Information for users
Information for Users


Knowledge of the Hartman grid is available to everyone today.

Hartman's sect is the energetic points of tension on the surface of the earth.

Any planet in space has certain energy points on its surface, which are called the geo-pathogenic zones (GPZ). People today know that staying at such a place or territory for a long time can be accompanied by deterioration of health, distortion of the spatial-temporal continuum and various sensations of displacement in the surrounding space.


This doesn't concern just Earth. This is how all the planets in our solar system, as well as the entire material universe of the Creator, are arranged. This is the so-called 'cosmic mechanics' of building material planetary complexes in the Universe.

Any planet has certain points of altered energy status, which is collected within scientific data. At one time, Sir. Hartman studied this problem. He mapped the Earth's surface by overlaying, which could more or less accurately determine such zones on any continent. He determined that there are places where a person can feel good, and in others feel bad and sometimes even very bad. The approximate distance along the squares of the Hartman grid is on average from 2 to 8 meters, depending on the continent or part of the planet.


The most favourable places are those that are inside the cells, and the worst in the intersection sites.

The behaviour of animals is also very interesting and connected with this fact (as dogs and cats can behave differently - this could even be seen in ancient customs). Dogs for example, cannot withstand the bad energy of the places in the cross-hairs and will never go there. With cats it is the opposite. A cat can withstand the negative energies of the geopathic zones for a long time without harming itself. But for a person it is very important to consider where we sleep and where we work for an extended period of time.

For example, if your chair or bed is in a gas treatment facility, then the person in this place will suffer - i.e. being unable to sleep, experience anxiety, tachycardia or develop various phobias that are inexplicable from a general point of view.

However, it may be enough to move the chair or bed 40-50cm to the side, and everything could be normalised, as this beam of negative energies passes by.

At one time this was a closed subject, but work was being conducted in the United States and the USSR. Especially a lot of work on this topic appeared when skyscrapers were built in America. it turned out that it was impossible to simply block this glowing point of certain radiations. Neither the reinforced concrete structure, nor the metal, nor alloyed steel, nor aluminum sheets can block this radiation - everything is useless. Overlap studies were conducted in the USA with up to 100 floors. Still, even with the given height of buildings, radiation fluxes were determined to have the same impact on a person as the top just as at the bottom. The Americans tried to thicken the walls, made various overlaps, but nothing worked, the radiation passed, and the only way out was to leave the point of origin.

 Based on this knowledge, it is safe to say - this is why people in certain homes can become overwhelmingly sick with cancer, where such radiation constantly goes through all the floors. The dimensions of the points of negative radiation can be fixed in a very wide range from 35 cm to 1.5 meters. And this takes shape as a square, not just a singular point. Now you can start to logically understand how high-rise buildings are being built in the modern day and how urban areas are being built as well.


Every person needs to know and understand that there will definitely be GPZs in their home. In connection with obtaining this information, we recommend everyone to analyse the place in which they sleep. Symptoms in such areas in humans can be very wide ranging from oncology to psychosis, and it is useless to treat such diseases without fixing their origin point first, because negative effects on the human body are constantly occurring, and whatever you do, a long-term disruption of energy and negative effects on the body’s cells will still be the cause of any problem.

The aetiology of such diseases is not clear for doctors, but we identify such areas in the energy diagnostics of a home.



If you do not know how to use the frame, then you need to call a specialist and conduct a survey of your home, so as not to have problems with your own health and the health of your loved ones. It is also necessary to check the house for the presence of electromagnetic fields and background radiation, which also leads to health problems and is not treated by doctors. If there are constantly switched on cameras, telecommunication towers and other irradiating devices, then it is necessary to use energy-information technologies for the correction of the matrix after such influences.


NATURE OF RADIATIONS in Geo-pathogenic zones.

1. Ascending energy flows - flows going up from the earth.

These can cause more diseases relating with damage to the blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system, or the digestive organs. In the central nervous system, there may be malfunctions in the higher autonomic regulation centres of the body which can lead to over excitement or a general chaos in thoughts. But big health problems do not really tend to arise. When a person does not sit in such a place for a long time, there will be no special problems. These energy flows can however also be neutralised with trees, such as a birch or an aspen. An aspen is able to absorb negatively powerful energies very well. Therefore, it is also not recommended to hold on to the stem of an aspen for long periods of time. A birch in this respect would be better as it removes and neutralises negative accumulations in bio-energy.

2. Downward flows of energy.

THESE ARE VERY DANGEROUS. Flows that spiral from top to bottom. Long exposure in these zones can cause various blood problems. Being pregnant is especially dangerous for pregnant women. As a rule, a long stay in such places can result in the underdevelopment of the fetus or dead children being born.

3. Neutral flows of energy - when the earth's surface is calm. This is an ideal place for sunbathing, swimming, recreation and other activities. These things are very important if you plan to build a house, furnish a dwelling or any other activities. Wherever people are based, these factors must be taken into account. New buildings today are dangerous because these things are absolutely not taken into full account, and in general are not even considered when designing residential areas. And if you take into account the fact that both electrical wiring and cables may be connected incorrectly there is even a bigger danger. These issues can become chronic and not treatable.


Knowledge of hazardous energy flows is the basis of any human activity. Even if you come into a place for a few hours, it is advisable to check this place anyway. After all, even the height of the building cannot save you from any negative impacts such zones may have.


(To be continued...)


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