About Margarita Bezan
About Margarita Bezan

Margarita Bezan

Head of the Center Consciousness Development and Cosmo Knowledge School in London. A professional psychologist, and a spiritual healer with more than 30 years of experience when it comes to working with people. During these 30 years of practice and healing, M.Bezan has gathered vast experience in different areas, coupled with psychology.

Studying medicine during her days at university has allowed her on the basis of the knowledge gained to develop her work with the people using traditional healing methods. Since 1994, the practice of traditional healing combined with the work of prayer and the study of Christian doctrine has grown. Gradually the awareness and understanding of the processes that occur emerged during the healing. We must understand that when working with people what is required for a complete healing is contact with the higher spiritual principle, rather than private high-frequency energy. Search for this contact started in 2000. In Cosmo Therapy. After completing training at the School of Cosmo Energy led by E.Bagirova, M. Bezan took up the study of psychosomatic medicine which involves various energy-processes of the body, parapsychology, astrology, and even quantum physics.

 In 2003 she was trained by VA Petrov, who stood at the origins of Cosmo Energy and then went on to further training, integration and systematization of this knowledge.
Gradually she came to understand such processes of the cosmological structure of the universe, along with various cosmic laws of the universe and the metaphysical process of being. Only after understanding the basics of spiritual healing she then began to work on the liberation of the human mind and consciousness from viruses in the human egregors.

On the basis of constantly receiving new knowledge and techniques which are constantly being improved today by working with people, there is acceleration in terms of the withdrawal of a person from difficult situations and relief from serious diseases. After cleansing the human energy system and putting in order the mind, a person can transfer the knowledge and experience they have gained during many years of their work period with M.Bezan.

Students of the School of Cosmo Knowledge by M.Bezan are now working in many countries, carrying their knowledge and passing it on.

  1. Treatment of individual organs and systems of non-traditional methods of treatment using new techniques energoterapii, methods of alternative medicine and spiritual healing. Disease to be treated, with which traditional medicine can not cope.
  2. Liberation from all kinds of neuroses, stress, depression, mental imbalance. Restoring memory, learning ability, Relief from chronic fatigue syndrome, assistance in finding inner peace, balance and inner balance of the psyche (New techniques developed M.Bezanidou)
  3. Visceral chiropractic in symbiosis with energoterapiey – new healing technology that solves any problems with health. Practices that enable rapid healing.
  4. Vibration and pulsation therapy , with the energy techniques and practices. Rejuvenating and normalizes hormonal frequency used in conjunction with cosmetic procedures, when dealing with cellulite and weight loss.
  5. Liberation from any kind of drug and alcohol addiction (only with the desire of the patient), using individual techniques and practices developed by the author, psychocorrection patient spiritual healing. Work is carried out both individually and in a group.
  6. Education practitioners of power protection and rapid recovery of the energy of the whole organism.
  7. Working with energy codes of DNA . Dealing with karmic programs. This work aims to expand your consciousness and is based on energy-kosmoznany and knowledge that a person needs to acquire in order to change something in their lives. Work carried out individually, group and on-line, depending on the time and distance capabilities of the man.
  8. Conducting professional diagnostics on the human energy field to determine the presence of genetic (karmic) rights program, various kinds of destructive energy bindings and negative destructive energy-programs from people and Egregors. Destruction of adverse effects on human and correction of the field structure then influences. Photos aura before and after treatment, confirming the results of the work.
  9. Energy cleaning of premises, offices, industrial premises and facilities. Determination of geopathic (negative) zone in areas affecting health and human psyche, which can cause diseases such as cancer, various types of chronic diseases, not amenable to medical treatment. Locking (closing) these zones. The recommendations allow to remove the impact of geopathogenic zones on the human energy field.
  10. Conducting educational activities among the population:
    - educational workshops on energy and energy structure of man;
    - conducting professional seminars on Kosmoznaniyam (Cosmic Laws of the Universe and their functioning in a person's life);
    - transmission of energy-knowledge;
    - training seminars and trainings on Cosmoenergy and alternative methods of treatment of people (Healling);
    - training psychic development of human capabilities, capacity to remove the information from the information field of the Earth.
  11. Online line for non-residents  - distant healing and training from anywhere.
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