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The teachers of humanity who are they?

According to the laws of development envisaged for the entire Universe of the Creator, there are rules or laws by which a person is educated. Their mind and consciousness develops from such rules. For this, Experts always have certain Essences, which are the ‘Masters of Humanity’. Their task is to gradually educate the consciousness in the right evolutionary direction of development according to their program.

For our planet, 54 of them were created. These are field-biological self-developing entities (FBSD), possessing powerful consciousnesses. These field entities are the Teachers of Humanity. Their mission is to train a person for the entire period of their planetary development. As a rule - these are cosmic cycles. They are able to work at all levels of the planetary complex and create field monads and biological matrices. If necessary, they can be materialized in the physical body to carry out certain work, but mostly they always function within the ‘energy’ state.

These 54 teachers of mankind were created specifically to give a person knowledge, gradually bringing complex things to a person’s understanding by gradual transition from simple to more complex images via multiple complications.


How does this happen?

Since the moment of its creation, the human consciousness is not able to function at the 5th energy-informational level, where information is encoded in complex symbols and images. These images are inaccessible for understanding at low levels of development. For example, the chemical formula of students in grade 9 cannot be understood in grade 1. For this, the Human Essence is given to help humanity, who can do this by breaking these images into smaller pieces of information. Teachers in parts, in portions, transmit information in the form of images and concepts to lower levels, gradually inserting information into people's awareness. They follow the gradual development of the consciousness and mind of humanity. All information is transmitted gradually and consistently. There are laws of information transfer and laws of information prohibition. All this, is clearly monitored and controlled by the very consciousness of the Earth. The Consciousness of the Earth has mechanisms to control and influence the learning processes. There have always been 54 teachers on Earth.

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It is not superfluous to remind that information is energy. There is no separate information from energy. The more complex the information, the more high-frequency it is and vice versa. The human brain is not able to read the high-frequency vibrations of the higher planes, but Teachers could do it. Now this work on the planet is not being conducted, and now our Teachers do not make any contacts at all. Today, at the end of the next program period, all 54 essences are combined into a monad mind, they create a field matrix which will be transferred to another program of life in the new planetary development cycle. Ying activity is now terminated altogether. So, the so-called contacts and channelling with which the Internet is now filled is fantasy on the free theme of people with connections from the 3 informational levels of the planet.

There is a lot of misunderstanding due to the lack of correct images in the human mind, and no one can be blamed for this, except for the people themselves who have followed the wrong path of development.

Sightings of the right knowledge are scattered everywhere. A person who wants to understand, begins to search and systematize the knowledge gained. With the ability to use intuition, a person can develop the ability to read the correct information. So gradually, a person forms the correct view of the world and the so-called ‘system knowledge’ appears. As a rule, a person cannot ‘breakthrough’ in the world of false ideas and conjectures. The earthly teacher must first appear, which makes it possible to understand the sea of ​​false information. So gradually the consciousness is brought to the right sources of information.

Human development always takes place under the control of certain programs, the violation of which leads to problems in the student's life.

When a person has a desire to embark on the path of searching for spiritual knowledge, there are many traps prepared for the consciousness. We speak about this in our training from seminar to seminar, when a person comes to our School to study. But the main thing that everyone needs to know is that without a teacher of the Earth, no one can ever master knowledge and it is impossible for anyone to independently figure out the avalanche of information debris without systematizing knowledge. But on the other hand, it is very easy to get a connection from the subtle plane, not only astral, but also mental.

We conduct many consultations and discussions on these issues. Constantly we are approached by people who studied in different schools, but who have not yet understood the many issues that concern them or misunderstand something.

For anyone who wants to understand or systematize existing knowledge, we are always open to continuing the dialogue and learning.


Our contact details:


Tel./WhatsApp +447706970347

The Author of the article is the Head of the School - M. Bezan


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