9th to the 18th of January 2017 Greece, Athens
9th to the 18th of January 2017
The School of Cosmo Knowledge in Greece, Athens
Field work on 13th – 14th of January 2017.
Lektor - Margaret Bezan
We will be holding a 2-day seminar on the theme of: "Education - Answers to questions with Cosmo energists and practitioners from different schools."
We invite all those that wish to acquire new knowledge on the method of Cosmo-energy and understand various issues within themselves. The seminar will include information on energy-knowledge, but not in full detail as it may not be fully understood in such initial cases. This knowledge can gradually come to the practitioner as they mature, and only when used properly in conjunction with various technologies.
By transmitting our knowledge you can help practitioners and other individuals involved in such practices to better understand the world of energy with which they work. By whom and where is this energy transmitted to us, what is the amount of energy needed for each practitioner? Why do we have black Cosmo-energists and what do they do? What are the difficulties in the way for the ascendance of the Spirit and much more…
We will also address the issues of work at the level of a beginner Cosmo-energist – the possibilities and limits on the level of master – both the increased frequency of the master at work and removing the tension, as well as how to work at the level of the master with different patients. Virtually none of the schools today understand what the Master level is and what this entails.
We offer our students to understand in detail all these issues and form their own holistic knowledge of the method. Furthermore, anyone can verify the quality of their own structures and channels.
The seminars are designed for 2 days with approximately 3-4 hours daily. After the end of the workshop we will also hold energy therapy sessions for seminar participants and to everyone open to them in Greece. The session can be connected on-line as well after pre-registration and payment.
By appointment on other days we can continue to carry out individual or collective work:
Diagnosis, counseling and cleaning/wellness sessions with the public
Writing and additional information can be given through our representative in Athens
For information and reservations, contact the organizer Avzidou Irina, Tel: 6984517787 (10:00-21:00)
If you need information on the seminar topic, contact Mary Markou, Tel: 6045241276 (10:00-20:00)
School of Cosmo Knowledge: Mobile Contact: 00447706970347 or e-mail info@cosmotherapy.org
You can also visit our site for more details on the levels of knowledge that can be transferred. www.cosmotherapy.org
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