That is why almost everyone today has these problems in their family or their parents' family. Initially a person does not function according to a programme of which he is not even aware. If the monadic bonding through marriage is done correctly, then in the future such people are monogamous and the experience of the soul is passed on to the children. It is like swans, one mate for life and even after the death of the swan's mate it is no longer mated. A human child born with this quality of soul cannot have partners only on the basis of sensual sexual instinct, it will not bring him pleasure. It is difficult for him to find a similar quality of monogamy in life. No one in educational institutions gives a concept of these processes. The offices of psychologists do not solve this problem either. Everything is based on the knowledge of the laws of the subtle-material structure of a person and his programmes. To sum up what has been said, let us generalise once more. Marriage is an energetic union of two monads - male and female - which results in a permanent conscious energetic contact. Whatever happens to one is instantly felt and understood by the other, regardless of distance, who knows what is happening to the beloved at that moment. All information is immediately read by the other partner. One owns the other, there is mutual support and mutual influence of one on the other. This programme is designed to increase the progress of development. If the united monad gives a more productive result, it is an increase in quality by combining the two potentials. This is how it was conceived and you can see for yourself what is happening today. Contact us E-Mail: Ask your question What’s App: (смс) Россия : +7988 5168811, Греция : +30698 7330149, + 447706970347

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